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The "What Are You Thinking About Right Now?" PIP


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48 minutes ago, RIP_Cabrini_Green said:

Wow. David Cameron's head will be the first to roll, right? It has to I would think...

He literally gambled the country's future to win one election. He's gone. 

The problem now is that someone worse than him (and that's hard) is going to take over when he resigns. 


I'm preparing for doomsday. My funding is gone. My plans for the future are wrecked. I should probably sleep.


@PinkCouture I saw his video on the Scottish referendum and found it funny even though I support their independence, I hadn't seen this one! Thank you for the laugh in the midst of such chaos :heart:

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17 minutes ago, Michael* said:

I can honestly say that I've never felt less British than I do today. This is a disaster.


Why is that?  I don't see much reason for the British to be in the EU.  The primary benefactor is the banking sector in London and british multinationals, which don't have to pay currency translation costs and hedging.  There will be short term 'transition' crisis but long term it should benefit the british as they no longer have to deal with getting taxed by the EU's agenda.


The markets have been preparing for Brexit. I  spoke to traders yesterday that basically expected Brexit to fail and put a lot of positions betting on it. Most of the US news flow thought Brexit was BS.  This is really an upset and a major failure by the American media (which fails all the time, regardless).


But the british economy is not that significant for us in the US.  They are only 3.5% of global GDP and maybe only 3-4% of US SP500 earnings flow from British exposure.





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8 hours ago, HitchcockBlonde said:


@PinkCouture I saw his video on the Scottish referendum and found it funny even though I support their independence, I hadn't seen this one! Thank you for the laugh in the midst of such chaos :heart:



I think with one "F*ck you EU" at the end would have made the song perfect :p




It is a political shit-storm year, ehh?  :ninja:

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32 minutes ago, Michael* said:

I can honestly say that I've never felt less British than I do today. This is a disaster.

Isn't it just a referendum? The government has to do it because 51% wants it?

More than 60% of people in Scotland said "no" North Ireland said "no" at more than 50%.

Even London said "no" when all the other cities around said yes. The referendum is kind of a joke to me.




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Can't Scotland have another vote to not remain part of the UK now that they are leaving the EU, wasn't one of the big reasons they stayed last time because they wanted to remain part of the EU?


I think a cheap trip to London is in the books in the near future, also @frenchkiki I can't stop watching your ava & sig

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