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2016 SI Swimsuit


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Meh, I got Babs to ogle on this year, Cami can go play in the sand box.


Hey, doesn't Taylor Swift have one of those breeds of cats? :D


We actually had cats MANY years ago but the one that had kittens ran away and the other was trampled over by a car :/ He's buried at a local church though, that cat I do miss. He was even fatter and fluffier than Lyla's cute kitteh :D


EDIT ADD: Nice share foofur...I wonder what the SI team is saying RIGHT NOW with the catness going on :laugh:

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I had another cat but he ran away home to get married and never came back. He was a tuxedo cat. He was big got to weight 10 pound  Too bad I lost his photo. I think I end up giving it to my grandma. 

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6 minutes ago, Prettyphile said:

RIP Tomi! :heart:  Baby boy you can go hang out with my Scooby

Sorry for your loss hun. I take the death of best friend (animal) harder then I do with humans (is that sad?)


 Thanks Pretty! He was my cousins' cat and they're still kids (they think he simply left and found another home). They've asked for his return as their only Christmas gift and God, did that break my heart! :cry:

It all depends on how close you're to the human from my experience. Pets are more trustworthy than humans in terms of friendship. :D

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45 minutes ago, Prettyphile said:

RIP Tomi! :heart:  Baby boy you can go hang out with my Scooby

Sorry for your loss hun. I take the death of best friend (animal) harder then I do with humans (is that sad?)


I'm sorry for all the kitty losses I've read. Everyone's kitty pics are so adorable, and thank you for sharing them.



I had my last cat for 20 years, and she got sick and we had to help her to the rainbow bridge. That was between 13 and 15 years ago. 
She was a tuxedo, before they became tuxedos.  Her name was Sally, and my brother brought her home the night that Regan got elected to office. I called her my republi-cat. 

She had lost half her teeth on one side of her mouth, was declawed,  and with that handicap, she was the best mouser we ever had. :war:


She had the distinction of loving my allergic to cats (then boyfriend) husband. She was the only one who didn't set off his allergies and asthma! And she'd climb onto the bed with us and one time she curled up on his chest while he was sleeping. Didn't bother him one bit. It was soo cute!

I miss her alot, she was a bitch, and knew it. But, she also would be selfless with her love too. Damn I miss her alot. :cry2:

Since Indy died, I've wanted a cat, or two. But, someone how we live with hates cats with a blind passion.  :lame:  Though, there are some neighborhood cats that hang out at times in the back yard. One of them will even walk up to me to say hello if I'm out there and he is.  He's a persian and tabby mix I think. He looks like a persian, but marked like a tabby and his face isn't so squenched up.




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Sorry for your loss both for Indy and Sally, @CandleVixen. At least, you got to say your goodbyes. :hug:


I think that's the beauty with cats: they give this impression of being bitches and that they don't care but they do.

My aunt had surgery one time and while she was at the hospital, Tomi would sit on her side of the bed and stay there all day. When she came home to recuperate, he'd sit at her bedroom door all day until she came out.


I used to hate cats with a passion because of some bad experiences I had during childhood, but Tomi forever changed my opinion about them.

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12 hours ago, Prettyphile said:


Sorry for your loss hun. I take the death of best friend (animal) harder then I do with humans (is that sad?)



In some extent, i totally get what you mean, and i pretty much feel the same ...

As @foofur16 said, our little friends are trustworthy, i can't tell better.


I'm more a dog person, but kittens are better than spiders, that's for sure :D

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