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24 minutes ago, medicenevs said:

Can Kelly stop? She's freaking me out.

I'm just waiting for her IG to be flooded by people telling her to slow down the workouts and take a day off at the very least? GF isn't helping her body, and when she gets older she's going to feel every single ache and pain from obsessively working out in her 20's... I danced from about the age of 3 (mom thought ballet was a good idea) until about 25. It was a 6 day a week, 3/4 hours a day thing from 12 to 25. Many years later I suffer major ankle pain (I tore the ligaments in my right ankle three times, and my left knee twice), as well as lower back,  and tendon pain because I didn't stop. Its manageable pain (I don't take pain meds), but I still live with it daily, and that's not fun.

I wish someone would have told me to let my body rest, heal and get stronger before going so hard again.

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17 minutes ago, Prettyphile said:

I'm just waiting for her IG to be flooded by people telling her to slow down the workouts and take a day off at the very least?


A quick look through her comment section and it doesn't seem that is happening any time soon...

Most comments seem to be on the line of "you go girl!" and stuff.

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55 minutes ago, Prettyphile said:

I'm just waiting for her IG to be flooded by people telling her to slow down the workouts and take a day off at the very least? GF isn't helping her body, and when she gets older she's going to feel every single ache and pain from obsessively working out in her 20's... I danced from about the age of 3 (mom thought ballet was a good idea) until about 25. It was a 6 day a week, 3/4 hours a day thing from 12 to 25. Many years later I suffer major ankle pain (I tore the ligaments in my right ankle three times, and my left knee twice), as well as lower back,  and tendon pain because I didn't stop. Its manageable pain (I don't take pain meds), but I still live with it daily, and that's not fun.

I wish someone would have told me to let my body rest, heal and get stronger before going so hard again.

I know the struggle, sister. I was in dance class from the age of 5 to 17 and in swimming class from 13 to 17. Swimming class from 2 to 5 and then straight to dance class from 6 to 8, all over doctor orders because I have scoliosis (not severe to the point I need surgery but yeah). But I quit because I was going to start college and my schedule changed. Then the nightmare started, I really pushed myself to the limit because time to time I get this pain on my lower back that sometimes I'll be sitting and then try to stand again and I will be unable to walk for a few minutes with everytime it happens, I get scared as fuck. I'm 21 now and seeing Kelly overworking herself for no fucking reason is really scary.

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1 hour ago, Clauds said:

I'm pretty sure they won't have any visa issues this year since the show is in the US and most of singers already have their paperwork set and done in the US and some of the likely performers are American anyway. 


I mentioned the visa issues of last year to give context, not because I thought they would have them, I know it is unlikely.


I just think that, imo, behind everything is a great chaos because they haven't had the things in date as they planned :idk:

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Kelly is clearly fucking up her body, and she clearly doesn't care at least while having her 3 workouts a day. Last year gf injured her foot and she kept going. Is clearly she's not going to stop for some comments. She need help, but real help from people close to her.

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I'm just waiting for her IG to be flooded by people telling her to slow down the workouts and take a day off at the very least? GF isn't helping her body, and when she gets older she's going to feel every single ache and pain from obsessively working out in her 20's... I danced from about the age of 3 (mom thought ballet was a good idea) until about 25. It was a 6 day a week, 3/4 hours a day thing from 12 to 25. Many years later I suffer major ankle pain (I tore the ligaments in my right ankle three times, and my left knee twice), as well as lower back,  and tendon pain because I didn't stop. Its manageable pain (I don't take pain meds), but I still live with it daily, and that's not fun.

I wish someone would have told me to let my body rest, heal and get stronger before going so hard again.


Apparently Kelly's father used to be a footballer and I seem to recall her mentioning that her mother is a doctor (but I might be remembering that wrong), you would think they would tell her a thing or two about the dangers of over-exercising. Of course, maybe they did but she didn't listen. ;)

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Man, y'all talking about childhood injuries, and I'm here envying y'all for being able to pick up so many classes still :rofl:. I feel like I have an unaccomplished childhood because I spent my childhood days playing PlayStation and computers when I should be picking up ballet, learning French or going out and playing sports with kids.


Now I'm diagnosed with glaucoma, genetics inherited from my dad and my doctor has restricted me from a lot of activities. No underhead, overhead movements, that means I can't do stuffs like yoga, pilates, dances that involve rigorous underhead movements, even swimming should be considered carefully because the activity itself places pressure on my eyes. Even gymming is a challenge now, I have to stick to moderate weights, the heaviest I should go are the ones that make me feel moderately challenged, not the ones that require a ton of strength. So no more powerlifting, compound movements like squats, deadlifting or chest barbell press either :rofl:. I just stick to basic dumbbell stuffs, calisthenics are probably the worst for me now. Heck, no more planking. The only thing that people recommend is aerobics or cardios like jogging.


I said too much. Going back to Kelly, this might sound mean, but Kelly would probably only learn the importance of wellbeing when she's sustained a injury or pulled a muscle. At the rate that she's going, it seems like she prides more about overworking than moderation. And I almost feel sorry for her that getting rejected by VS for having reasonable workout regimes is apparently less important than ensuring she doesn't pull a muscle or two. And yes, I've injured myself lifting weights too, my left shoulder has an old injury that sticks with me for life and I have to live with it. But I guess it goes to show you that Kelly is obsessed with fame, and it has to be VS that's giving her said fame. Maybe the rejection she received in 2014 and 2015 left a psychological scar in her that every year now, she tries her darndest to ensure her body is overworked to the point where she gets casted. I mean... 2016 was the first time people notice her overworking herself. It's probably conditioning and Kelly thinks only by overworking herself that she'll only get to be in VS. 

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7 minutes ago, PastaFreak said:

Man, y'all talking about childhood injuries, and I'm here envying y'all for being able to pick up so many classes still :rofl:.


I went to fashion school (FIDM) after high school (a big MISTAKE as I didn't end up working in the fashion industry for very long, cause fuck that.), so my classes were like 2/3 hours max, and my schooling only took 2 1/2 years and homework? OMEGALUL, I just had to construct items of clothing (which I could do in my sleep. A lot of goths learn to make clothing very early on into the scene because our clothing is pretty damn expensive) and read a chapter or two on the impact of  renaissance dress through the class systems, that's basically it. I then got a job with a designer who basically allowed me to work from her offices, or at home. I got very lucky.


I do understand where Kelly is coming from though. I pushed myself hard because when I danced or worked out because I felt fantastic during and afterward. I got a natural addictive high that I wasn't getting from anything (except Cocalina, which is bad kids, don't do drugs). I would get off work around 3-4pm, by 5 I was in dance class(es) till 8-9pm, and since I worked and danced in San Francisco it was easy then just to go to a friends house, shower, get ready and be out the door by 11 pm to go to goth clubs where I would dance till around 1 am. Rinse and or repeat Monday through Friday. Saturday was sleeping most of the day, dance class, then goth/industrial club till 3 am. Sunday was my sleep/hangover day.  The endorphins you get from pushing your body that hard are amazing (I still dance Tribal Fusion Belly Dance, but it's far more low impact on my body, so I get the high feeling... kinda).


Kelly if you ever read this, please slow it down, even a little, pretty please with a cherry on top?

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41 minutes ago, PastaFreak said:

Man, y'all talking about childhood injuries, and I'm here envying y'all for being able to pick up so many classes still :rofl:. I feel like I have an unaccomplished childhood because I spent my childhood days playing PlayStation and computers when I should be picking up ballet, learning French or going out and playing sports with kids.

+1, except that I didn't play Playstation and still never did anything besides school. My poor mother tried everything (ballet, karate, kickboxing, soccer, softball, volleyball, basquetball) and I managed to suck in absolutely everything to the point where the coaches gave the money back to my mom and tell her to try another thing for me everytime.  I'm just a failure but i admire y'all for being talented af. I want my children to be like you guys.

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28 minutes ago, ThePinkDiet said:

I've never seen her on the runway, just pics. Can she walk?

It's not bad but it's nothing impressive. Anyways the VSFS is different from this shows so i hope she has more energy in the show. 


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