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Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2012 (GENERAL DISCUSSION)


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Liu Wen's outfit just confused me. What do butterflies and red and blue hearts have to do with the circus?! It that a cultural thing?

O.o Haven't you ever heard of the tattooed Circus ladies of the 1870-1930's?


Yes the tattoos with Liu's outfit were poorly done, but her outfit captures the theme of Circus and thus it's win (plus tattoo's on woman are yummy)

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I'm in the minority who love the voice overs. They add something to the show. And without hearing the girls names it felt so flat without it. They only really did the voice over for the Angel line up, and a few other random bits like the Erin thing.

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I'm not gonna go back and read everything again, so I might have missed a few things.

Magdalena was a knockout this year. She totally made the show for me :woot:

I didn't like how similar Lindsay's outfits were, but I'm glad she got the attention she deserves.

And Barbara Palvin is total Angel material, so I don't understand why she got one outfit and Karlie got three.

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So, to summarize the theme of this thread:

"This year sucked, the music sucked, too much X not enough Y, this model sucked, that model sucked, this model is getting screwed over, VS is making bad decisions, if X thing ever happens again I'm never watching the show ever again. Also I hate Candice."

Do you people like anything? I thought it was fine. Not my favorite, not the worst. A few of my frieds who had never seen a VSFS before watched this one and loved it. Do you guys even like the VSFS anymore or are you just complaining to kill time?

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I think Adriana got plenty of coverage this year, with the commercial segment basically being about her. I'm tired of people whining about her getting shafted this year...she didn't. There is no reason to shove her in everyone's face, most people know who she is so why keep repeating the same old same old. She's not going anywhere for a few years, but people don't need to be told that on broadcast. She opened the show, they showed that, they went on and on about her superbowl commercial from '08 it was enough. Honestly, they had other things to talk about the fact they needed to bring up a almost 5 year commercial was a little ridiculous.

The fact there was no music outside of the Circus theme, that wasn't provided by the musical guests was just over the top and got old half-way through. I miss the re-mixes, and have since said goodbye to them but no music outside of the guests is just beyond stupid.

I'm not a fan of Candice, I think the segment right before the Fantasy Bra segment was just ill planned. VS is trying so hard to make Candice happen, and it's not really catching on. The girls who are the most famous, kind of caught on overnight...Adriana, Ale, Gisele, Heidi, and hell even Behati now with her H5-o appearance. But VS is going to keep trying until they find something better *cough Barbara* my guess is Candice is going to get pushed aside as they try and pimp out Barbara here in the next year or so, but we'll see. It's obvious Ale is on her way out, the fact they cut her from the Christmas commercials and the lack of coverage from Ale in the show, is another tall tell sign. I think Ale will be fine when she leaves VS, I think at this point all Adriana has is VS so I'm sure that's why she's holding on because somewhere she knows when she leaves after her contract (I think in 2 years) her career will most likely be done. Ale, keeps booking editorials and etc so we'll see.

The show overall was on the same level as 2009 IMO it wasn't any worse or any better...it honestly felt like a hot mess.

Mag, I tend to agree. The group I watched it with, liked it...it was women in lingerie! Outside of fashion forums and etc it generally was a hit with people. I think people here (me included) know VS could do better in comparison so that's why I personally get frustrated.

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'Alright baby, let's do this...' :baronlamesign:

And so, in a cacophony of out-of-sequence and therefore nonsensical "off stage" director voices we're back on familiar ground. Lots of people running about and forced peril that the 40 models are somehow scattered across Manhattan and not in the same area having hair and make-up done or putting costumes on. And then...

post-11221-0-1446069734-75457_thumb.gif It's Circus time!

And out comes Adriana - embracing that inner-clown that's just been itching to get out. She honks her horn, squeezes her nose (makes kissy-face/heart shape/exaggerated wink/prays to God), makes a couple of pratt-falls, and stumbles across to the audience swinging a bucket. Oh no, is it filled with water and will get Russell Simmons (it's always Russell Simmons) completely soaked?!?! Ah, but no, it's only filled with Swarovski glitter. Oh, VS, you cheeky circus teases you...

And then out comes Karolina Kurkova for a special guest return. She's in her little car, but then it backfires loudly, smoke comes out, the doors fall off, and the steering wheel comes out in her hand. She gets out embarrassed - but it's not over yet - her costume is waaay to tight and ill-fitting and so it rips and leaves her standing there IN HER BRA AND PANTIES!!! :o You know, like she would have been wearing in a VSFS prior to 2006 when this thing made any sense whatsoever!

But, alas, it's not like that - you missed a trick VS. Personally, I'd have loved you for it, and loved Adriana too... What we got wasn't in any way 'more couture-ry' (love that shamefaced lie), but more Hallowe'en-ry. And, no, no KK catastrophes, but we have seemingly got Erin to take her place. Last year: wing-failure, this year: hat-not-on-head. But be thankful for small mercies - we could have had a PERIL AT THE ARMORY: MODEL FALLS OFF RUNWAY AND WON'T BE IN SHOW 2012 SPECTACULAR segment, cut to a mournful Lais Ribeiro:

"I should have opened 'Dangerous Liaisons'"

Sure, we all know what's coming up later now - and how bile-inducing it's going to be ('the remarkable Candice' :x ) - but let's not forget (indeed, as we were told, how could we forget?) there was still room to tell us how great la Lima is and how much the "Angels" look up to her. 'Who could forget Adriana's Superbowl Commercial?' Yeah, who? TELL ME WHO? Ah, some good old forced ad-libbing for you.

I was told that if you wore sunglasses indoors or at night you are either blind or a c**t. Given that it's indoors and night, which is it going to be Rihanna?

'We start in January... Finish in December... And take a seductive journey through every month inbetween. Except November, obviously, nothing good ever happens in November.' Did you spot it? I tried very hard to see the heartfelt homage to cultural appropriation, and there it was (possibly mercifully) buggering up Barbara's walk. Yeah, I freeze-framed that millisecond just so I could be supremely offended. How dare they show a glimpse of the back of a Native-American headdress for a fraction of a second on prime-time TV? I think my Mexican gardener was offended too, but it was hard to tell if he saw it looking through my window from outside...

No, Bruno. This is NOT the time for an impromptu bukkake.

Uh-oh - it's a PINK skit. Or was it a tampon-ad? Good to know a monthly visit isn't going to slow these girls down from having tons of fun on the football field or getting chased by sharks...

And then there was Elsa's bum. That is a thing of beauty. It deserves it's own thread - hell, forum! There's been talk over the years at how CBS has cut the shots of the models walking away - that somehow the ass-shot is an anathema to the conservative USA. Broadly, I suppose, it's true - you look back at old shows and bums were much more prominent; and none of that blurring shit neither. Here though, now, the directors and editors had a moment of clarity:

'Steve, Steve, there's too much footage of this girl's butt. The network will go crazy!'

'Let them, if they will. It's perfection. Let it ride, Pete. Let it ride...'

In other news someone let their kid run around on stage for a bit. An odd choice of occasion for "bring your child to work day" but look at his little face. Awww!

'And later, Rihanna, like you've never seen her before!' :ermm: What? You mean half-dressed and prancing about on stage??? No, total surprise.

But THIS. THIS is what you've been waiting for. What's the point of all these other "Angels" anyway? What's the point of anything unless its: THE REMARKABLE CANDICE!!!

'Candice is everywhere at the moment'. Too f**king right - because you PUT her everywhere matey-boy! :sleep:

What has this man got on his head? I've re-watched this, and I'm still none the wiser - he's also following his child-boss about earlier in the show, and it looks like he's balancing a sweater up there. I don't know, is this what you kids are calling "fashion" now? post-11221-0-1446069735-05292_thumb.gif

And then it was over in a flurry of lady-garden euphemisms and elaborate gurnings. What have we learnt? Nothing. Will we still get in a frenzy for the 2013 show? Of course. Will we repeat this process ad infinitum? Undoubtedly. Members will complain, and other more earnest members will complain about the complaining. But it's all just silly fun. Get over yourselves.

Special bonus screen-cap for posterity:

bandaged-man.jpg Screenshot2012-12-06at180346.png Screenshot2012-12-06at003822.png Screenshot2012-12-06at160318.png Screenshot2012-12-06at162034.png Screenshot2012-12-06at162920.png Screenshot2012-12-06at003352.png Screenshot2012-12-06at163924.png
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So, to summarize the theme of this thread:

"This year sucked, the music sucked, too much X not enough Y, this model sucked, that model sucked, this model is getting screwed over, VS is making bad decisions, if X thing ever happens again I'm never watching the show ever again. Also I hate Candice."

Do you people like anything? I thought it was fine. Not my favorite, not the worst. A few of my frieds who had never seen a VSFS before watched this one and loved it. Do you guys even like the VSFS anymore or are you just complaining to kill time?

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So, I just finished watching the show, I'm not going to review every single detail of it but to sum up:

The minuses

- Bieber fever :cain:

- The overall music choices were not great (but they haven't been for at least 5 years now, so no surprise there)

- Not enough attention on the models

- The little segment about the preparation of the show has been done many times

- The dating segment :morning: Very much like what they did in 2007

The pluses

- Overall good casting

- Overall nice outfits

- I love Candice so I liked that she got some attention.

- They didn't censor every girl's butt this time

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I think Adriana got plenty of coverage this year, with the commercial segment basically being about her. I'm tired of people whining about her getting shafted this year...she didn't. There is no reason to shove her in everyone's face, most people know who she is so why keep repeating the same old same old. She's not going anywhere for a few years, but people don't need to be told that on broadcast. She opened the show, they showed that, they went on and on about her superbowl commercial from '08 it was enough. Honestly, they had other things to talk about the fact they needed to bring up a almost 5 year commercial was a little ridiculous.

The fact there was no music outside of the Circus theme, that wasn't provided by the musical guests was just over the top and got old half-way through. I miss the re-mixes, and have since said goodbye to them but no music outside of the guests is just beyond stupid.

I'm not a fan of Candice, I think the segment right before the Fantasy Bra segment was just ill planned. VS is trying so hard to make Candice happen, and it's not really catching on. The girls who are the most famous, kind of caught on overnight...Adriana, Ale, Gisele, Heidi, and hell even Behati now with her H5-o appearance. But VS is going to keep trying until they find something better *cough Barbara* my guess is Candice is going to get pushed aside as they try and pimp out Barbara here in the next year or so, but we'll see. It's obvious Ale is on her way out, the fact they cut her from the Christmas commercials and the lack of coverage from Ale in the show, is another tall tell sign. I think Ale will be fine when she leaves VS, I think at this point all Adriana has is VS so I'm sure that's why she's holding on because somewhere she knows when she leaves after her contract (I think in 2 years) her career will most likely be done. Ale, keeps booking editorials and etc so we'll see.

The show overall was on the same level as 2009 IMO it wasn't any worse or any better...it honestly felt like a hot mess.

Mag, I tend to agree. The group I watched it with, liked it...it was women in lingerie! Outside of fashion forums and etc it generally was a hit with people. I think people here (me included) know VS could do better in comparison so that's why I personally get frustrated.

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But THIS. THIS is what you've been waiting for. What's the point of all these other "Angels" anyway? What's the point of anything unless its: THE REMARKABLE CANDICE!!!




'Candice is everywhere at the moment'. Too f**king right - because you PUT her everywhere matey-boy! :sleep:

And then it was over in a flurry of lady-garden euphemisms and elaborate gurnings. What have we learnt? Nothing. Will we still get in a frenzy for the 2013 show? Of course. Will we repeat this process ad infinitum? Undoubtedly. Members will complain, and other more earnest members will complain about the complaining. But it's all just silly fun. Get over yourselves.

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I think Adriana got plenty of coverage this year, with the commercial segment basically being about her. I'm tired of people whining about her getting shafted this year...she didn't. There is no reason to shove her in everyone's face, most people know who she is so why keep repeating the same old same old. She's not going anywhere for a few years, but people don't need to be told that on broadcast. She opened the show, they showed that, they went on and on about her superbowl commercial from '08 it was enough. Honestly, they had other things to talk about the fact they needed to bring up a almost 5 year commercial was a little ridiculous.

The fact there was no music outside of the Circus theme, that wasn't provided by the musical guests was just over the top and got old half-way through. I miss the re-mixes, and have since said goodbye to them but no music outside of the guests is just beyond stupid.

I'm not a fan of Candice, I think the segment right before the Fantasy Bra segment was just ill planned. VS is trying so hard to make Candice happen, and it's not really catching on. The girls who are the most famous, kind of caught on overnight...Adriana, Ale, Gisele, Heidi, and hell even Behati now with her H5-o appearance. But VS is going to keep trying until they find something better *cough Barbara* my guess is Candice is going to get pushed aside as they try and pimp out Barbara here in the next year or so, but we'll see. It's obvious Ale is on her way out, the fact they cut her from the Christmas commercials and the lack of coverage from Ale in the show, is another tall tell sign. I think Ale will be fine when she leaves VS, I think at this point all Adriana has is VS so I'm sure that's why she's holding on because somewhere she knows when she leaves after her contract (I think in 2 years) her career will most likely be done. Ale, keeps booking editorials and etc so we'll see.

The show overall was on the same level as 2009 IMO it wasn't any worse or any better...it honestly felt like a hot mess.

Mag, I tend to agree. The group I watched it with, liked it...it was women in lingerie! Outside of fashion forums and etc it generally was a hit with people. I think people here (me included) know VS could do better in comparison so that's why I personally get frustrated.

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My Fav segments were either Dangerous Liasons or Silver Screen, but I liked Circus, too.

I almost fast-forwarded through PINK, simply because of Justin Bieber (I *did* fast-forward his solo). I think I liked PINK the least, but at least the outfits are getting a tiny bit better.

I think my favorite outfit would be Doutzen's black wings. She rocked the runway this year.

Least favorite outfit would be the ugly paper doll.

I'm sick of: The performers taking up way too much time. I liked the show much better when it was a bunch of music remixed together like in 2005. I don't watch the show for the singers--never have.

I'm also tired of Candice, but only because she gets shoved down our throats every time we turn around. She's a beautiful girl on her own and doesn't need any help from VS. That being said, I hope Doutzen gets the FB next year. I think she deserves it more.

My main complaint would be that the runway stuff seemed really rushed in favor of showing more of the singers, which was really annoying. I don't give a crap about Rihanna (I've been over her since she ran back to Chris "Fist" Brown), and that second song of hers sucked, imo. Can't stand Biebs, and Bruno Mars is just eh.

BTW, k_dub...Magdalena doesn't have a gap between her front teeth. You must be thinking of someone else. :(

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