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Battle of the Bods

Joe > Average

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pheno, I know you're deputising for Joe at the moment - but I'm missing those Springer-esque "Final Thoughts". Couldn't you be like that big bouncer fella who used to take chairs out of people's hands when the fights (inevitably) started and then got his own show? I don't know if he does those too - maybe he's got his own schtick? :idk: Either way - improvise!

This round - 3

How about it? ;)

I agree! More of Joe´s final thoughts!
No final thoughts this round, runway shots are being put up as we speak!!!

From those: 3, but I'm disappointed!

:laugh: Well, I could add a little something :heythere: . I wasn't going to mention this subject actually, but I guess I'll just put all my cards on the table.

Final Thought (previous few rounds)

Bacon is awesome. I won't even do the to each their own on that one. Let me say it again, bacon is awesome. Aside from being filling, bacon is everything a meat should be. Bacon is so good it almost doesn't seem fair. Why can't vegetables be so magnificent? Love at first sight is undeniably real in my eyes. I loved bacon at first sight. Bacon smells great and tastes even better. Sometimes a movie may not be as good as advertised or a lover may just kindof get hers and roll over and go to sleep before you're even halfway done, but bacon never disappoints. Bacon rises to all occassions large or small. Bacon can be best actor or best supporting actor. I've had bacon on everything from pizza to burgers and loved every second of it. One day though, I met a special friend. A living friend this time. A pig friend. At my friend's dad's farm I crossed paths with the cuttest little pig you ever did see. I called him Piggy. The first time I saw him I tried to ignore him, but the next few times I noticed that he recognized me somehow in his own piggy way. It came to be that as I made this new friend, I said goodbye to an older friend (bacon). I haven't had bacon in quite awhile now, but thinking about Piggy, it didn't seem like that much of a loss at all. Piggy never asked for much, never humped my leg, never made much ado about nothing, just was an easy going lovable guy and I loved him for it. Well, getting the call last night that Piggy died of a smake bite was hard :( . It seems easy to make fun of others that find strange relationships with non-domestic animals, but we seem to never know how easy it is until its us I guess. Afterward I saw a scrumptious bacon burger and I'm not gon lie, my mouth watered a little bit. Heck, I was all but aroused for lack of better words, but thinking about Piggy's friendly little pig face I just turned away. Would it have been betrayal to eat that juicy bacon burger? Maybe, maybe not. Could it be that he felt that I had abandoned him by not being there when it mattered most? Maybe, maybe not. Could it be he expected me to buy him and take him away from it all? Maybe, maybe not. Could it be that there was no snake and my friend just made that up because he thought the knowledge that he just got processed like all the others would have been too much for me? Who knows. But either way, pigs don't live forever I guess, but Piggy's memory lives on through me always I guess :) . I'm Joe and that's my final thought :wave: .

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Glad Joe´s final thoughts are back! And I loved that one with piggy :yes: I love pigs (and I love bacon too) but I love wild boars more than domestificated pigs (but they are great too!)

My bfs´uncle once had a little red deer female, he took care about her, but then she died because she ate some poisonous flower. He has never been so sad then at that time - shocking because he doesn´t like animals that way most people do (he respect them, but do not love them) - all dogs are scared of him, the same with cats and other domestific animals. He used to kill cats for fur and dogs for meat. And then this little red deer that he really liked. Irony.

Pigs are cool ;)

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Oh, Jennks :hug: , I knew you'd have some comforting words :hug: . And thanks Limer, Baron and donbot for trying in your own way :hug: .

I was being Comforting? :blink:

Well, I said Jennka was comforting and then for you I said thank you for 'trying in your own way' :nicole: . Which is inadvertedly kinda comforting :hehe: .


post-17304-0-1446064260-73681_thumb.jpg :heart:

Goodbye Joe's piggy.

Goodbye his friend.

He has been the one.

He has been a special one for him. :guitar:














I love bacon :ninja:


Awww :wub: me on the other end of a song :laugh::ninja: thanks :D !

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