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On 10/27/2019 at 10:44 PM, CandleVixen said:

That is infuriating! So much for saving the habitats of humans and whatever animals live in that area too.


Oh how I hope you get in touch with your family and friends out there. 

Also, sending hugs to you, @Prettyphile


:hug:I was able to get a hold of my cousin and so far they're okay. I also spoke to one of childhood best friends who lost her home in the 2017 fires. As of now she's good, but the fire is creeping towards her home. Apparently a lot of people aren't able to make calls very well because something is happening with the cell towers.


The fire is now double the size of San Fransisco (nearly triple at 114 square miles), and there is another wind event happening tonight. People are so scared the fire is going to jump Hwy 101 and head into Santa Rosa (to the area that was burnt in 2017)

Screenshot_2019-10-29 Latest Kincade Fire grows to 118 square miles.png

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22 hours ago, CandleVixen said:

If they showed the truth about the military, we’d have zero recruits!  :angel:


Even in the Iraq War, 95% + of US military personnel were rear echelon.  What the propaganda shows is the rare experiences of the very few.  A while ago I watched an interview with a career navy SEAL and in his two decades, he counts time in combat as less than 1% of the time he spent.  Something's missing from the Michael Bay experience..


I briefly considered attending West Point (engineering degree) in high school.


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14 hours ago, Stromboli1 said:


The military will always have recruits because people are just wired that way. Also if family served there's a high chance that other members will too.


Maybe in the near future we'll have to serve in the military to become citizens. :idk:


Recently there has been a theory popularized by Steven Pinker (Better Angels of our Nature) that in the Western countries are becoming more docile and less violent.  No sh*t! 


 + The starship troopers fantasy is unlikely, as the US is a pacifist country at heart and quite inefficient/ineffective at war despite its bluster.  It has a very small military compared to the population base and the public routinely puts downward pressure against its expansion in society.  

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14 hours ago, Prettyphile said:

:hug:I was able to get a hold of my cousin and so far they're okay. I also spoke to one of childhood best friends ...The fire is now double the size of San Fransisco...


Wowsa. I hate that this happens every year. 

I’m glad you got a hold of your family and friend, and they ok at the moment. 

thank you for the update.

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20 hours ago, jkjk said:

Good news for those who don't like Star Wars, there are no movies currently in production.


Bad news for the same people, that will not last too long.


How about the people who like Star Wars, but disapprove their obvious political propaganda and the lack of talent in the last movies (flawed scenario, dull characters, etc.)?


Let's forget about Star Wars (who cares... if Mickey wants a PC toy, fine), but it's the same for the vast majority of movies now, or video games... Film critics in many newspapers demand PC political content and groupthink/peer pressure make the industry abide. :forgetting_wft: 


The industry used to care about customers, but not anymore, because common folks are now seen as a "basket of deplorables". When a cultural product is heterodox, it gets "punished" by the media, like the "Joker" (which is a brilliant movie, BTW) :smoker:   It's not about the talent anymore.

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I think there's gonna be a new trilogy, whatever happens to SJW ep.9, because Mickey spent too much money ($4 billion) to buy Lucasfilm... :/

I hope next time they'll cut the PC crap (and that they remember there's something called "a scenario" that's a lot more important :rolleyes:).



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