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Natural Beauty Competiton

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kiki, I´m a really lazy person when it goes to make-up. I´m lazy to go and buy it, I´m lazy to put it on my face and I´m lazy to put it off :laugh:

So I have to be natural all the time :laugh:

Oh jESSSSSSUUUUUUS! you are helpless!


Here is a picture of my cat who is naturally gorgeous

Feline beauty 10

natural coolness 10


And i dare someone to tell me that he is wearing make-up! :jimmy:

The lady in competition

B 6.9 (just not my type of beauty)

N 8

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Whitney go level. I'm sick of looking at your druid in it's 60's. LEVEL hooker.

Also Randy & Tyler decided they liked the idea of Thomas & Izzy *stares* cause yanno that's so feasible?

Athene Rerolls Horde

Joe. Athene would like you to know that "German's are people too"

rotflmao this man is my hero... well next to you of course :whistle:

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Joe, do you mind that dawson posted some pictures of the girl here? :)

pheno, those are not pictures for the competition. If you can keep posting here those weird videos of..WOW is it? Dunno...I think there is no problem with dawson posting three pictures of this girl.

No big deal. :wave:

Why is it that everyone always assumes that I'm the one posting videos, and I'm the one making comments on everything. I very rarely comment, or if I do I delete it because it's considered rude. Jesus stop making assumptions and look before commenting. The only thing I've actually posted that wasn't text any time recently was a picture of flan.

Edit: I don't want to level.. I don't want to, and thus I am not.. My druid can kiss my ass, he's all like look at me.. I get camped by shaman's 4 levels above me... NO



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omfg! rotflmao Pheno and I just had a convo about her making a BZ tree. However the recording just barely picked me up, so it sounds like a one-sided rant.

I'm going to get Pheno to convert the file to MP3 and put up her 5 mins convo about Barron [berry], a tree, Joe and Ophelia along with the pic she drew...

it's good lawlz!

Joe you're a unicorn. Barron's a wizard with a monocle, and Ophelia is rapunzel with long red hair with a crown, I'm a princess and she's a little black cat so far. I think she's working on Penny atm... zomg excited to see.

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