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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Gosh,Leo severely cut his hand!

Wow...Leo is a really lucky guy,he has been attacked in the face by a bottle,he also had this knee surgery and now this hand thing...oh my! :cry2:

But that only shows how much he is professional and a real actor...an actor who gives blood for his work. :nicole: Poor baby Leo.... :cry2:

Oxford,that's for you...I also love this pic!

Tks for keeping me updated!Flower%20for%20you.gif

I just loved that pic of Leo and Tobey with that little guy...yes Leo,that's what we want to see! :hehe:


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Another welcome for you Spanishlover :D

Gee has leo gotten hurt! :p THOUGH I believe in the pic posted with gisele where he has his leg wrapped up, I believe he had only hurt his knee. I remember only a few years later pics of him playing basketball with a knee support thing on his knee :)

Strawberries: Ditto, hope leo does another european vacay, and that erin goes and that they're will be bunch of pics :p :D

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Another impressive aspect of production, Foxx found, was watching Leonardo DiCaprio and Quentin Tarantino collaborate for the first time. “Here comes Leonardo DiCaprio, the good-looking guy that you see in the tabloids with the models. And he comes in so different and ready to work—to see those guys get together in the corner and develop the character and watch the character go different ways.” After they devised a new direction for DiCaprio’s character, Calvin Candie, Tarantino would quickly rework the script on the spot for the characters played by Foxx, Washington, and Samuel L. Jackson. “At one point he just rewrote a whole scene. He said, ‘That don’t work.’ So he went to lunch and then he’d come back with four pages of perfect dialogue.”

looks like the script that's been floating around and the script they actually shot with might be more different than we thought!

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^Well see thats the thing, people who have read the script, don't exactly know what happens in the film, because for every movie there always rewriting everything ;) I always hear people for alot of different movies comment "well I've read the script" and it turns out they always change a bunch of stuff. It happens, because scenes on paper, may not work out the same onscreen ;)

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Sic & Kat

I never heard of Leo 'breaking' his leg, I only remember that in 1998 when he took the year off we read he had knee surgery that he had been needing. And when we saw him in his bathing suit in The Beach which he filmed in 1999 we could see his knee surgery scar.

Then , as Kat mentioned, he hurt his knee back in 2001 while playing basketball with the guys

But , as we know, that hasn't keep him from continuing to play with the guys :)


Yes, I think no matter if one has read the script or not , we will have lots to look forward to /experience for first time when we see it on the big screen :)


I agree, however, that is unless I learn your middle name is "Bubble" :p

Leo should be covered in bubble wrap all the time
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Aw poor Leo. He is constantly breaking himself. I legit think he shot up height wise all of a sudden around 17ish and that's why he walks lol since he can't control his limbs. :rofl: hence him falling down and breaking himself. lmfao.

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Hello everyone :wave: I hope you are all well. I don't know how to post videos but I found an interview that Kate gave to Chinese TV while promoting Titanic 3D in which she speaks of Leo.

Interviewer: One last question Kate. If I don't ask I would not be able to return to China. As a close friend and co-worker of Leo, what do you think of him as an actor and as a person?

Kate: He's the best man in the world. He's very funny. He's funnier than anyone could ever know and he's very special. He's a very special person. As an actor, he just seems to get better and stronger all the time and I am constantly impressed by him and proud of him. Listen, he is a very important person in my life so I will only ever say wonderful things about him.

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Sic & Kat

I never heard of Leo 'breaking' his leg, I only remember that in 1998 when he took the year off we read he had knee surgery that he had been needing. And when we saw him in his bathing suit in The Beach which he filmed in 1999 we could see his knee surgery scar.

Then , as Kat mentioned, he hurt his knee back in 2001 while playing basketball with the guys

But , as we know, that hasn't keep him from continuing to play with the guys :)

see this video around 33:33,it's definitely 1996-1997 years,but I think it's more 1996

maybe it wasn't broken,not sure,it's just what came up to my mind,but maybe some less serious problem with knee than breaking :idk:

can anyone pls tell me what they are talking,I get some things but not everything :blush:

and one more,pls,what he says at the begining of the vid ??? I get only "I'm a good guy!" :blush:

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