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  1. Sad but true, yeah. Social media nowadays is all about hate, and if you are not at an extreme good shape, if you're not young anymore than even worse... Now if you're old, at 60's dating much younger women but still have a six pack everything is forgotten and you're perfect... Lol
  2. I will NEVER understand people that says Leo was only handsome at the 90's, he certainly was gorgeous, but for me the older he gets the better, much hotter... this includes 2000's, 2010's and 2020's too.
  3. Leo is back filming in El Paso https://www.instagram.com/p/C9Oft_4NJ3M/?img_index=1 https://www.instagram.com/p/C9OVgXnsOe-/
  4. We need Leo doing a video like this next year for his new movie promo, you hear me Variety? Wonder if he would remember all his lines, hehe.
  5. It's not about you, it's the moderators from this forum that came to say for us to not post here on the main thread about his personal life. But you can post about this on Leo's other thread, the general one. Link below, you can post there anything related to his personal life. https://www.bellazon.com/main/topic/43942-leonardo-dicaprio-general-discussion/page/378/#comment-5844148
  6. thanks,. Now if they already filming in Mexico than I guess there is not another break as that article suggested?
  7. Absolutely agree, I loved DLU, Leo and everyone in it. Yeah, maybe PTA movie it's similar to DLU in that sense.
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