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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Personally, I don't think Leo will ever get married. I'm almost even doubting if he'll ever have kids either. It seems that whenever a woman wants to move to that next level of marriage and babies, he checks out. Which is his business and I don't judge him for it. 'Cause in ways it's smart of him - he's not involved in messy divorces and prenuptial stuff like SOOOO many other celebs. Maybe growing up with parents who were never married (well they divorced when he was like 1-2, right?) and the kinda ~~free thinking hippie~~ ( :rofl:) vibe I get from his background, he might not put a lot of credence in marriage. BUT I DON'T EVEN CARE IF HE GETS MARRIED. I JUST WANT HIM TO HAVE ONE AT LEAST KID SO I CAN SEE WHAT HE OR SHE LOOKS LIKE. THAT IS ALL I ASK, LEO. :p

AND LIKE..HE MISSED GREAT BREEDING POSSIBILITIES IN BREAKING UP W GISELE AND BAR. argghhhhh. Leoooo. Whyyyy? I can't even imagine how gorgeous a kid of his and Bar's would be...since their coloring is so similar already. F U, Leo :D

Yes yes, I agree. As much as I want him to have a wifey and babies, here's to hoping though sometime in the future. He's still kinda young. THERE IS STILL TIME! Well said, Bari girl!

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I'm not sure whether this was mentioned...

It looks like the Paramount anniversary photo shoot is featured in the new issue of Vanity Fair (with Kristen Stewart on the cover).

From their website:

The Paramount Picture

Peter Biskind recaps Paramount Pictures’ fabled 100 years, while Art Streiber photographs an array of its current stars.

I don't know if Leo will be shown, as his name is not on the cover.

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Whhoooaaa lots of discussion :p

I think they're together, but the whole leo filming 24/7 and her shooting quite a bit is keeping them apart for the time being. Wijn is right if you follow erins twitter is obvious!

Damn, wolf filming for 4 months???? I like that, but I hope it won't be a major django drought :p Good thing is in NY!

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Welcome, MakeItCount (I loved your nickname) and ShanYouse :wave:.

Thanks a lot girls for the news and videos... 3 pages since yesterday, I was thinking "new pics!", but no :hehe:.

No one asked for my opinion, but this goes for free...

I don't know where it's guaranteed that marriage only brings happiness. I myself don't believe in marriage, and isn't because I have trauma, my parents are still married... but marriage blinds and ties, and I like doing things my way... I know, kinda selfish :hehe:. People say "getting married is having someone to share things"... when I want to share something I'll to my facebook (sarcasm on) :nicole: .

People say "he only dates blonde and beautiful models"... and I don't know why the word DUMB comes automatically in the same sentence. Imagine if tomorrow he comes up with an older woman or a black... many people will criticize him for the same reason that now for only dating women younger than him: prejudice. If one day he marry someone who really makes him happy and he can make that person happy too, great... like you all here, I want him to be happy... single, dating, living together, married, with kids, no kids... whatever, the word is happiness, and no matter how or with whom.

Everything we know about his relationships comes from tabloids and gossips: he broke up with Gisele because she wanted to marry and he doesn't... or he cheated Gisele with Sienna Miller or any other; he broke up with Bar because she wanted to marry and he doesn't... or he dumped Bar for Blake. Bullshit! The same story over an over again. "Leo is gay, his relationship is a contract and this girl is just a beard", "Leo stinks, he doesn't takes a shower and doesn't likes using deodorant", "Leo is in the bars and clubs surrounded by beautiful women while his girlfriend is at home cooking cupcakes"... ah, bite me! Before I forget.

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While we await our Django trailer, cast member Tom Savini talks Django at several points in interview below. He talks about working with Quentin/things that happen on set, sounds like Animal House set lots of pranks /fun :)

The Django bits are mentioned at 1:00, then continues around 5:00, and again around 11:45, and again at 21:45, and 24:35, and finally 45:00...


Thanks for another interview vid that is new to me :)

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