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Erin Heatherton


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^ Thanks katchitup for that ed!

Just wanted to share something exciting. Im actually beside myself.. Erin tweeted a pic from my Tumblr a few mins ago. You know I appreciate her so much every day and everything I do is with her in mind when I post, or talk to her fans. So respectfully I try to represent the beautiful person she is. Its an amazing feeling to know that she knows this. I just feel so appreciated back by her. She is so good to her fans. Thank you Erin..*sniffle* xx so teary right now.

So pleased for you dear! :hug::heart:

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Thanks erinheathertonangelwings for all the pics from dossi fashion show and the videos too... God she looks amazing, doesnt she? this is what I like so much about her, she can be a edgy model, a bombshell and still remains with that innocence in her look, she is just sweet.

Loved it.and the walk? wow! this is what I'm talking about...

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Flyingblind yay !!! I mentioned you on Leo's thread but I have to say Im so happy your here!! hugs sweetie xoxox

SweetGaby - Your sure welcome! I feel the same. She can be so fierce and then so silly, and sweet. Shes an amazing talent, but then you can see the goodness in her smile ;)

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Michael Kors NY SS 2008 Backstage

Thank you so much for those :wub: I love looking back at the old backstage pictures of Erin from the early days. Such a qt baby face! And I love how she seemed to hang out a lot with Lindsay Ellingson backstage as I've seen many pics of them together from years ago! :hehe:

And thanks for the new VS shots!

erinheathertonangelwings love you sweetie :hug:

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Erin Heatherton takes up a beautiful cause


Up until I turned 16, I was just your average teenager living in Skokie. My life changed instantly when I was discovered by a model scout while on a campus tour of the University of Miami. One day I was playing on a high school basketball team and dreaming of going to college and becoming a doctor, and the next day I started a very different kind of education. Traveling the world as a model and Victoria’s Secret Angel has taught me a lot about myself and about the power of my choices. I’ve learned that no amount of success can fill the void of doing what truly makes you feel passionate. While my modeling success gave me a voice, I still felt a strange emptiness and was eager to find a greater sense of fulfillment.

Luckily, since becoming an Angel in 2008, I’ve had the wonderful experience of working with photographer Russell James, who’s world-renowned for his photography and for his work as a philanthropist and founder of Nomad Two Worlds. Over the years, I’ve admired how Russell balanced his personal passions and his career, and he discovered that I was yearning to get involved in an important cause. In a series of fortuitous events, my work with Russell and Nomad Two Worlds led me to Hugh Evans, co-founder of the Global Poverty Project.

Shortly after our introduction, Hugh started drawing graphs and explaining his mission to eradicate the world of extreme poverty and build awareness in the U.S. I had never heard someone speak so passionately and proactively about such a vast global issue. Unbelievably, 1.4 billion people on our planet live in extreme poverty, surviving on less than $1.50 a day. I was so captivated by Hugh’s passion to educate the public and give them tools to get involved and make a difference. In my heart I felt I found that missing link in my life, a way I could use my voice to make a difference in the world.

And so I began a new chapter of my life with a sense of responsibility. I want to spread the word of the Global Poverty Project’s mission to end this poverty epidemic within a generation. I want to ignite the same passion in others as I have found in myself. I’m only 23, and while every day brings a new challenge, a new lesson and a new self-discovery, I now know that I’m on the right path. I know that I can make a difference in the world.

*Erin Heatherton donated her $1,000 fee for writing this column to the Global Poverty Project.


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