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2015 SI Swimsuit


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There it goes, it took long enough for someone to bring the racist bullshit card. As if Rose was the only one getting negative feedback and she is not even really that dark skinned o.o

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There it goes, it took long enough for someone to bring the racist bullshit card. As if Rose was the only one getting negative feedback and she is not even really that dark skinned o.o


History proves that this has not truly mattered to racists.

I believe they even have a term for that phenomenon in the US: the one-drop rule.

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There it goes, it took long enough for someone to bring the racist bullshit card. As if Rose was the only one getting negative feedback and she is not even really that dark skinned o.o


History proves that this has not truly mattered to racists.

I believe they even have a term for that phenomenon in the US: the one-drop rule.



^ Again, bingo Sympathy, and you are right about the one-drop rule.  Things like that have faded, but still linger to some degree.  And the OP is not playing a card of any kind, she simply made an astute observation that others agree with.


Moving on, Solveig is definitely deserving of support  :surrender:

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The last thing I'm going to Photoshop on the subject...


Who is this girl? Love this cover :woot:


That's "cheap" Charlotte McKinney. Whatever that means. She was the "New Kate Upton" right before the last 17 or 18 new Kate Uptons. And quite easy on the eyes. If they were smart, SI would have gotten her involved in this issue. They did not. They are not.

I think SI has lost its way with the pompous politics involved in this once a year issue of a sports publication. I don't have a subscription anymore, but I do follow their website regularly. In the old days, the swimsuit issue would arrive by mail, and I would think holy $@#&! to myself while I studied the cover. This year's would make a good coaster for my coffee.

Speaking as a guy who knows what he likes, and who couldn't care less about the personal lives of these girls when they're not being photographed to sell something, Sports Illustrated blew it. And they've been sucking it for a quite a few years now.

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