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So, this is a video I found and it's in portuguese.




It's from when Leo came to Brazil to watch a game from the World Cup and than he partied here too. But I haven't seen this yet until now, it's an interview of one of the girls that was at the party but what I thought the most nice it was the good things she said about him. First of ALL, she said there wasn't 50 women there and that not all of them were models like was told... she said it was all type of people. She was asked if he hooked up with some girl and she said NO, she was asked about how he was and she said he seems a really simple person, and that she was impressed how even being such a Star he greeted everyone at the party.   :)


She said he was enjoying the party and dancing with everyone else there, I thought would be nice to share this because as we know this tabloids and gossips always make him seem like a party animal, that his parties are insane or whatever... but it seems more like he just wants to enjoy, I believe that's the way he relaxs, he likes to dance and spend time with friends and different people. For example, it's not my type of thing, I don't like to dance or go to this parties... but I do respect who likes and every person likes something and need to have a time in life to enjoy whatever they love to do. That's it. 

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Thanks Barbie. This is precisely why I don't automatically trust what the media tries to imply. Plus even if he's at a party and there's lots of beautiful women around, no way does it imply he's going to hook up with them. Even if he leaves a party with lots of women, it certainly doesn't automatically mean he's sleeping with them. For one, it's obviously not just Leo leaving with a hurdle of women, he clearly has a bunch of guy friends with him. Second, they could very well just simply be going to an after party to have fun. Plus Leo and his crew are simply friends with lots of models. The tabloid media is ridiculous. :yes: You can't automatically believe what they say, but unfortunately they're people out there who are gullible and ignorant and thus believe everything the tabloids say.

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Thanks Barbie. This is precisely why I don't automatically trust what the media tries to imply. Plus even if he's at a party and there's lots of beautiful women around, no way does it imply he's going to hook up with them. Even if he leaves a party with lots of women, it certainly doesn't automatically mean he's sleeping with them. For one, it's obviously not just Leo leaving with a hurdle of women, he clearly has a bunch of guy friends with him. Second, they could very well just simply be going to an after party to have fun. Plus Leo and his crew are simply friends with lots of models. The tabloid media is ridiculous. :yes: You can't automatically believe what they say, but unfortunately they're people out there who are gullible and ignorant and thus believe everything the tabloids say.


Exactly, agree with everything you said.   :thumbsup:

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April love Geary (a model) is friends with Leo's crew. She's the new girlfriend of Robin Thicke, and of course Leo and his crew hang out with Robin a lot. She's 19 (I believe she was 18 when they first started dating) they sure like their girls young. :) I think most of the models that are friends with Leo's crew are are either in their late teens or early 20's.

Robin's girlfriend is only 19?!?! That is so gross. I really hope Leo is done with all the young girls who old enough to be his daughter.. He needs a strong confident woman.
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To be honest I didn't wanted to see Leo with a young girl again,  :/ that's why the idea of him dating Eliza is not that bad to me... because she's 32 at least.   :hehe: I would like to see him dating a woman close to his age, maybe this don't mean nothing but it gives the impression that can work better if the age gap is not soo big.   :idk:​ 

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Tbh it's kinda embarassing that at 40 he stills hangs out with girls in their early 20s and parties as if he was still 20..  I love Leo as an actor and he seeems a really nice guy but there's this part of his life that I just don't understand. Bradley Cooper's gf is 22 too but he only hangs out with her..you don't see Bradley partying on yachts with other young models.. I just find it weird and I hope he settles down soon or at least finds a woman who's in her 30s.. (Not hating btw)

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yeah, fash, I can't believe too. We need pics!!! :chicken:

I can't believe no pap pics yet

Today! Better be the day! :p

Leo's not married he can do whatever he wants, hope he's enjoying his life. Looks like it, he has so many extremely close friends that he goes everywhere with :heart: Me personally, I never want to get married. Single life appeals to me more.

Anyways look at Robin Thicke he got married and had a kid, but that didn't work out. Probably wasn't ready for that. So I'm glad Leo is being smart and waiting until he's truly ready and if he's never ready then that's perfectly fine too. A lot of Hollywood couples who get married under 40 don't seem to last, actually regardless of age Hollywood couples (even if the spouse isn't a celeb) rarely stand the test of time.

I always thought Johnny Depp and Vanessa would last but nope.

If Leo still wants to party and hang with his friends, then he should live his life that way and hang who he wants to hang with. All the power to him.

Oh... Nicki Erwin (Chucks long term girlfriend, who is in her 30's... Who is a big part of Leo's crew) just posted a pic from the ST Barths seas. Looks like a pic out of a horror movie, but it's just dark clouds making it look that way. :p

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Rihanna is also in St Barths.... this is the place to be!

Rihanna, Paris Hilton, Nicky Hilton seem to be friends with Leo's crew. Well I don't know how close they are. Paris Hilton for example I've seen pictured with Leo's crew a lot and I think they've been friends for many years. Back in 2010 Leo, his crew, and Paris all travelled to South Africa together for the World Cup. Nicky Hilton used to date Kevin Connolly back in the day, so it's nice she's still friendly with the crew. :)

And yeah we see Diddy, Busta Rymes etc partying with Leo as well of course.

I mean these people run in the same circles, so it's no surprise they'd end up hanging together.

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