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The "What Are You Thinking About Right Now?" PIP


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I completely understand what you're saying, but just standing by and doing nothing - allowing Daesh, Al Nusra & AQ to slaughter at their convenience and with little resistance is in my opinion, being complicit in their genocide.  Which Is why I'm so disappointed in my President for being so incredibly weak regarding Daesh. He had a chance to take control and dictate this war. Instead he was feckless and allowed Russia and Iran to take the lead. And now look what has happened. Russia bombs refugee camps almost weekly, Iran is trying to gain a foothold in case Assad's government falls so they can have some control.


46 minutes ago, HitchcockBlonde said:

Reactionary politics are difficult to resist in times like these but this world is nowhere close to being easy to solve.

So my point is, The West had an incredible opportunity to be in control so we wouldn't have to resort to these reactionary politics that we are stuck doing now. So now France is probably going to drop a bunch of bombs in Raqqa for a couple of days and call it even. Then in a month or two another attack will happen.


We don't need a large invasion of troops. I think if we let our Special Operations Units out of their cages for once and let them go hunting, let them target specific targets, let them call in more precise air campaigns. We would be able to cut down on collateral damage significantly and at the same time drop Daesh bodies like it's a fucking cholera epidemic....which is what needs to happen.


51 minutes ago, HitchcockBlonde said:

(I study International Law with an emphasis on the Law of War so I had a hard time resisting the urge to share my viewpoint, please know I don't mean to attack or condescend, just offer another perspective.)


Thank you for sharing your viewpoint! Difficult discussion on difficult topics need to happen. Too many people are afraid to even talk about this stuff - which never leads to any resolution.

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The terrorist from Nice was not at all from Daesh or anything. It was a Tunisian living in France since years. He never traveled there obviously. He was not in any data of the Secret services but in the police one for stealing, violence and domestic violence. 

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Clearly, to answer to such hate, racism and extrem violence, in add of the everydays violence we can see in our streets, with #PrayforHumanity #PrayforLove or #WeAreAllHumans, or crying, or ignoring, it's just accepting that. Blindness is not the solution. And NO, Islam is not a victime of these attacks. All these reactions are reactions of depressive people, for not saying weak. 

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47 minutes ago, RIP_Cabrini_Green said:

 Daesh has always been ISIS.


I was being sarcastic.


17 minutes ago, RIP_Cabrini_Green said:

To all my friends in Turkey.....stay frosty and stay safe. Something huge is about to down. Damn.


A coup is taking place there. Turkish Forces are trying to thwart it.

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