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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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And , By Princess, when you read their last comment, you will see why you need to refill your nausea medicine :p

Clooney was nominated three times -- for starring in "The Descendants," and directing and co-writing "The Ides of March." So expect the NBC cameras to be trained on the actor/filmmaker for much of the ceremony on Jan. 15.

Well Oxford They really put me in a difficult situation. Choose between the annoying George "pretending to be humble" Clooney and the super annoying Clan "suck their faces many times possible" Jolie-Pitt"

who I Choose? :yuckky: o double :yuckky:

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By Princess

If you mean by your comment below the fact that Leo is not married or married with children , no, he is not.

But, personally, I wouldn't want him to marry to he is ready to be faithful to one woman and one woman only . I wouldn't want him to have a family to he is ready to make

the life time committment that being a father involves.

I'm not a person who thinks everyone is marriage material, and that may well apply to Leo .

And even though his long term relationships to Gisele and Bar didn't end in marriage, I , personally, do feel that both parties gained something on a personal level from the time they spent together.

I feel it will be very sad when a few years he hasn't accomplished anything on a personal level.

oh my gosh, oxford, you sound so wise and I agree with everything you said! I think Leo's got a very good handle on his life and I don't think he NEEDS to get married or NEEDS to have kids. A LOT of people in this world don't do either and they are perfectly happy and fulfilled, especially someone like Leo. I LoVE that he doesn't get married or have kids just for the sake or to make someone else happy - marriage and kids do not guarantee happiness or everlasting love. It's understandable his fans care but really, I think Leo is doing just fine, personal and career-wise!

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oh my gosh, oxford, you sound so wise and I agree with everything you said! I think Leo's got a very good handle on his life and I don't think he NEEDS to get married or NEEDS to have kids. A LOT of people in this world don't do either and they are perfectly happy and fulfilled, especially someone like Leo. I LoVE that he doesn't get married or have kids just for the sake or to make someone else happy - marriage and kids do not guarantee happiness or everlasting love. It's understandable his fans care but really, I think Leo is doing just fine, personal and career-wise!

Solange I think he is happy while he have his buddies with him. but what happens next ... when eventually they (lukas and kevin) get married and don't have time to go out with him, go to parties and clubs and all that sort of thing???

As has happened with Tobey. He was his buddies for partying but now they barely have time to share.

I have a afraid that at the time, he realizes how very lonely he will be :(

He only will have Django to waiting at home

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I wish Erin were older. But...alas, whatever Leo. Still, who knows if they are serious or not or if they are just starting to casually date. STILL, I WOULD APPROVE MUCH MORE IF YOU DATED SOMEONE 28-35. I would cry tears of rainbows at your doorstep. :rofl:

Hmm? I know he says he wants a family but I think he more or less says that stuff to placate the person interviewing him. 'Cause he can't bust out with a: Yo, nah, I want to keep banging me some hot 21 year old ass. :rofl:

I mean, I do think he eventually wants a family but that could be another 15 years or so down the road. I see him being an old-ish dad.

Eh Bari Yo, nah?? You're so gangsta :rofl:

Also... old-ish dad? you always make me laugh :laugh:

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I guess it's natural to think that way but IMO, Leo will never be lonely! Like ox said, some people just aren't meant be be married or have kids, and that does not make a person less or unhappy or sad or lonely. I don't see him as a tragic figure, lonely in his later years. Even though Tobes has married and has kids, he still is great friends with Leo, nothing changes. It's natural they don't hang out as much but I doubt Leo is saddened because Tobes is married and has his own life. Everybody is doing what they want to do so I think Leo knows exactly what he wants and is doing it!As far as Lukas and Kevin, I don't see them being married either probably -especially Kevin who I don't recall ever having a very long relationship - the longest that I know was with Paris Hilton's sis. I think we reflect too much our own beliefs and longings onto other people.

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Leonardo DiCaprio | Best actor, 'J. Edgar'

The 37-year-old best actor nominee is filming The Great Gatsby in Australia, but sent his thanks for the nomination via a statement.

"I'm honored to be nominated by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association today. I was extremely humbled to work alongside Clint and the entire cast of J. Edgar, and am very excited to be recognized for my work on the film. Thank you."

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oh come one! family is everything in life! family is the biggest happiness,if you don't have family,babies,then what you lived for ??? you got great career ?? then you should have someone in the future to be proud for you,for what you reached in your career! sooner or later Leo will have to leave movie industry and his fame (not his movies and roles) will disappear! sooner or later his parents (of course I wish them long life) won't be with him and then what he will do ??? by years he'll lose his hottness and beauty and 20 years old girls will also disappear with it,they'll go to find someone younger, I don't think he'll go to parties with girls at the age of 60-70,his role offers will also decrease and he'll be sitting in his mansion with millions of dollars,realizing he's got none to talk and to share his experiences, everyone has his own life and I don't think his friends will be with him all the time. I don't say all these,cuz I'm angry with him or something like that, I just say what like the life is,there many people in our life and we think,we'll be together forever,but sometimes life doesn't work the way we want to.

of course I wish him all the best and hope him to get married and settle down with someone he really loves!

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IDK, I think in ways...not to say Leo is immature AT ALL AT ALL AT ALL (because we all can obviously see through interviews and things he does that he conducts himself in a very mature, intelligent, and mannerly way even if he does seem like a guy who's got an awesome sense of humor and is laid back too) but from what he's said about being on film sets so much, I don't think he fully feels his age yet. If I'm saying that right? That he personally feels younger than what he is because he's spent so much time on film sets/etc and not doing the "normal" things people do at certain ages. Possibly? IDK. Lol. So he is not yet at that mindset to be wanting to settle down - or I don't know, he might never be.

Also from those pics with Erin I'm getting just started dating vibes from the two - not relationship vibes. Actually, to me, they don't seem to be feeling each other that much. But we'll have to wait and see! They would make a CUTE couple!

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YAYYYY for another nomination! GG nomination is great for leo :clap: Awesome news! Thanks OX! :flower:

IDK, I think in ways...not to say Leo is immature AT ALL AT ALL AT ALL (because we all can obviously see through interviews and things he does that he conducts himself in a very mature, intelligent, and mannerly way even if he does seem like a guy who's got an awesome sense of humor and is laid back too) but from what he's said about being on film sets so much, I don't think he fully feels his age yet. If I'm saying that right? That he personally feels younger than what he is because he's spent so much time on film sets/etc and not doing the "normal" things people do at certain ages. Possibly? IDK. Lol. So he is not yet at that mindset to be wanting to settle down - or I don't know, he might never be.

Also from those pics with Erin I'm getting just started dating vibes from the two - not relationship vibes. Actually, to me, they don't seem to be feeling each other that much. But we'll have to wait and see! They would make a CUTE couple!

I agree! I think Leo feels alot younger, and I think he acts alot younger. I agree that I'm not saying hes immature, its just how he is. Plus lets add the fact that leo looks SO MUCH YOUNGER than he actually is! On some days, he looks like he still could be in his 20's!! :o

Also all this talk about leo and family..........I don't think Leo ever really cares about the age of the girl. Erin is young, 22, but that doesn't mean just because he dates her (If they really are dating, or are going to go steady) hes never gonna settle down. I think he takes one relationship at a time, and lets it take him wherever it takes him!

Also I'm happy that its a model that I already like :p I am still waiting to see if they get spotted together again. If they do, I will be positive they are dating. If not, then, ya know :)

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I knew it was erin. Is that if it wasn't her, was a freaking clone :laugh:

I think Lola and I deserve a plaque, medal, or some type of recognition for being constant in our idea :p

OK... maybe only to Lola since she was the first to give the idea.

but anyways, the Bellazon squad, always ready to solve mysteries :ddr:

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oh come one! family is everything in life! family is the biggest happiness,if you don't have family,babies,then what you lived for ??? you got great career ?? then you should have someone in the future to be proud for you,for what you reached in your career! sooner or later Leo will have to leave movie industry and his fame (not his movies and roles) will disappear! sooner or later his parents (of course I wish them long life) won't be with him and then what he will do ??? by years he'll lose his hottness and beauty and 20 years old girls will also disappear with it,they'll go to find someone younger, I don't think he'll go to parties with girls at the age of 60-70,his role offers will also decrease and he'll be sitting in his mansion with millions of dollars,realizing he's got none to talk and to share his experiences, everyone has his own life and I don't think his friends will be with him all the time. I don't say all these,cuz I'm angry with him or something like that, I just say what like the life is,there many people in our life and we think,we'll be together forever,but sometimes life doesn't work the way we want to.

of course I wish him all the best and hope him to get married and settle down with someone he really loves!

With all due respects, those are YOUR beliefs, not necesarrily Leo's. And who's to say who's beliefs are good or bad, right or wrong? Everybody has a choice to run their life the way they want, not the way others see as being the correct or happy way to live a life. You don't need to have your own wife and kids to be happy - sometimes great friends are just as good or better for some people and also Leo has a great family. He is not a lonely person! When he's 60 and 70, I'm sure he will still have people who love him - come on! Don't feel sorry or sad for him because he chooses to stay single. He's not naive or stupid, he knows what's up and he is content with his lifestyle, let him live it!

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Well, so it's really Erin... I guess just time will tell what's going on between them. I don't want to make a whole statement about his life and his decisions because this is not something up to me, but I can't deny I would love to see him being a dad, I still think this will happen, but when? That's another mystery. :idk:

solange: ultimately, I think you right.

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Another duo I look forward to seeing together /interacting at these upcoming BFCA,SAG, GG, Oscar events



As to the sentiments you expressed =ditto :wave:


Yes ,the Bellazon Detective Squard works well together ; I'm sure Lola will let you polish her medal :p

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