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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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1 hour ago, YouNoMe said:

@Mirella I don't possess much faith in today's climate. I don't detect the logic in hope amid hopelessness. My belief system conflicts with what's easy and what's real. What's easy is to throw in the towel, what's real is the quarrel of living...decent living at that.


War and Climate Change, isn't the latter a precursor of rage? As far as I understand, without political dressing, war is a present act of immorality and disregard, apathy toward true rectitude. And what is the gain amid this discord? P for posterity and always prosperity too, but never for peace. I hate, I despise living now! What fruitful future can we acquire amongst conquistadors and hoarders? Active we shall be, decisive we shall become, but expectation is a fool's make-up. Without respect, there is no peace, without peace, there are no pillars, without pillars, there is no holding up, and without holding up, there is only falling down. 


Leonardo DiCaprio, United Nations Ambassador of Peace ✌️ , has one hell of a title and an even more hellish duty. 


Thanks, everyone for the updates.

@High Priestess welcome and positive thoughts. 


On the contrary. Do you think walking away (throw in the towel) is easy? I often hear that it is so easy for me to just walk away when people don't give me high enough credit for everything that was done before I did. Throw in the towel can be liberating when we hit an end of the road. I know I did love. I showed compassion. I was to huge help and comfort. I have a temper so fights surely were a passionate ingredient. Making up to. 


I will always be for walking away but that doesn't mean I lose. As past time has taught me. 🙃 


I do however admire people that don't give up. Change their plan when things don't go as they planned but also have the courage to abandon ship when it is sinking. Go down with it if you want, disaster happens every day, but be aware that it is sinking.



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If I were to deduct a lesson from that presented sonnet, I would say it evokes caution. Whether it be for pure warning or scorn, both positions serve advantage. Yet, I uphold my stance, solely because I wonder, canst one be angry and not guilty, hungry and not violent, discontented and not disgruntled? Commonly, one emotion facilitates the other but doth it guarantees it? My hatred, the disdain toward these matters is a testament to my opposition on those matters--flatly that. I dare not ponder away achievement for excitement. Thank you for the caution @High Priestess.


@Mirella yes, "throwing in the towel" is easy or easier concerning my chosen focus. Highlighting the Titanic 🚢 and/or its fate is one angle of mine exactly. The decision, the ruling of few bears immensely on the path of many. And if these decisions be hasty, reckless in manifestation, and none do take heed--sliding down a hill becomes more alluring than climbing up it.  

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8 hours ago, YouNoMe said:

If I were to deduct a lesson from that presented sonnet, I would say it evokes caution. Whether it be for pure warning or scorn, both positions serve advantage. Yet, I uphold my stance, solely because I wonder, canst one be angry and not guilty, hungry and not violent, discontented and not disgruntled? Commonly, one emotion facilitates the other but doth it guarantees it? My hatred, the disdain toward these matters is a testament to my opposition on those matters--flatly that. I dare not ponder away achievement for excitement. Thank you for the caution @High Priestess.


@Mirella yes, "throwing in the towel" is easy or easier concerning my chosen focus. Highlighting the Titanic 🚢 and/or its fate is one angle of mine exactly. The decision, the ruling of few bears immensely on the path of many. And if these decisions are hasty, reckless in manifestation, and none do take heed--sliding down a hill becomes more alluring than climbing up it.  


We have to agree on disagreeing on this one. 🙃


(For anyone that reads this and are in a situation you want to leave while others might try to persuade you to stay. It is never any shame in leaving if you want to. ❤ For others that want to fight to the end even if things look bad that is very honorable and brave.) Don't give up whatever you choose to do. 

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Leonardo DiCaprio donates $10 million to support Ukraine

The actor has founded the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation with his family, supporting "sustainable development around the world"



Los Angeles: Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio has donated $10 million to support Ukraine, which is fighting against Russia.


DiCaprio also has a personal motive. The actor’s maternal grandmother, Helene Indenbirken, was born in Odessa as Jelena Stepanovna Smirnova, reports polishnews.co.uk.


In 1917, she emigrated from there with her parents to Germany, where DiCaprio’s mother was born.


Raised mainly by his mother DiCaprio, he was also very close to his grandmother, who was a supporter of his career from the beginning.


His grandmother, who died in 2008 at the age of 93, almost until the end appeared with her grandson and daughter at the premieres of his films, which is reminiscent of the American industry media on the occasion of generous support for Ukraine.


DiCaprio allocated as much as USD 10 million to support Ukraine and did not plan to announce it to the whole world. The information was announced by the International Visegrad Fund — a project of the Visegrad Group aimed at financial support for international initiatives. Following him, the American media repeated it.


Six-time Oscar-nominated actor and producer, winner of a gold statuette for his role in Alejandro Gonzalez Inarrit’s ‘Revenant’, he has been writing “actor and ecologist” in the profession column for years.


The artist has long been involved in initiatives devoted to combating the climate catastrophe.


Already in 1998, as a 25-year-old, he founded the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation with his family, supporting “sustainable development around the world”.




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How Tom Allen plans to entice Leonardo DiCaprio into an interview at Baftas



Comic Tom Allen, 38, on co-hosting the Bafta red carpet, potential fashion disasters and handing Leonardo DiCaprio Twiglets.


It’s going to be pretty starry. Which A-listers are you hoping to speak to?

Obviously, I’d like to get Gaga. And Leo [Leonardo DiCaprio] would be great.

How will you tempt them over?

Maybe I’ll have an array of crisps? ‘Here! Leo! Do you want a Twiglet?’ Because a lot of people always ask them ‘how does it feel to be nominated?’ whereas if you ask something a little off-centre, like ‘what’s your favourite crisp?’, you can sometimes get more of an insight into who they are as people.


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^I have this quote 👇 written on my Leo cardboard standee because truer words have never been spoken by a man lol


6 minutes ago, Lilja K said:

His actions speak for him. Haters shitheads would never do the same, even if they had twice of his money. 


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23 hours ago, BarbieErin said:

@High Priestess I hope and pray everyday this non sense war stops soon, I'am really sad for Ukranian people. I hope you and your loved ones stay safe.    🙏

Thank you for you support💙💛 
I'm okay. Vinnytsia is still safe (kinda). Perhaps, the local weapons factory will be bombed soon. 
We'll win 💯
"A battle is won by him who is firmly resolved to win it"
- Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace 

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