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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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1 hour ago, Jade Bahr said:

Just posting because the whole world is shipping them since 24 years including me :p



Kate Winslet, the only love of Leonardo DiCaprio

They have been inseparable since they met 24 years ago, and they never ruined their relationship with romance.

Most of the time, love and friendship in Hollywood don't last long, but the relationship between Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet is completely different. They have known each other for 24 years, and although the world has tried to put them together with romantic notions, neither Leo nor Kate have fueled rumors of a romance.


Although they met playing one of the most famous couples in cinema, the couple of actors have dedicated the years to nurturing a beautiful friendship that has only been strengthened over time and with the successes of each one. Do you a lready know their story of love and friendship?


Winslet and DiCaprio have been a team since 1996, during the filming of "Titanic." She was 21 years old and he was 22. They showed an on-screen romance in such a believable way that rumors about their relationship in real life could not be avoided.


However, they never had the romance that the public anticipated, and so they became best friends. Since then, they have grown together in the industry. They also admit that they use each other as a support system through all the obstacles brought about by stardom.


According to Winslet, during an interview with 'Rolling Stone', she and Leonardo DiCaprio know everything there is to know about each other. The actress even knows how to make the perfect Leo sandwich.


According to the magazine, Winslet and DiCaprio were lying on the deck late one night during a break. An attendant came over to order food. "Leo was so tired," recalls Winslet; she had her head on his stomach and asked for a sandwich. “The attendant asked, 'How do you want it?' And Leo was like, 'Oh, Kate will tell you.' And Leo just fell asleep. And I knew exactly what he wanted, this kind of cheese and no tomato and no pickles. I absolutely knew it. And I thought, 'God, it's really weird that I know this person so well.' It was brilliant."


Why didn't they ever try to get out?


The truth of the matter is that Winslet and DiCaprio never tried anything else because they didn't "like" each other. The actress who played Rose told Rolling Stone that any kind of romantic relationship between them would feel too "incestuous" because they're like brothers. Also, the two of them need each other as support systems, and it would be more difficult for them to maintain that kind of support if they entered into a romantic relationship.


"In many ways, Kate and I have really grown up together in this industry," says DiCaprio. "We've been a support mechanism for each other for such a long period of time. We've been there for each other and helped guide each other."


Regarding their strictly platonic relationship, Winslet admitted, "I think the reason the friendship works is because there was never anything romantic about it. It's very disappointing for people to hear that because, in the soap opera of Kate and Leo's story, We fell in love at first sight and we kissed a million, but we never did."


 Winslet later said, "We needed each other to support us because we were so young and working all kinds of crazy hours and it was a shock to the system."


Did they never fall in love?


Although Winslet has said on multiple occasions that she and DiCaprio have a sibling relationship, there was a moment during the making of "Titanic" when she was attracted to her best friend. (Or at least, attracted to the character she was playing.) Her feelings were mixed up during the scene where Jack and Rose are intimate for the first time in the car. Surrounded by steam and passion, Winslet explained in an interview that the "Rose" in her loved DiCaprio's "Jack," which ended up creating complex feelings.


"Doing that scene," the actress said, "wasn't us. And yet we were so locked into what it had to be. The Rose in me was really loving the Jack in him. And even though I didn't feel that way towards Leo, it was really nice to feel like that in the scene. It was really nice. And then, you know, the camera stops rolling, he gets up and walks away, and the scene is done. And I remember lying there thinking, 'Too bad it's I'm done.' Because it was pretty nice. It was."


Kate Winslet and Leo DiCaprio, a great friendship


Although it is not easy to see them together, they have had many moments to strengthen their friendship. When they were back on screen together for "Revolutionary Road," Leo gave Kate a ring with a special dedication (which is a secret).


And when Kate won the Golden Globe for best actress for her performance, she dedicated her speech to Leo, while he blew kisses at her from her place. Interestingly, when they announced that she was the winner, the first person she hugged was Leo, not her husband.


In 2012, when Kate married her second husband, Ned Rocknroll, DiCaprio walked her down the aisle. Years later, the actress's mother died of cancer and, in her words, it was her Leo who saved her from pain.


In 2016, Leonardo DiCaprio finally won his first Oscar, and Kate was there to support him. In fact, the way she showed her great emotion when she went on stage to receive her award went viral.





Kinda interesting view (found this article yesterday by accident).



My Thoughts On Hollywood Love and Romance: Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet

Leo and Kate and What I See From The Outside Looking In

Yesterday, I was reminded about something I think about often; True Love. What is true love? I don’t think anyone could answer that unless you are in it, or know how to recognize two people that are in it.


Therefore, the two people who I recognized in relating to this subject were Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet. I ran across those adoring pictures we loved of these two on the Internet yesterday. The award show hugs and kisses. The way they stare and react to each other. If they don’t recognize it, everyone else certainly does with no doubt.


Although I would be willing to bet these two know exactly that they are in love and are meant for each other, they just will not allow themselves to be. I don’t blame them. For such an inspiring love as they have, don’t you think it would ruin it if they were to get together? We don’t want that. We want the allure of the whole thing. We want the desire of the situation -- the tease, and the mystery of it all. Even though I think for most of us, it doesn't seem a mystery, it appears to us pretty factual. However, we still have to categorize it like that, because without Leo and Kate’s complete validation that we are right -- well, I guess we have to assume we are wrong.


Sadly, these two are not a couple, and I would be willing to bet they never will be. Because real love has an intensity, in my opinion, that keeps at least one of them from really committing and admitting that they are in love. It’s two people concealing a hidden pain to be together. A noticeable admiration when they are together, along with that feeling of complete love we all share with them as we watch them together. It’s undeniable to us who watch them when they are together. I can tell that it has become purposely prudent for both of them to keep a grasp on this secret.


Oh well, it’s life. They get to be in the public eye and entertain and tease us with their denial, and we get to dream they will be together forever one day. Carry on Leo and Kate. We love your real-life hidden romance.


Do You Notice Rare Love When You See It

This type of love, in my opinion, is rare. We’ve seen it in Hollywood a few times, and I’m sure some of us, in reality, have been lucky enough to experience it ourselves. Nevertheless, it is pretty rare. It’s uncommon that some have it and don’t even want to acknowledge it. Some have it, but for lack of knowing how to handle it will screw it up.


Some more honorable mentions who I believe had this type of love are; Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, and also Kathryn Hepburn and Spencer Tracy.


This type of love can be complicated. A few of these people were already married, and are validated in the fact that they kept a distance from their soul mates because of the honor of their vows.


Sometimes True Love Cannot Be Contained

However, that now brings me to two people who were meant to be, they defy everything I just described; from Leo and Kate’s denial to Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton’s fight to be together, and the affair between Hepburn and Tracy.


Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have openly displayed it all. They have allowed everyone to come in and know of their true love. I think they did the right thing in their situation. These two undoubtedly could not and did not want to live a life without each other. They wanted to take that chance on forever working out.


Lately, tabloids have stated that there is trouble in paradise for these two, but I don’t know. I think maybe they are just experiencing what is everyone’s inevitable fate when choosing to be together; and that is, not allowing the stress of life to tear down a true union. I don’t know if they are having issues, but I believe these two are some of the rarities I’ve described. Their love is true. We hated it at first, but we watched it happening on the big screen as Mr. and Mrs. Smith. The movie was fictional but real in some other ways. Admit it, we all caught the non-fictional scenes.


Whichever way love comes about, if it’s true, it will last a lifetime in secret or in real-time. I, myself, would want not to get with my true love forever. I have experienced relationships that have brought me down to reality a time or two. I wouldn’t want the struggle anymore, and certainly, if the person I was with is my true love and soul mate, I think I would want the Kate and Leo scenario. That way, even though it would be hard at times, I would still know that deep feeling all my life. The love kept locked within my heart for only me and him, that gets to come out and shine together on occasion. I think that would be perfect!




I am not a strong believer in soulmates but I have to admit that they probably are. ❤


A person or pet that changes you for the better and are there in good and bad times. 🌞


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Bath is lovely! Very picturesque. Lots of nice places to eat. It’s a small city but more like the size of a town. You only need a day or two to explore it. I would recommend doing the Roman baths at night. 

Hope you have fun when you visit!

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38 minutes ago, AliceT said:



Bath is lovely! Very picturesque. Lots of nice places to eat. It’s a small city but more like the size of a town. You only need a day or two to explore it. I would recommend doing the Roman baths at night. 

Hope you have fun when you visit!

Thank you! I'm excited! :) 

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According to KOTFM screenwriter Eric Roth the movie is due to be released this November  :clap: 




When is “Killers of the Flower Moon” actually coming out?

When you’d assume: next November. I’ve heard he’s well on his way to getting the editing done.



Also looking forward to the ending credits now



Was this the longest script then? 

Marty doesn’t mind things being long; he encourages that. But it’s more than him figuring it out; he’s telling you what he wants. And he steers you, says “I love this and this, but can we try this?” And I was happy. I came up with an incredible way to do the end credits, which you’ve never seen. He wrote me a text the other day: “I’m going to shoot our end credits in a couple days.” I was so happy that he’s doing that.



We finally have a pic of Leo in his aforementioned black bb hat and jean jacket at Freize LA opening last Thursday




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Lucky Girl


I did read the original DLU script long ago when it was online , but unfortunately many months  ago it was taken down, and I have no idea if still online anywhere 


I will tell you the original script starts off describing Leo's character and states he is 52 





As to London sighting from Saturday night,  first as Jade mentioned Deumoxi often posts sightings late/all at once 


Second the girl who posted it later gave more info that he was at a private club in Mayfair where she works 


If you follow any of Leo's pal's insta stories, you have noted the locales they have been posting from are located in  Mayfair 


At same time, as I discussed with Barbie,  while it is not unusual to see Leo's pal Richie in Europe without Leo for a club opening/Fashion Week/etc  I , personally, don't think Leo's pal Chuck & Nikki or  Lukas &  Ameesia would have flown over for the wedding without Leo attending 


But as always I could be wrong   :idk: 


Tomorrow is the wedding :) 

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Thanks, everyone for the updates. All the pictures are really cool.


I'd wondered if Bar would talk about Leo on the show 📺. I saw a preview of it on her page, but I couldn't access it from my region. I noticed she drives a White Volvo XC90 like Irmelin, I guess (he) leaves an impression.


Another interesting fact about some of his love interests, besides the one that nearly all speaks more than one language, some have origins related to Leo's (e.g. RefaeliItalian 🍝 for Son of Rafael, Morronepre-Latin for rock or stone🗿, and Bundchen, sources say German 🇩🇪 for binder and/or cuff). The German and Italian connection is my point, despite their nationality or ethnicity to which they identify.  


P.S. I'm glad Tzipi's out. 


@Mirella, I try. 

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