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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Hi, yes, see our great minds were thinking alike at same time ;)

I love the comment the guy made "I'm not blind" . As even though straight guys might not normally comment about how goodlooking another guy is, their eyes can see that some guys are very physically attractive and Wild was man enough to say it. :)

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Thanks for the tweets :)

The following is just from a small site... but still like the words they had for leo/ his career choices :)

Bring on the Risky Roles

We all know Leonardo DiCaprio to be one to take on the most difficult roles available.

Most recognize him for his unforgettable role as Jack Dawson in Titanic. Or maybe as the patient at a mental institution in Shutter Island, the diamond smuggler in Blood Diamond, or the dream expert in Inception.

Either way, he’s become a household name, and critics believe it’s due to his risky choice of characters. Although most actors cannot pull off difficult roles, like the ones DiCaprio usually takes on, it seems to be working for this actor.

“When I can’t immediately define the character, and there’s an element of mystery to it and still a lot to be explored, that’s when I say yes,” said DiCarpio in an interview with the New York Times. “I like those kinds of complicated characters. I just do.”

Not only have his choices paid off in the world of awards – he has previously been nominated for three Oscars – but he has made big money in the box office.

The reason for his great success might very well be the fact that he keeps his private life private. Audiences find the roles he plays much more believable because they don’t know who he truly is, it’s easy to see him morph into someone else.

“He is always very strongly present as DiCaprio, yet he can really make us believe that he is another person,” Jeanine Basinger, chairwoman of the film studies department at Wesleyan University said in a New York Times interview. “That’s incredible talent.”

His latest role was as J. Edgar Hoover, the infamous Director of the FBI who served under 8 presidents and during 3 wars.

DiCapario spent a great deal of time preparing for the role. He toured the Justice Department, which had become like Hoover’s second home in the 48 years he was at the Bureau and spoke to the only living person, Cartha D. DeLoach, who had been close to Hoover at the FBI. DiCaprio also watched footage of a younger Hoover as he gave speeches.

“The research of these roles is half the fun and half the challenge — maybe more,” he added in the New York Times interview. “It’s what makes it exciting to me.”

On set, DiCaprio aged from 24 years to a much older 77-year-old Hoover. Each day he sat in a chair for approximately 6 hours having his makeup done to go through the dramatic transformation.

Leonardo DiCaprio’s next high profile role is as Jay Gatsby in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic The Great Gatsby. It is scheduled for release December 2012.


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thanks girls for updates! :hug:

I loved that guy's tweet and especially,when he said: "I'm not blind" really nice that guy admits another guy's beauty! :wub:

“He is always very strongly present as DiCaprio, yet he can really make us believe that he is another person,” Jeanine Basinger, chairwoman of the film studies department at Wesleyan University said in a New York Times interview. “That’s incredible talent.”

my fav lines from the article fash posted! :wub:

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Hi girls :wave:!

Thanks for the updates :hug:.

I accessed the site yesterday, but suddenly my internet crashed <_<... at least I had time to see these pictures. Leo hot (as always :drool:)... I went to sleep with these images in my mind, then you can see I had a great sleep :whistle:.

I like the idea of ​​Leo and Brad in the same frame. Actually I have nothing against Brad, I even think he's a better actor than Clooney (though both are the face of marketing)... in Benjamin Button he's fine, as well as "Moneyball" (a movie I really liked), although I think you cannot compare his interpretation with Leo's, even the level of difficulty and commitment that each role demanded... J. Edgar is a character much more complex and full of variants (but we all know the politics behind the scenes in Hollywood). Anyways...

Off topic: Yesterday I watched the "People's Choice Awards", just to see Kaley Cuoco, she's awesome... Jim Parsons lost, not fair! Lea Michele won <_<... "Water for Elephants" won best drama (!)... George Clooney was listed as Favorite Movie Icon, alongside names like Bob DeNiro, Tom Hanks, Morgan Freeman (the winner)... I still don't get it! Resume: a shit!

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Yeah, I don't get it either. Though what I would like to believe is that individuals like Clooney look to get these awards, whereas Leo doesn't/ maybe shies away from it even. Same with how he has never been the sexiest man alive, I think he could have been if he wanted to be. I adore that about him, though at the same time I still always want to see him acknowledged.

Also, Since its the People's Choice awards I feel Water for Elephants won because of all the R Pattz fanatics/Twi-hards? Though the movie was pretty good I must admit ;)

Well happy Your interenet is working again hun :hug:

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Also, Since its the People's Choice awards I feel Water for Elephants won because of all the R Pattz fanatics/Twi-hards? Though the movie was pretty good I must admit ;)

Well happy Your interenet is working again hun :hug:

Totally because of him! Good movie, maybe... but not the best, at least not for me :laugh:.

Thanks Fash :hug:.

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