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Status Updates posted by Limerlight

  1. Haha did you? Ya Candice is an amazing lady! Yes a bunch of people missed me! Apparently not you :P

  2. Dam... your set is hot.

  3. :wave: Hey dizzy how's you (doubt you remember talking to me before) :laugh:

  4. Oh there's a bed in your room eh? xD yummy pic of candice, and how's you?

  5. Hey, sorry that i left during dinner last night! Did you like the fish? I had to go out, or else you understand. And don't worry, we're still on for friday! I told the boss not to call me all not friday. Or early saturday either ;)

  6. Limey misses you :(

  7. Which is why a lot don't like her, and most say she is boring. But oh well, she's still beautiful to me atleast, so! :)

  8. I used to use a program called Animake, but for some reason the subscription ran out though it shouldn't. Right now i'm fooling around with Photoshop and it's animated section :)

  9. Work work. That's it really haha


  11. Imma be holding ya to that Icey.

  12. Never really had veal before but okay!

  13. Woot! Toaster and cutlery is mine mwahahah

  14. Alexander Keith's Indian Pale Ale! And Molson Canadian! =D

  15. I want the ones I was promised :evil: or nothing!

  16. Ermm, I don't go to school :P I graduated last year, and I'm not in college/ university. Did you get me mixed up with someone else? :P

  17. Practice was fine. And ya a bit of a long night. I got home at about... midnight? Took a shot off the foot still hurts lol. But i had sushi tonight! Ya be jealous. So it's all good.

  18. I has a foot fetish. And if i ever had that many feet with me well.. i think the rest is self explanatory. I've been good, busy again. But i'll be partying tonight so :D

  19. Rawr yes hello :) :wave:

  20. I'm glad your math skills are still up to snuff old man. And thanks, i'll tell nacho that.

  21. drop me an email or smth on how the week was eh?

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