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The 2015 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show


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Some thoughts about the models:


The angels

Adriana: needs to go, she looked very bad and seems like she tries to compensate her age by getting ripped but only made her look even older

Alessandra: boring, old, needs to go

Candice: i never loved her, but shes a nice addition to the show i guess, nice body

Lily A: AWFUL. never liked her, her walk sucks, not sexy, why is she even an angel. needs to go.

Behati: looks olds, boring, i liked her for pink in 2008 but nothing else, needs to go

Sara: good posing and walk, i like her!

Taylor: shes pretty but shes not that sexy and a little awkward

Romee: doesnt stand out, looks too much like candice, needs to go

Lais: the only thing going for her is her body, shes very boring on the catwalk and doesnt seem o have a personality. shes been in the show for 5 YEARS and people barely know who she is.

Jac: alright

Martha: never liked her or her body, she doesnt bring anything to the show

Kate: NO. idk what happend to her. she looks bad and shes boring, needs to go

Jasmine: honestly i forgot she was an angel and i dont remember her in the show

Stella: EW. looks weird, boring walk, boring personality, boring everything, needs to go

Elsa: love her, great personality and spokesperson and great runway presence, keep her!!

Seriously there are way too many angels and people wont know their name because there are too many

tldr: kick everyone except Candice, Sara, Taylor, Elsa and Jac


other models


Flavia: I like her because she reminds me of the old vsfs! not silly and cute but sexy and classy

Megan Puleri: no... just no

Gigi: I like her,great body, she could be the new spokesperson for pink, just needs to work on her posing

Kendall: did NOT like her, looked short and weird

Constance jablonski: i just didnt like her

Barbara fialho: never liked her shes just not vs material

Pauline horau or something: what the fuck

Ming xi: like her but whats with the weird pose

Shanina: disappointed me..



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8 hours ago, Kevork89 said:

They don't think they need to try out a new formula they just think slapping some glue and some glitter over it will fix it. I can guarantee next year will be the same damn formula that the shows been since 2010. Don't expect it to change. If it does I'll be super surprised.


I saw the opposite of this, They took risks with their marketing  trying out a new formula and failed big time they catered to their celebrity guests and hindered their own models. Add that on to such a repetitive formula for the actual fashion show and its no surprise the ratings took such a huge hit. If anyone needs to go is some of their marketing team that ran the PR leading up to the show.


Catering to Selena Gomez meant the models had so little time to learn the song and had to wait to perform it on rehearsals because Selena wanted to be in it. They then let Selena debut a brand new song instead of a happy fun one that would be actually fun to watch hot girls sing along to, they choose some slow bullshit that the girls just looked stupid in, people didn't watch it or share it so they failed there.


The instead of putting their models on late night talk shows as guests like the have done to promote things the past two years with Late Night with Seth Meyers then put them in a bit last minute on CBS Late Show with Stephen Colbert hoping to make it a sort of viral video clop that would help promote the show. The end result is once again Colbert comes off as a smug ass and looks more insulting to the girls then promoting his networks big event. The decision wasn't even a smart one from a viewership perspective since Late Night Seth Meyers actually beat Colbert in ratings leading up to the show, even though he is on after midnight, first time that has happened in years.


Then they decide to do their promotion primarily from social media, but forgot the whole point of the VS fashion show is everyday people not model fans watching a 1 hr long commercial for your company right before the holiday season. So only people who watched their social media promotion were the people who were already going to tune in anyways.


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I agree with what you're saying but I primarily was talking about the same old tired formula of the show they've done since 2010. 2010-2015 all feel like the same show. 2009 was a huge miss still the worst show but at least between 2003-2008 each show felt different and unique. VS mixed it up and changed up the formats between each show. 2010 onwards it's been the same thing over and over again. They need to do angel profiles again like they did in 07. That was awesome and gave a little insight into their Angels. The stupid pathetic inbetween segments about how big the brand is, training, social media, baby angels etc have all been done to death. A simple interview highlighting each girl would be enough.

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The more I think about it, the more I'm sure the biggest issue ratings wise was fall finales. Scream Queens and two of the Chicago trilogy shows were ending (for the season for Scream Queens, until January for the Chicago shows) and I'm sure that coupled with a lowered amount of public interest in the show contributed most to the ratings plunge. So, assuming CBS figures out a better time to air it next year, there's a shot for them to pick themselves up. If they keep haemorrhaging viewers, that's different, but for now we can only speculate.


I don't think it's about the amount of new angels, or having Gigi and Kendall, or anything else. The show has the same tired formula every year, as people here have said, and people who don't spend time on forums are bored. With better competition, underwear models who are all over the internet anyway lose their appeal. What shows were they even up against last year?

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Instances still relatable10 years later :rofl:  :heart: Barron


Disclaimer: For earnest newcomers, the naive, and the anal-retentives - this is what's called, in common parlance, a "roast". Don't fret... Oh, and accept no substitutes!



What? Nobody said "it's showtime"?!?! Is this going to be a whole new VSFS experience?



*We're a rocking, and we're a rolling*




No, guess not.  :cain:  Same old shit. All these years, all these irritating "noises off" voices... 




*I got Behati*


*Candice in the house*




Yeah, we know. We've all seen enough behind-the-scenes clips to tell you that you have them all because they are all in the same bloody space. There's the hair and make-up bit, and there's the costume bit. It's not a game of hide and seek.



*I got Elsa hiding under the table*


*Yeah, Adriana's behind the curtain*


*Taylor's standing in the corner with a lampshade on her head pretending to be a light*




And then we're off. There's a lot of split screen, oh look a Psychedelic background, blinding lights... Hey, while we're ramming this Hippy point home how about we use some Psychedelic music too? Maybe a mix of some quintessential bands: The Beatles maybe, Jefferson Airplane, The Byrds? Nah, let's take a 80's pop woman's empowerment tune that has ZERO to do with the theme - that'll stick in their heads. Oh and why we're at it, lets MIX the song and make it worse...That's the spirit...



Yawn a bunch of shit we've all heard before... Modeling for VS has been life changing (cause you get a bigger paycheck?), and 'the journey is everything'. Did you know that NO ONE CARES? Of course not, how silly of me to me. Ha


OK, so it's time for the annual Adriana-crosses-herself cutaway. 'Dear Lord, please make it so I can walk, pose, make a face and/or heart shape (or similar) and then walk back again. But please make so that when I do it it is the best thing ever and the fiercest, and that when anybody else does it it's not so good or they are just seen to be imitating me. Amen.' < Obviously she says this really fast.


'Ladies and Gentleman, this is Ellie Goulding, and I'm your Chief Flight Attendant. On behalf of Captain Razek and the entire crew - welcome aboard. While we are here to ensure that you do have a comfortable trip with us today, we are also concerned about your safety. With that in mind, we ask that you take the Safety Information Card out of the seat pocket in front of you and follow along as Selena G perform our safety demonstration.'






Right, 'Ice Angels'. Maybe we can have some appropriate music this time. No? Oh, OK then...


Things I've learnt about being an Ice Angel:


  1. The house in the background of the segment reminds me I need to play Until Dawn again.
  2. VS used ALL the fake fur and turned it into horrendous overtly large muffins and ear muffins
  3. Ellie Goulding sounds a like a squeak toy.
Ah, it's the 'Monica Mitro Bullshit Slot' - run VT... FB is so important!..', ' Humble humble humble model with tears'. YAWN... 








So NOW we're going into 'Fireworks'? I know it's all out of order VS, but watch the editing.


Cocaine and Models. Great song choice.




And now, a quick word from our sponsors:





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The memories :(


On 9/10/2010 at 4:47 PM, TheBaronOfFratton said:





(if anybody actually plays along!)





SATURDAY 11th - SUNDAY 12th (roughly)

COME AND ASK ADRIANA(kind of), CHANEL(kind of), OR DOUTZEN(the real one... well, no - just kind of) ALL YOUR STYLE QUESTIONS...



Siemgi said:
Hey Doutzy, since it was fashion's night out, why were you in a store? Also what is you fave diet? You're, like, so athletic it's unreal!
On 9/12/2010 at 11:24 AM, TheBaronOfFratton said:

post-11221-0-1446084386-87279_thumb.jpg [Doutzen Kroes says:]

Doutzen pregnant. Need to sit. Doutzen is on seafood diet... Doutzen see food, Doutzen eat it.




Prettyphile said: Second secret bonus question. wtf is up with the crazy eyes Dri? Murderous rage on the mind or wut? Death Stare ftw

On 9/12/2010 at 3:11 PM, TheBaronOfFratton said:

post-11221-0-1446084409-13789_thumb.jpg [Adriana Lima says:]

My therapist says that maintaining this Zen-like state of staring is of paramount importance in my battle against the facial-tics and involuntary grimacing that have affected me since childhood. I was under the impression that several viewers of the annual Victoria's Secret Fashion Show found them somewhat unpalatable(?), and I'm determined to do my utmost to make this lingerie spectacular of absolute enjoyment to everyone.


I have come to the conclusion that when Baron left, the spirit of VS left with him, and till he comes home none of us will ever be happy with VSFS again...






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4 minutes ago, jpmas3003 said:




Lenscrafter is having a 40% off sale + $50 dollar bonus at the moment.



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1 hour ago, Prettyphile said:

The newer generation of BZers never had the pleasure of meeting Baron, it's a shame :(

Baron... please Boo Boo, we need you! :heart:

I have come to the conclusion that when Baron left, the spirit of VS left with him, and till he comes home none of us will ever be happy with VSFS again...

Yes, please?!?!
This place/thread (of VS) isn't quite the same since Baron's been gone.  I didn't realize how much I missed the presence. I can only hope and imagine what the VS Salt thread would be like with Baron's return.


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1 hour ago, jpmas3003 said:

Is this for real!? Or is it a joke? Cuz she is looking so beautiful, healthier than ever and her face is glowing, definitly ageing well 

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