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^ If he is that easily offended he should not any attend any award shows because it is fair game especially if you are a high profile celebrity. Any celebrity who attends these award shows should be prepared to be poked fun off. It is a given. Also, what they said wasn't that bad. It was a compliment if you think about it.


I didn't see the Billy Bush interview, but I am curious how did you expect him to react or would like him to react?

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Sooo curious as to when he'll find his next project. It's hard to picture him going much longer without filming but im glading he's giving himself a decent break... he did film J Edgar, Gatsby, Django and Wolf back to back. (Well he had a couple months off between Edgar and Gatsby but still. )

Well he recently mentioned that he had his break and he's back to looking for projects.... guess he just hasn't found anything that tickles his fancy at the moment. :hehe:

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Sooo curious as to when he'll find his next project. It's hard to picture him going much longer without filming but im glading he's giving himself a decent break... he did film J Edgar, Gatsby, Django and Wolf back to back. (Well he had a couple months off between Edgar and Gatsby but still. )

Well he recently mentioned that he had his break and he's back to looking for projects.... guess he just hasn't found anything that tickles his fancy at the moment. :hehe:


Since he starred in 3 movies back-to-back he might consider doing some stuff behind the camera like writing, producing and maybe even directing :D

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^ cute! They haven't been together a year yet but we're getting more affectionate pics (compared to his last few relationships.)


Leo and his mom at the Golden Globes 1994 and 2014.... 20 years apart between the pics




AWW. :heart: Good looking mom, good looking son! :hehe:  

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This is his acceptance speech from 2005... Bit of déjà vu when the camera sets on Scorsese. :hehe:

He seems a bit more at ease in the 2014 speech, but this was his first win so he was probably more emotional. :p He looks so boyish in this vid.. he's alot more manly looking these days of course. :hehe:



I have noticed that too, he was soo nervous while doing his speech back than, soo cute. :wub: But this year, he looked a lot more relaxed.

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