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Megan Fox


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i do feel a little sorry for Megan cuz she is always gonna be picked for roles for the intent to bump up the sex appeal, She will never have a role where she will be stretching herself and pushing her acting boundaries. So regardless of whether you feel she can act or not she won't really be able to prove that to a wider audience until she gets a that role where she has the chance to act

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Well...I guess I may be hated for saying this :ninja: , but I personally think it is possible to act well in bad movies (Samual L. Jackson does it probably 3/12 films a year actually) and that in some of her roles the acting was really bad even by the standard of that type of show or film. And I also think there have been and are better looking or equal looking actesses who naturally commanded better roles just by virtue of being talented. Now that being said, I wouldn't fault her for it necessarily. Its a looks oriented, overnight celebrity kindof age and she probably didn't even expect her sudden rise to stardom. There are many who have drastically improved their acting and she is young and it is possible that she can improve with time :) .

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You can't be hated for expressing an opinion joe ;) Some good points in their too. I still stand by mine tho :whistle: She certainly needs good direction thats for sure. Thats not to do with an age thing either take Scarlett for example, Similar age i believe and has tremendous talent imo

And there may well be better looking actresses, altho you'd be hard pushed to find them, but in terms of raw sex appeal Megan is it! and that will forever be her downfall

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I think she have big problem, beacuse her look... She is so sexy, so beautiful and this gives her very little chance to get an ambitious role... And i know that she knows that. I think she talked about it if i remember correctly.

I really want to see her in a ambitious role, in role wich she will show that she is very talented and really good actress. But when?

For good roles directors wants talented actresses, for cash movies directors wants sexy actresses like Megan...

Sorry for my Eng :/

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The English is fine :) .

You can't be hated for expressing an opinion joe ;)


Thats not to do with an age thing either...

That's true. There are great children actors and actresses even. I meant as a positive she has room to grow because she's young.

She certainly needs good direction thats for sure.

Sure, but her acting is not good even by the standard of the other actors in the same movie :/ .

I think she have big problem, beacuse her look... She is so sexy, so beautiful and this gives her very little chance to get an ambitious role... And i know that she knows that.
And there may well be better looking actresses, altho you'd be hard pushed to find them, but in terms of raw sex appeal Megan is it! and that will forever be her downfall

Well, the looks are subjective I guess, so I'll leave that be since its her thread, but in terms of sensuality, Angelina Jolie has very simular sensuality (even did a very erotic editorial with a horse :ninja: ) and is respected as an actress and early in her career gave some good performances in some pretty bad movies too. This isn't to mention its not like she's overcoming being known as a Playboy bunny or something, she is known as an actress and I've even seen Yasmeen Bleeth give very good performances in small roles, even Marilyn Monroe proved herself against the odds. Halle Berry and Salma Hayek are known for their looks rather than talent but gave good performances in bad movies to pave the way for better roles. Comedians don't have it easy being respected as actors and actresses, but if they are talented, their talent demands bigger roles and they shine in the roles they have in the mean time. Bad movies are where most actors and actresses start out, even the great ones. But they made the most of those small roles and that's what demanded the bigger roles.

Believing the best of people you love or admire is a great quality and I'm not knocking that. And hopefully she gets better roles, but if the only movies were ones of her calibre, she would still be considered subpar even by many who have no vendetta (or even me who like her). But I personally think the conflict all stems from the idea that being considered attractive and not talented is considered such a huge insult because its meant that way most of the time. But being attractive is a gift just like talent and 99% if models would trade with a well-known 'beautiful' 'bad actress' anyday ;) .

This isn't relevant to this, but just to say I provided some goodies for every soap box :) ...

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Well, if you like that, I guess I should give you this to make you feel even better then :ninja: .

Sorry ladies :ninja: .








Hahahha xD This is the best kiss scene and this is my favourite scene of all time :D. I watched this a million times and i can watch this over and over again.

Thanks again to add this here :D. Someone can make gif?

Anyway, maybe some ladies will like this or like it already.

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