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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Well, my list from top 6 would be like this, by the movie itself:

1) Inception

2) Revolutionary Road

3) Catch Me if You Can

4) The Departed

5) Romeo & Juliet

6) The Aviator

By Leo's performance until the moment because I didn't saw J.Edgar yet:

1) Revolutionary Road

2) Gilbert Grape

3) The Aviator

4) Blood Diamond

5) The Departed

6) Shutter Island

And how about you girls?

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Hahaha, LOL about the death-thing Sick! :rofl:

That Brad was after an oscar was also the first thing that came to my mind when I red he was ‘retiring’

Very interesting article, Kat!!

And thanks for the news/tweets, Byprincess!

It must suck to read all that stuff about you and none of it is true :p

Hey Fash! :wave:

I’m so jealous you saw it too! :p

Maybe it is just ment for a special public, but I’m glad you thought Leo was acting that well :)

Yeah Oxford and princess! People create many myths and legends surrounding some celebrities. They are human beings,I never....I said never saw Leo speaking ill of a former girlfriend,he was always very respectful, unlike some of them!

Did I miss anything? :o :o

Thanks for the tons of pics, Oxford :hug:

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So he was a part of the trip! Can't say we are totally surprised by these pics right?? ... we got a bit of a heads up thanks to Lukas :p

Leonardo DiCaprio: Sydney Sightseer

Leonardo DiCaprio takes the beautiful day to do some sightseeing with some pals on Tuesday (November 15) in Sydney, Australia.

The 37-year-old actor, who celebrated his birthday this past weekend, visited Sculptures by the Sea at Bondi Beach, where there are art installations that coincide with the actual landscaping!


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Well, my list from top 6 would be like this, by the movie itself:

1) Inception

2) Revolutionary Road

3) Catch Me if You Can

4) The Departed

5) Romeo & Juliet

6) The Aviator

By Leo's performance until the moment because I didn't saw J.Edgar yet:

1) Revolutionary Road

2) Gilbert Grape

3) The Aviator

4) Blood Diamond

5) The Departed

6) Shutter Island

And how about you girls?

This is soooo hard.. I like alot of them evenly, but i'll take a stab at it lol..

Movie wise





The Aviator

The Departed

Performance wise




Basketball Diaries

Blood Diamond

Revolutionary Road

The Departed

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thanks girls! :wave:

glad you also saw the movie, fash! :) to tell you the truth I'm expecting the same as you wrote,as I already wrote pages ago,imho movie will be a little bit boring,just beacause it's a biopic and mostly biopics are like that,but I'm expecting Leo's best performance :blush: mostly biopics are on actor's performance ...

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Well, my list from top 6 would be like this, by the movie itself:

1) Inception

2) Revolutionary Road

3) Catch Me if You Can

4) The Departed

5) Romeo & Juliet

6) The Aviator

By Leo's performance until the moment because I didn't saw J.Edgar yet:

1) Revolutionary Road

2) Gilbert Grape

3) The Aviator

4) Blood Diamond

5) The Departed

6) Shutter Island

And how about you girls?

for me

by the movie itself:

1.What's Eating Gilbert Grape

2.The Departed

3.Revolutionary Road

4.The Basketball Diaries

5.Blood Diamond

6.Catch Me If You Can

by Leo's performance:

1.What's Eating Gilbert Grape

2.Total Eclipse

3.The Aviator

4.The Basketball Diaries

5.Revolutionary Road

6.Don's Plum

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that's cute :laugh: from twitter

casaviaaa casavia

Best Feelings In The World no. 1: eat delicious food.

21 hours ago

casaviaaa casavia

Best Feelings In The World no. 2: sleep with good dreams.

8 hours ago

casaviaaa casavia

Best Feelings In The World no. 3: be with your lover.

6 hours ago

casaviaaa casavia

Best Feelings In The World no. 4: fart quietly in front of public.

29 minutes ago

casaviaaa casavia

Best Feelings In The World no. 5: sing the song you love.

27 minutes ago

casaviaaa casavia

Best Feelings In The World no. 6: having a perfect coffee and cigarettes.

24 minutes ago

casaviaaa casavia

Best Feelings In The World no. 7: your boss gets out of town.

10 minutes ago

casaviaaa casavia

Best Feelings In The World no. 8: seeing Leonardo Dicaprio gets an oscar. (When will this happen?? Wheenn?? (۳‾̩̩͡Д‾̩̩͡)۳ ))

5 minutes ago

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Wow, Love all the mobli vids! Its great because we get a glimse inside leos world, and what he likes to do with his buds. even though leos not in it :/ Thanks fash!

Also thanks Ox and fash for the info on the kissing scene. I can't wait to see it! :D

Thanks fash for the new pics. Classic leo attire :p

Barbie heres my top 6 rankings:

by the movie itself:

The Departed

Gangs Of New York

Revolutionary Road

Shutter Island

blood diamond


Leo's performance:

Revolutionary Road

Gibert Grape

The aviator

Blood Diamond

The departed

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I see our mystery green bracelet has now moved to Lukas' wrist or Lukas has his own.

We knew we wouldn't see Leo wearing it while filming, but it is interesting that now that the J Edgar pr is over he is not wearing it when he is out .



Thanks for all the great Bondi pix :)


I'll have to think about my list and return :)

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Manly man Leonardo DiCaprio unmoved by decadence

HE came, he stood, stared and brooded as a little bit of Manly was transformed into a roaring 1920s Long Island party mansion early yesterday.

But it wasn't Leo DiCaprio who was looking so grim - it was his character Jay Gatsby hosting a drunken party scene filmed at the historic International College Of Management.

The Great Gatsby director Baz Luhrmann conducted the epically decadent scene - ironically in an old Catholic seminary - with a full-force cast including Tobey Maguire and Barry Otto, seen here resplendent in red jacket above Maguire.

Guests at the "party" drunkenly staggered around - including one female who vomited - as a stone-faced and, at one time, yawning Gatsby stared at the scene he had created, but seemed to be detesting.

Three old palm trees were temporarily removed from the location before cast and crew arrived for filming, the same day DiCaprio arrived back in Sydney after a week in the US promoting his new film J. Edgar.

Gallery - on the Great Gatsby set








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Oscarmetrics: Do George Clooney, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Brad Pitt Need an Oscar?

There are many ways of looking at a Best Actor Oscar race. You can ask yourself who gave the year’s strongest performances. You can think about who’s overdue, who’s surprising, who works the circuit effectively, who exceeds expectations, who elevates his movie the most by his presence in it. But ultimately, the question that decides the nominations is always this one: Who do actors want to vote for?

This year, that may be tough to answer, since Best Actor is shaping up to be an extremely unusual race. In Column A, we have three Goliaths: George Clooney for The Descendants, Leonardo DiCaprio for J. Edgar, and Brad Pitt for Moneyball. And in Column B, we have a whole bunch of Davids. The problem for the Davids is that they’re not Goliaths. The problem for the Goliaths is that voting for Davids is usually a lot more fun.

Clooney. Pitt. DiCaprio. If I were an ABC executive hoping to amp the Oscars telecast’s ratings, I would consider this to be three-fifths of a perfect nominee roster and pray that the votership chooses to fill it out with Taylor Lautner and Adam Sandler for their fine, fine work this year in Abduction and Jack and Jill. (Tragically, since both Lautner and Sandler appeared in more than one movie in 2011, their votes will probably be split, destroying their chances.) Still, consider that lineup: Three of the biggest, most successful, most photogenic stars in Hollywood giving three creditable performances in three campaignable films.

And, because Oscar campaigns are always based in part on the terrified certainty that the performance in itself cannot possibly be enough, all three men also come equipped with prepackaged narratives. DiCaprio’s, unveiled in a New York Times "Arts & Leisure" cover story simply headlined “Risk Taker,” is just that: I’m a hard worker who challenges myself with transformative roles for serious directors, and you’re never going to see me sell myself out for Pirates of the Caribbean 5: Shitload of Doubloons. Clooney’s narrative goes something like: I use my star power to get small and worthy movies greenlit, the clear implication being that the difference between The Descendants with Clooney and The Descendants with someone else is the difference between a movie you get to see and a movie you don’t. And Pitt’s, tailored to the tortuous history of Moneyball, is: I stick with projects I believe in for years until they get made.

All three of these premises have enough truth in them to be legitimately deployed. But there’s a problem: They all fall into an awards-narrative category that Movieline’s Oscar guy, Stu Van Airsdale, astutely identified a couple of weeks ago as “It’s a nice story. It’s just not … charming.”

Academy voters like to be seduced by a narrative, not simply persuaded by it, and a Clooney vs. Pitt vs. DiCaprio contest has a slight whiff of “Which of the three richest, handsomest, most popular boys in the school are we going to choose as class president?” They are, in short, the 1 percent — and this is not an ideal year to be in that category. At another Oscar moment, the now-widely-reprinted news that DiCaprio took only one-tenth of his usual fee to make J. Edgar might get him some traction. This year, people are more likely to note that one-tenth of his usual fee is $2 million, which means that the notion of personal sacrifice should probably be left out of the argument.

I’m not suggesting that all of these guys don’t have good chances at nominations. In fact, one of them might win. But what’s missing here is, perhaps, the sense of urgency, importance, or sheer pleasure that impels voters to carry an actor all the way to the finish line. Clooney has been nominated for five Oscars already (three of them for acting) and has won once. DiCaprio is going for his fourth nomination, and Pitt for his third. None of them fits comfortably into the “It’s Time” narrative; they did good work this year, but nobody is going to be able to make an effective case that they’re owed. Beyond that, I wonder if voters in the actors’ branch may feel that there is something slightly dull, expected, or rote about writing down all three of those names.

Especially when you consider the alternative — a long list of the kind of performers who make it too easy to shorthand this contest (unfairly) as Actors vs. Movie Stars. The problem for the three gentlemen in Column A is that Column B is not only talent-rich but replete with enough viable and even pleasurable Oscar narratives to render Column A unnecessary.


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why the hell he would have to invite her? This is so stupid! but anyways :/

Was Blake Lively Invited to Leonardo DiCaprio's 37th Birthday Party?

Over the weekend, Blake Lively’s (Serena) ex-boyfriend, Leonardo DiCaprio, celebrated his 37th birthday in New York City — where the sexy actor was spotted partying with celebs like Bradley Cooper, Alessandra Ambrosio, Robert De Niro, and even Blake’s Gossip Girl co-star Chace Crawford (Nate)!

But was Blake herself invited to Leo’s big bash?

"No, she wasn't,” a pal of Leo’s tells Wetpaint Entertainment. “Why would she be? They're not together anymore."

It’s a good point. No matter how amicable the breakup may have been, an ex isn’t exactly the first person you want on your guest list!


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