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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Leos friends with a bunch of models, so I don't think anything is suspicious there :laugh: Plus Gisele and allesandra were friends, right? anywho sounds like a lot of cool people at the party.

So Alessandra is friends with Gisele and also with Bar,

Izabel and Bar are close friends, I really wonder what the talk about Leo is in the changing-rooms :p :whistle:

Since he dates/hangs with models so much they are always gonna run into eachother :p

^^ Edit: Oh, Sick. You beat me :p

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Hey Girls talking about dirty game to win an Oscar, I was reading the column Lainey Gossip... So apparently the Brad Pitt is saying that in three years, he retired from acting. My first thought was: And who the hell cares, you're a terrible actor, as bad as your movies, but then she mentioned something... This is perhaps a campaign to finally the academy give him the Oscar? Some people have no shame, and if anyone knows how to manipulate the press and take advantage of all publicity, are these two, the Brangelina brand.

Please god don't let that happen... A gwyneth paltrow case

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I read it too princess! but to tell you the true I've not thought about that :laugh: I don't think Oscars to get this serious and give him an Oscar just because he's leaving Hollywood. if he said it cuz of this point,I'd have adviced him to say something not this foolish,it would work if he said, like he's dying :laugh: cuz you know death always works for Oscars :p

^^ Edit: Oh, Sick. You beat me :p


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,I'd have adviced him to say something serious,like he's dying :laugh: cuz you know death works for Oscars


decamino 10 hours 11 mins ago Twitter My mate has a brilliant view from her balcony + still couldn't spot Leo DiCaprio ... #TheGreatGatsby #Manly ... yfrog.com/nwfptsj


keep trying my friend... we need that pic :p



RT “@thatpacificlove: LEONARDO DICAPRIO IS AT MANLY BEACH! OMG GIVE ME MY WINGS, I'm gonna go do some role-play with the infamous Romeo!”

hace 18 horas

Spotted! The Coolest Celeb Happenings This Week – November 11

Leonardo DiCaprio had an early dinner at Serafina in New York on Thursday. The goateed J. Edgar star was casually accessorized with a Yankee hat while he drank iced tea and shared pasta and pizza with 4 other men.

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If brad gets an Oscar before Leo I have a problem. :laugh:

Also I didn't know this. Did you know leo was rumored to have fathered a baby with Natasha Henstridge back in '98? Of course the claims were dismissed and it was another guy, but I didn't know that! :idk: Learn something new everyday ;)

Who: Natasha Henstridge

What: Riding the Titanic wave ifrom 1997-98

Once that big boat went down, Leo rode the wave of success into the arms of a number of women in 1997 and '98. It was a streak of record proportions that should land him in some sort of dating hall of fame. He was also tiedto one-nighters with Helena Christiensen and Amber Valletta, but "Species" star Natasha Henstridge gets her picture up because rumors swirled that he fathered her child until she came out and revealed Liam Waite as the baby daddy.


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Uh??? :/ pictures girl. No picture, no gossip

sione_chownsione chown

Leonardo dicaprio spotted with new girl at a well known Sydney beach today !

hace 14 horas

then, it's official Leo will be on Sinatra?


Also I didn't know this. Did you know leo was rumored to have fathered a baby with Natasha Henstridge back in '98? Of course the claims were dismissed and it was another guy, but I didn't know that! :idk: Learn something new everyday

Kat Is difficult to keep track of how many women dating Leo between 97 and 99... I remember very well, at that time he was linked to almost every women, either Model, actress, Model/actress, singers, daughters of famous :laugh:

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By Princess

Thanks for all the many articles/pix, tweets you brought us today; it's always a treat to return to so many goodies :)

Also, I definitely agree with your recent comment below regarding Madilina/Italian press

As all of the American gossip press ran the pix of Leo and her on his Vacluse balcony right before he returned to States, so they were all aware of who she was

Plus, from following Leo all these years, we well know the gossip media loves to 'couple him up' with someone.

So, there would be no reason why they wouldn't have zeroed in on the fact that she was same party/same event chatting/dancing/etc after having flown all the way from Sydney to be with him

Be it People ( who , these days, only mentions Leo in regard to his love life ) NY Post , or other gossip writers, none are not mentioning her being with him out of any regard to his wish for his personal life to be kept private.

begin to believe that she put those pics on facebook with a single purpose: Publicity

As to Sinatra/IMDB , you'll notice next to Leo's name they have rumored , so nothing official at all .


I'm glad someone brough up Lukas and balcony pix today, as I never could figure out where they are on Lukas' Twitter page , hope you can direct me to them :)


Thanks for People /Leo birthday bash article :)

Speaking of the guest list, I would like to see Leo and Ed Norton star in a good drama together. Plus, I hope that one day he does work again with Johnny Depp and Robert DeNiro.

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Leonardo denies womanising

. Leo the Lothario: The Great Gatsby star denies womanising

Never one to shy away from warring with the paparazzi, superstar Leonardo DiCaprio speaks out about the grilling he's received since arriving in Sydney. "There have been a lot of accounts of what I've been doing from day to day — most of it is untrue," Leo tells TV WEEK. Despite the unwanted attention, the actor admits he's fallen hard for our harbour city. "Sydney is beautiful," he smiles. Beautiful enough to share with someone special? "I wish I had the time," the 37-year-old laughs.

full article

Leonardo not happy about Sydney womaniser gossip

Hollywood heart-throb Leonardo DiCaprio has been painted as a serial womaniser during his time here in Sydney to film The Great Gatsby — and he's not happy.

The star has slammed the paparazzi for tailing his every move in Australia, as well as media reports suggesting he's dating up to six local beauties. There's no doubt the constant scrutiny is taking a toll on the immensely private leading man.

"I wish I had the time!" the Titanic actor said during a trip home to Los Angeles, where he was quizzed about his dating antics while filming down under.

"There have been a lot of accounts of what I've been doing from day to day — most of it is untrue. They've made up story after story about me there — it's an interesting experience to be on an island like that. But I've got to say that, regardless, I love my experience working on the movie and I really love the city."

The actor, who turned 37 on November 11, plays rich cad Jay Gatsby in the film alongside Tobey Maguire, Carey Mulligan and Aussie cast members, including Joel Edgerton.

"I'm having a great time working with my dear friend [director] Baz (Luhrmann) and doing such an important piece of American literature," Leo smiles. "Sydney is a beautiful city and I can't say enough great things about it. I haven't had much time on the weekends, contrary to those stories you hear, but the experiences I've had on set and around Sydney have been wonderful."

See Girls! no hookups in Sydney, he is faithful to us! :wub:

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Finally saw the movie! Leo didn't dissapoint he was phenominal. Armie and Dench were very good too! In regards to the movie itself it's not one of my fav Leo movies or anything but overall I thought it was a decent movie.. there were quite a few sweet scenes. Though not gonna lie I did get a little bored at parts. Though this isn't the kinda movie i'm normally really interested in period lol.

Some of the scenes that people were getting all worked up over before the movie came out didn't turn out to be anything to fuss about inmy opinion, but it was beautifully shot.

Overall I give the movie a B and Leo an A+


I'm glad someone brough up Lukas and balcony pix today, as I never could figure out where they are on Lukas' Twitter page , hope you can direct me to them :)

Oxford I jut posted the link to the vid, it was Nanda who brought up the Balcony pics :)

The vids aren't on twitter there on Mobli.


Speaking of which..... I see he just posted a video from Bondai Beach in Sydney :). Also neat is how he posted a bunch of vids from his Europe vacation last May. As we know Leo was with him.. so it's kinda like we are getting a sneak peek of leo's world in a way lol :p

Too many vids to address specifically, but in short we can pick up on alot of things viewing the vids/pics :)

In regards to the article Princess posted.... some of the discussions we had about what we think is really going on in Sydney/ how he might be feeling resembles what Leo has said :)

Thanks everyone for the news and tweets etc :)

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So glad to hear you saw J Edgar. As I do like to hear how other Leo fans reacted to film/his performance.

I think if I had to give the film grades I would give the film B+ and Leo A++

Also, thanks for all you the help with Lukas' videos :) :)

I guess I read your post too fast , and I thought it was somewhere on his Twitter page.. I shall have to bookmark these sites , so I can find them in the future.

And, yes, I agree that even though we know Leo won't be appearing in any of these videos , it does give us a little peek into his world plus see some places we may never get to go :)

I love the Christie auction video as it is crazy to see people bidding 35 million or more for one painting, plus, the best part you can hear Leo's voice as he and Lukas talk :)

Kat and Fash

As to Leo's life in Sydney, I do think he is having a good time. And I believe that good time includes chatting with members of the other sex. But , personally, I don't think so far he has become involved in any type of a steady relationship/true dating scenario with anyone there.

I think Leo is a smart guy , and he well knew the game of paternity suits/famous/wealthy men long before the Bieber was born, so I have never felt he is quite the playboy the press , or should I say the male media who live their fantasies vicariously through him, present him as.


As to the kiss as Armie and Leo have said in interviews it doesn't happen in a romantic way. It is the end of a heated argument/physical fight , and that action (kiss ) forces Edgar to confront his real feelings /examine his treatment of Clyde. So it is a very pivotal moment in their future relationship. I , personally, think that scene was handled very well by Eastwood.

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Ox I didn't hear Leo speak :o. Now have to go back and blast the volume because i'm clearly deaf or/and wasn't paying close enough attention lol. Thanks for mentioning it :hug: And yes I thought the kissing scene was done well too :yes: When he was calling Clyde's name right after it really reminded me of the scene in Total Eclipse where he is calling Thewlis's character back for some reason :p. Dress scene wasn't flashy or anything and I thought that was done well too!

Byprincess You've left me in suspense :angry: You can't be offline :cry::hug:

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haha, I liked his anwer to this question, so it seems nothing serious is really happening by now.

Despite the unwanted attention, the actor admits he's fallen hard for our harbour city. "Sydney is beautiful," he smiles. Beautiful enough to share with someone special? "I wish I had the time," the 37-year-old laughs.

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