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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Star gazers of Manly on the alert

It's not quite West Egg but it'll surely do. Yes, Manly locals should move their Watch Leo settings to ''high'' as Baz Luhrmann's multimillion-dollar production of The Great Gatsby - and its A-list star Leonardo DiCaprio - is moving to the northern beaches suburb. After weeks of filming behind closed doors at Fox Studios, the director takes his show on the road today and tomorrow, shooting at the old St Patrick's Seminary which, since 1996, has been home to the International College of Management, and the odd celebrity wedding, Nicole Kidman's for example. The grounds have been transformed for the occasion. ''It's been kept under wraps, but they've built a huge fountain out the front and really transformed the place,'' The Diary's resident on-set mole said. ''It looks absolutely amazing.'' The set will be closed to the public throughout the shoot. It should be noted the temperature is expected to hit the 30s today, so there's a chance DiCaprio and Carey Mulligan, Tobey Maguire and Gemma Ward will skive off work for a few hours for some fish and chips on The Corso, or a dip at South Steyne. Probably not, but we (and the Manly Council) can dream.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/about-...l#ixzz1ddcfgZWO

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So very glad that your connection problem is fixed, and you can be with us more :wave:


Thanks for L.A.Times/Gold Derby Oscar talk :)

I definitely agree with the comment about Pitt's performance in the article below their contender list as , to me, Pitt was just playing Pitt .

Subtlety (Oldman, Clooney) versus showy (DiCaprio, Dujardin) — all of them great, serving their films, as is Brad Pitt playing a very Brad Pitt-like Billy Beane in “Moneyball.” With these actors, along with a deep bench of indie standouts hoping for a spot in the lineup, this perennially strong category is, at the moment, up for grabs.

And, yes, do hurry and see J Edgar so we can add to the group over 25 :)


Don't think I didn't notice your crossover to X rated territory as in "Was Leo in the bathroom; was he alone ? " :p :p

Who knows, if they are in a private jet, it may have been one like I saw on a travel show with it's own bedroom area :whistle::whistle:


I'm so thrilled to see someone else has seen J Edgar ! :wave:

I ,also, thought Leo and Armie were both excellent. Though I , personally, thought Armie's older man makeup left much to be desired.

In regard to what Barilace mentioned about people not knowing a lot about J Edgar trying to learn more before you see the movie, the segment below from CBS , I think, does a good job of giving people a Hoover summary lesson prior to seeing the movie :)

J. Edgar Hoover: A law unto himself



That's a weird picture :)

By Princess

Like the new black and white pix; they look brand new :)

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If you recall the other night posted tweet from girl from UK who was sitting right by Leo at play in NY

Below is response tweet from one of her London friends :)

Alex Palmer

@ClothesPony Yeah he's absolutely stunning, saw him back in 2007 at the o2, think you got a bit closer than me though!


Good to see you , too :wave:

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