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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Welcome, MakeItCount (I loved your nickname) and ShanYouse :wave:.

Thanks a lot girls for the news and videos... 3 pages since yesterday, I was thinking "new pics!", but no :hehe:.

No one asked for my opinion, but this goes for free...

I don't know where it's guaranteed that marriage only brings happiness. I myself don't believe in marriage, and isn't because I have trauma, my parents are still married... but marriage blinds and ties, and I like doing things my way... I know, kinda selfish :hehe:. People say "getting married is having someone to share things"... when I want to share something I'll to my facebook (sarcasm on) :nicole: .

People say "he only dates blonde and beautiful models"... and I don't know why the word DUMB comes automatically in the same sentence. Imagine if tomorrow he comes up with an older woman or a black... many people will criticize him for the same reason that now for only dating women younger than him: prejudice. If one day he marry someone who really makes him happy and he can make that person happy too, great... like you all here, I want him to be happy... single, dating, living together, married, with kids, no kids... whatever, the word is happiness, and no matter how or with whom.

Everything we know about his relationships comes from tabloids and gossips: he broke up with Gisele because she wanted to marry and he doesn't... or he cheated Gisele with Sienna Miller or any other; he broke up with Bar because she wanted to marry and he doesn't... or he dumped Bar for Blake. Bullshit! The same story over an over again. "Leo is gay, his relationship is a contract and this girl is just a beard", "Leo stinks, he doesn't takes a shower and doesn't likes using deodorant", "Leo is in the bars and clubs surrounded by beautiful women while his girlfriend is at home cooking cupcakes"... ah, bite me! Before I forget.

Welcome, MakeItCount (I loved your nickname) and ShanYouse :wave:.

Thanks a lot girls for the news and videos... 3 pages since yesterday, I was thinking "new pics!", but no :hehe:.

No one asked for my opinion, but this goes for free...

I don't know where it's guaranteed that marriage only brings happiness. I myself don't believe in marriage, and isn't because I have trauma, my parents are still married... but marriage blinds and ties, and I like doing things my way... I know, kinda selfish :hehe:. People say "getting married is having someone to share things"... when I want to share something I'll to my facebook (sarcasm on) :nicole: .

People say "he only dates blonde and beautiful models"... and I don't know why the word DUMB comes automatically in the same sentence. Imagine if tomorrow he comes up with an older woman or a black... many people will criticize him for the same reason that now for only dating women younger than him: prejudice. If one day he marry someone who really makes him happy and he can make that person happy too, great... like you all here, I want him to be happy... single, dating, living together, married, with kids, no kids... whatever, the word is happiness, and no matter how or with whom.

Everything we know about his relationships comes from tabloids and gossips: he broke up with Gisele because she wanted to marry and he doesn't... or he cheated Gisele with Sienna Miller or any other; he broke up with Bar because she wanted to marry and he doesn't... or he dumped Bar for Blake. Bullshit! The same story over an over again. "Leo is gay, his relationship is a contract and this girl is just a beard", "Leo stinks, he doesn't takes a shower and doesn't likes using deodorant", "Leo is in the bars and clubs surrounded by beautiful women while his girlfriend is at home cooking cupcakes"... ah, bite me! Before I forget.

I agree completely, Nanda. :thumbsup:

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I already had doubts that pic of the Paramount anniversary really existed. Hopefully get quickly on the web. :)


Thanks for the Q&A video And also for the pic... I don’t know if you notice too ... but he seems much more laid relaxed in Nola than in some of the other places where he had to film a movie before. :yes:


Ugh. Why am I always asleep when the interesting discussion takes place?!

Is well known that interesting things happen after midnight :shifty::laugh:

But I don’t get it... what happens with Erin's twittering?


I wish that you were more specific girl about your affirmation that are still together. Tell everything you know. Sometimes it's like your talking in code. :trout:

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Ugh. Why am I always asleep when the interesting discussion takes place?!

Is well known that interesting things happen after midnight :shifty::laugh:

But I don’t get it... what happens with Erin's twittering?

Sick is right about you Princess, bad girl! :p

What I mean is that Erin's still twittering with Leo's friends, posting pics with his friends (or friends of his friends of their friends :p ), or leaving other stuff that doesn't make me think they broke up.

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Ah ok!... that's what they were talking the other day on tweets between Jennifer and her. I was a little lost.

But I think that doesn't mean much ... I mean, I talk with all the sisters of my ex and met for drinks (for a Girls' Night Out, you know... :whistle:) ... but that doesnt mean I'm going back with my ex. ;)

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Ox what a hot pic!! :drool: Thanks so much! I like the exposed chest hair ;)

Princess: Its not only erin talking with leos friends, and following them on twitter and whatnot. Its how often she posts. I follow alot of VS photography and photographers, and I see when they're shooting. You know those weeks when there is NO sightings of leo at all?? NO tweets or nothing?? Erin doesn't tweet a thing. She is not working. She is not spotted anywhere. When shes in NY, you know when shes in NY. Theres pap pics, sightings, and work. Erin disapeared all the same times leo has lately. And those are my reasonings ;)

Also gonna sound a little stalkerish, but I notice that erins brother (from his twitter, Jeff is his name) dogsits erins dog when shes gone. Erin hasn't been spotted anywhere (she always tweets her dog ), paired with her brother watching her dogsitting all the time lately, when erin is not working. (suupper stalkerish of myself for noticing this :p ) Yeah.

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Also a tweet I found on a leo forum just now (coinsidental talking about breakup talk) :p

This place is german (so I hit google translate) And I have followed this site for a while seeing what they update. Its like a german BZ :p Too bad I can't understand a word of German and google translate sucks!! Anywho a tweet this member found tweeted last friday :)

I believe this would make this memorial day weekend :)

@ Ct

Erin Heatherton hung out with my sister with Leo and his best friend last weekend

The site under news, then leo sightings :)


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