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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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We get A Dangerous Method trailer but no Hoover trailer yet? :ermm: Come on, Clint! God, I want to see the trailer badly.

I have this hope that Keira Knightley wins best actress for A Dangerous Method while Leo wins for Hoover and they end up doing bits of award show press together. :laugh: Keira is one of my favorite, or actually my favorite, actresses and Leo is my favorite actor. IT WOULD BE AWESOME. YES. Also for Natalie to present the award to Leo. :laugh: Ignore me.

Hurry up, movie people!

Wow, I agree with you :blush: . What does it take to finish this film? I think we're all anxious to see Leo shining on the big screen... not only the paparazzi (which is also good, I have to admit :laugh: ). I've even dreamed with Natalie presenting the award, and Leo's speech :wub: .

I hope that doesn't happen the same as in other years... When Leo lost the Oscar in the last minutes <_< .

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Naomi Watts spoke (very little, could say more) about working with Leo...

We asked Ms. Watts about working with Leonardo DiCaprio on their upcoming film, J. Edgar. “He impressed the hell out of me,” she responded. The Clint Eastwood-directed flick is set to be released in December.



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Fash, Ivon, Katch, Pami, and Nanda

Thanks for reply to my question : )

I like many of you am looking forward to seeing Leo be the badass villian. While at same time, Fash, I agree that by playing Hoover he is already playing a character that many like to hate.


I agree with your statement below :)

it's not him that is doing this, it's the press.


Thanks for Leo app, Celebuzz excerpt, SI tweet, and Edgar poster and follow up information regarding it :)


Thanks for video :)


Thanks for Carmel tweet. It would be nice to see a new pix , so we knew where in the world Leo is :)

Also, thanks for Celebuzz additional excerpt.


Thanks for early heads up regarding Edgar poster ;)


Judging by what I've read on some other blogs today , your heads up regarding who mystery NY blonde was accurate, Infact, I wonder if they learned who she was from your post at this forum :)


I agree with Ivon's statement below

this is a thread for all Leo fans, its not like you have to like a certain person to be allowed to post here.


I share your sentiment below :

I just hope he's happy


Thanks for link to pix of Leo as a little boy. He was a cutie wasn't he ? :)


Speaking of your favorite Kiera, remember when there was talk that she might play the lead opposite Leo in "Tender Is the Night" ?


Thanks for Naomi Watts comment about Leo. I know his work has impressed the hell out of me :)

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Naomi Watts spoke (very little, could say more) about working with Leo...

We asked Ms. Watts about working with Leonardo DiCaprio on their upcoming film, J. Edgar. “He impressed the hell out of me,” she responded. The Clint Eastwood-directed flick is set to be released in December.

That's my Leo! :yes:

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OoOo thank you Nanda for the news about what Naomi said about Leo. Yippee!!!! :hug:

Your welcome Oxford :hug:

The following is a translated version of the article... its hard to understand what's being said lol but it looks like it has to do with something leo and Blake did while they were in Italy. It was published today.

DiCaprio at the Teatro Romano to inaugurate the new home

In anticipation of the weekly "News 2000" also purchased new details on the attic in Bra.

The actor, with new partner Blake Lively, attend the "Dream of a midsummer night."

And the gossip magazines are unleashed

The Californian actor Leonardo DiCaprio, paparazzi in the city in recent weeks, has now finished on the pages of the magazine Novella 2000, which devotes a long article to the new flat views of the Arena, which was bought by the star became famous with the movie Titanic.

But not all because the magazine also devotes an entire page to "Map of Verona chic DiCaprio" complete with a map showing the points where it was caught by paparazzi Verona Luca Ghidoni and with the advice of Sara Cavazza, wife Mathias admin porters of Byblos, on the most "in" to hang out in town.

The article also refers to an important date, that of 7 and 8 July, when Di Caprio and the new flame, Blake Lively (Gossip Girl's face) will make their official entry in the attic of Verona after witnessing the "Dream a Midsummer Night "staged at the Teatro Romano.

2000 News reveals new details on the attic then chosen by Scaliger bell'attore unpublished photos, and also shows: it is precisely as we had anticipated, an apartment in the center with views of the Arena of 350 and 250 square feet of terrace , with six bedrooms, three bathrooms, one with a tub-like pool of four meters and a large living room.

We report the news even then, already published in our newspaper, that even the beautiful Hermione, Harry Potter, or Emma Watson is looking for a loft on the banks of the Adige.

In short, the magic of Verona is starting to make converts among the movie stars, we have to wait to see if the "prophecy" Proto entrepreneur Alexander, in the pages of The Arena last week, will come true and the city of love will become real in the branch office in Hollywood.


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wijnboerinnetje : I also agree that Leo's looking very good lately and his face looks more muscular and also his body! Yummy!

It's supposed to be his new roles,at least i think so. :drool:

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A tweet: yogoldsmith Jeff Goldsmith

Will Smith is out! Inside sources tell me that Tarantino has chosen Oscar winner @iamjamiefoxx to play Django! #fb

Ewwwwwwww. No. I want Idris Elba! Not Jamie Foxx. :(

But who knows for sure sure yet. IDRIS ELBA IDRIS ELBA.

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^ Jamie Fox is alright but i do think there are better candidates for the role that Tarrantino could have chosen from

This is from a Polish website ... they asked Anna's agent about the Leo situation and he responded with the following...

" We decided to check out these sensational reports, and we called the agent Neither Jagodzinski - Maciej Lisowski from New Age Models Agency, who commented on the situation:

For years, friends with Anna and I would not comment on her private life. However, it does not surprise me that Leonardo himself was its charm, because Anna is one of the best and most beautiful models of the world! "


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Question for Everyone

I'm a newcomer to this forum, so if this has already been discussed, I apologize for reasking it .

If the Tarantino "Django" project goes through ( I hope ) then this coming film year, Leo will have played : historical character , tragic romantic figure, and badass villian

I was wondering which of these roles are you most excited about ?

Thanks :)

At the risk of sounding predictable, I'll take the tragic romance. ;) But I'm excited for all of them. J Edgar: I love period movies, the cast is amazing, Clint has rarely disappointed, and this role should be right up there with Howard Hughes for Leo. Gatsby: He will make an awesome Gatsby, and Gatsby is a lot prettier than Hoover. :laugh: It's a hard book to translate to screen, Luhrmann is not as consistent as an Eastwood, and I'm not sure about some of the cast but I'm anxious to see if they can pull it off. Django Unchained: This is the wild card. I haven't really enjoyed a Tarantino movie since Jackie Brown and the character is vile, but I've never seen Leo in this type of role before and I'm really looking forward to it.

Naomi Watts spoke (very little, could say more) about working with Leo...

We asked Ms. Watts about working with Leonardo DiCaprio on their upcoming film, J. Edgar.


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I loved what Naomi said about Leo, thanks Nanda! I'am so excited about J.Edgar more than any other because it is already done and a lot of people saying amazing things about Leo's acting really makes me proud of him. But for sure, see Leo playing a romantic role again will be very nice because is something he didn't do in so much years, but for sure a villain will be a challenge for him as an actor because he never did this and I believe will be great for his fans to see a very different Leo.

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Did Leonardo DiCaprio take Blake Lively to meet Clint Eastwood?

Yesterday, Pop Sugar published a grainy photo of Leonardo DiCaprio looking chummy (but not sexy) with a tall blonde who was not Blake Lively. The photos were from last week, in NYC. Now, it’s pretty much assumed that whatever is between Blake and Leo, it’s not exactly exclusive. Leonardo was partying (and other stuff) with various models and other chicks while in the South of France, and Italy, I believe. And Blake doesn’t seem to have a problem with that. Perhaps her game is just that good. I don’t know, but I do know that every time there’s some random report or even a photo of Leo with another girl, Leo and Blake are suddenly “on vacation” at yet another beautiful locale. This time, Leo took Blake to Carmel, California, which is supposed to be a gorgeous little seaside town. Incidentally, Clint Eastwood has a home in Carmel (he used to be mayor of the town too). Clint directed Leo in J. Edgar, which comes out later this year. Did Leo take Blake to meet CLINT?!!? Oh, God.

On the heels of reports about a split, Blake Lively and Leonardo DiCaprio proved that they are very much still together with an ultra-private getaway to Carmel, Calif., last week.

The new couple browsed the main drag of the seaside town on June 16, stopping for afternoon coffee at the Carmel Coffeehouse & Roasting Company.

“Blake ordered two cappuccinos,” an onlooker tells PEOPLE. “One with whipped cream, and one without. But when she learned that the whipped cream was homemade, she added it to the second drink.”

“She was very sweet,” the source continues, adding that while Lively ordered, DiCaprio, waited outside with his signature baseball cap tucked low. The duo then took off for a stroll.

DiCaprio, 36, and Lively, 23, were first spotted together in November, shortly after the actress split from longtime beau Penn Badgley. The meeting was grouped, and at the time seemed like nothing more than a friendly outing.

Just a few months later, they seemed flirty at Jeremy Renner’s birthday party.

But it wasn’t until May – right after DiCaprio split from Bar Rafaeli – that he and Lively started getting cozy as the Cannes Film Festival ended. Since then, they have most notably traveled in Italy together.

[From People]

When People Magazine starts to do these kinds of “every nuance analyzed in detail by passersby” reporting, I always think that the details are given by someone’s publicist. It’s starting to remind me of the Taylor Swift-Jake Gyllenhaal nonsense, as well as all of People’s “exclusives” on Jennifer Aniston throughout the years. Is this all Blake’s publicist’s doing? That might be part of it, but I also think Leo is signing off on much of this too, if not explicitly, then implicitly. He’s fine with everyone thinking he’s loved up with Blake. Blake’s hustle is really magnificent.

link: http://gossipdepartment.com/did-leonardo-d...clint-eastwood/

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"When People Magazine starts to do these kinds of “every nuance analyzed in detail by passersby” reporting, I always think that the details are given by someone’s publicist. It’s starting to remind me of the Taylor Swift-Jake Gyllenhaal nonsense, as well as all of People’s “exclusives” on Jennifer Aniston throughout the years. Is this all Blake’s publicist’s doing? That might be part of it, but I also think Leo is signing off on much of this too, if not explicitly, then implicitly. He’s fine with everyone thinking he’s loved up with Blake. Blake’s hustle is really magnificent"

I totally agree with this

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here's another one

Leonardo Di Caprio’s New Girlfriend

Though speculations and photographic evidence were all pointing in Blake Lively’s direction, it would appear that Leonardo diCaprio did not yet chose his girlfriend post – Bar Refaeli.

He was recently spotted out and about with a “mystery blonde” in New York. Understanding Leonardo and his tastes in girls, the mystery blonde, is, biensur, a model: Anna Jagodzinska (you might don’t forget her from a Vogue cover? I guess this tends to make Vogue’s May possibly 2009′s Models’ Boyfriends pictorial outdated?). I wonder exactly where Leo gets his romantic relationship advices from? Anna Wintour? (through)

"I wonder exactly where Leo gets his romantic relationship advices from? Anna Wintour?" :laugh::laugh::laugh:


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@Palmina, why are you being so rude?

@by_princess, do not worry about Palmina, post all you want here.

@Barilace, i am so with you I really hope Idris gets the part and NOT JAMIE FOXX - YUCK!!!!!!

I knew Will Smith was not going to take a role in such a controversial film, he is very carefull about his image. That is why he is so boring as an acotr.

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@Palmina, why are you being so rude?

@by_princess, do not worry about Palmina, post all you want here.

Rude?? why?? dont worry about me??? :blink: :blink:

SURE!!! she can put all the messages she want but it is more orderly for the forum if three consecutive messages can be edited and put them into 1 message.

By_princess dont worry about me. I'm not dangerous. :D :hug:

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A nice photo collage video from when Leo was in Cannes on Spielberg's yacht with Blake, Lukas, and Kate



Thanks for DiCaprio at the Teatro Romano article and translation :)

Is this an excerpt from a magazine that is coming out soon ?

Also, thanks, for Polish model agency comment.


Thanks for Jeff Goldsmith tweet. :)

I'm not familiar with Idris Elba's work . Can you name a film I may have seen him in ? Thanks


Thanks for reply to my film question :)

Yes, I, too, think Gatsby is better looking than Hoover .LOL

I agree that Leo would make a perfect Gatsby. What I'm curious to see is his chemistry with Carey. I'm ,also, looking forward to Leo having a chance to work side by side with his longtime friend Tobey.


Thanks for reply to my film question :)

I agree we've heard so many great comments from people associated with J Edgar that it is hard not to be anxious to see Leo's performance.

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I don't think Leo and Blake are exclusive, but I also dont buy the whole 'Leo is benefitting from being portrayed as loved up'

(I know - I always contractict everything I say :rofl: but everything is just so confusing )

because a living-ledgend :blush: as Leo doesn't need publicity, and expecially not with her (not meant mean, but you know the whole situation didn't have that much positive effect and Afflecks and Weinsteiners reputation too -I'm not saying the gossip's true- )

I'm sorry I'll stop discussing it;

Im sooooo happy about all the actors, journalists, directors etc. etc. etc. saying how marvellous Leo was :clap:

I think it means a lot when a movie gets that much positivity even BEFORE anything is released :laugh:

(not even the poster, I gotta say, I was kinda dissapointed about the poster, glad it turned out to be fake)

I hope this means it will be good, and a lot of people will go see it!

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