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Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2007 (POST-SHOW THREAD)


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Am I the only one who liked the Surreally Sexy

segment the most?


The PINK one was great too.

Even though I didn't like the outfits at all, they both

turned out to be the best because they had energy.

I personally loved the models who really

worked the runway. Yes, that does mean

Adriana, but it's not just her. All the models

who pointed to the cameras and blew kisses

were my favourites.

But that is completely a matter of opinion.

I like energy in the Victoria's Secret Fashion

Show because it's supposed to be fun. Die-hard

high-fashion model fans aren't the only ones who

watch it and it really isn't about

showcasing the outfits either.

It's supposed to be entertaining.

I'm not just saying this as an Adriana fan,

so please don't judge me because of it.

I actually think that her Surreally Sexy

Performace was the best of the night.


I know that by saying that I'm disagreeing

with a lot of people, but I don't mind that

your opinion is different from mine because

we all prefer different things.

(For the record, I thought that Natasha Poly and

Hana Soukupova were the best last year, so I'm

okay with saying that Adriana isn't No.1 at everything.)


PS: I hated how short the runway was!

VS is supposed to have the mile long runway and

having it shorter than usual really didn't suit how

grand the rest of the show was...


EDIT: Oh my god Nothingless, I was typing while

you were posting, so I didn't see what you wrote

and we practially said the exact same thing!


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I LOVE Mirs, she's a great model, awesome body, and cute as a button... but she's cute! I almost feel dirty looking at her. My husband nearly refused to watch the show when he saw her come out the first time.... he was like.. "wtf .. why is there a 16 year old walking?"

I had to remind him that she's an adult... and his response was .. "In what country?!!!!"

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I feel the same exact way, though I didn't think the music was that bad. What really bothered me the most was BY FAR the editing, shortness of runway, too much extra crap, not enough backjstage mayhem (remember 05, it was so cool to watch them freak the hell out beackstage), and the fact that the show is not in NY! The runway is so long, and spacious! And the girls need to chill out, this is still a runway show. Have fun, but don't do two lines of coke and come out acting like a dumbass. It's not appealing... it's not VS.

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this show was clearly devised by women not gay men. big mistake! it lacked that fierce spectacular sumthn sumthn....i mean their was a lot of good models and some cool costumes but the overall show was not so hot. The editing like last year was the pits..i swear they move so fast it makes me sea sick. The music was..OK.

but like bitches need a walkin lesson i swear to god!....i donno what it is that makes them think they can pull off that corny shit. I like hana, karolina, adriana (was better this year), candace was good and some others.

it was to sappy where is that crazy sexy thing they do?

loved the spice girls though.

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I agree with the fact that Adriana brought energy. I know Heather will :trout: me for this but I really think she did. :gocho: :hug: It's all in the personal preference and that's cool, right? :yes:

I think there are much bigger issues with the show as a whole than Adriana.

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In case you guys didn't already know, here is how the show worked and why we saw pictures before the show that weren't in the final taping.

They actually did the show twice. The first time was without cameras. Then, they asked everyone if they wanted to stick around and watch the whole show again, this time with cameras rolling.

Remember the part where Stam stumbled, for instance? She did that whole walk over again after the stumble so that's why we didn't see it in the show.

So many of the things we saw before hand but wonder what happened to in the TV version were a result of the show being done fully....two times.

For those who didn't want to watch it again and stay for the filming part, their seats were filled with people standing by to be seat fillers. So, that's why what we saw was so different.

It was a very long night at the Kodak Theater that night, needless to say. The good thing is that when the show WITH cameras began, the models had the chance to do their very best work. For some it worked/helped (Y) and for others, it did not, obviously. (N)

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Oh and as for your avatar first off it takes pretty big balls to use that when Prettyphile was the one to make it...
Prettyphile didn't "make" it. At best she extracted the footage, converted it to a .gif and put it online. Victoria's Secret still owns the rights to that footage. It takes balls to play a real game of rugby without crotch protection, it doesn't take balls to change your avatar on a online forum.

So by your logic, you can take anyone's avatar/sig you want and use it regardless if they made it or not?! Nice.. Good to know I can take HIT's, OMG, or anyone else's shit without asking. I mean they didn't "Make it" did they? No, they extracted copyrighted video/pictures. Zomg :drool:

Really you had to break down someone else's post line by line to get a remotely decent rebuttal? Did I say remotely decent rebuttal?... what I mean is..... {insert Joker's imagination here}

Le gasp. Le sigh

Love to bring up Josie don't you? Well I'm sure Josie fans would love to bring up Adriana some more..

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