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Status Updates posted by *Bronx_Bomber*


  2. ~~ I was at work during the match actually.I nearly shouted several extremely foul words when I checked the 'net.:p How are you,btw? :) ~~

  3. ~~ I was born & raised here.In Orange County.I have to admit it's a pretty cool place to live.There is so much to do.It's impossible to ever get bored here!I've wanted to visit the your part of the world.I love to travel.:) ~~

  4. ~~ I was hoping you would elaborate as to what exactly it is.:idk: :p ~~

  5. ~~ I'll take 90 over some days recently where it reached as high as 108!This weekend there is a nice cooling trend.Just for a few days though,but it's a lovely change. :) ~~

  6. ~~ I'm can't decide...Victorino,Pepe,or the latest and greatest...lol :l ~~

  7. ~~ I'm doing fine too,thanks. :) Ahhh...so you are a Liverpool fan like red_ed,huh?:chicken:I bet you enjoyed the match last weekend @ Old Trafford. :( I woke up @ 5:30 AM to watch that filth. :p ~~

  8. ~~ I'm doing pretty good,thanks. :) Do you like any other sport? ~~

  9. ~~ I'm doing pretty well,thanks.:) I hope all is well for you also.Nice of you to drop me a hello.:) Talk to you later. ~~

  10. ~~ I'm doing well,cuz. ;) I want snow,dammit! *Grrrr* I'll be on the east coast soon enough. :whistle: See you later.XOXO. ~~

  11. ~~ I'm fine as well,thanks. :) I have a slight cold,but other than that,I can't complain.:p Have a nice weekend. :) ~~

  12. ~~ I'm going to Puerto Rico for a week.:woot:I've never been before and I'm looking forward to it very much.:) I mentioned to Ed that I heard an awful rumor that this will be the final season of the Conchords.:O Hope not.Talk to you later.:) ~~

  13. ~~ I'm hardly on BZ anymore.I mostly check in if I get a comment or message these days.How have you been? :-) ~~

  14. ~~ I'm hope you are doing well.I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts.:hug: Take good care. ~ N ~ XOXO ~~

  15. ~~ I'm in need of documents for upcoming events... ~~ - ~~ Don't forget to KIT

  16. ~~ I'm looking forward to seeing your face again and listening to the lil' froggies everyday.Happy birthday,my handsome one. ~~

  17. ~~ I'm off to bed but I wanted you to see this when you come on.Soooo... good morning,my handsome one.;)XOXOXO ~ N ~ ~~

  18. ~~ I'm quite the crafty one so you may not always notice.:shifty: Haha...happy Caturday,btw.:hug: ~~

  19. ~~ I've been alright...pretty busy with work. :)) ~~

  20. ~~ I've been good,keeping busy.You? :) ~~

  21. ~~ If it's red wine that sounds perfect.:) I'm just relaxing today watching some baseball and posting away. ~~

  22. ~~ Is David Hasselhoff a code name for the next one to be knocked off?:ninja:Jeez....my imagination never stops.Heh... ~~

  23. ~~ It's all in good fun. :) ~~

  24. ~~ It's always nice to be someplace a little cooler for a while.I'm terrible on the weekends sometimes.I can stay up chatting until 3 or 4 at times.The time just gets away from me.Here it's now cooling off finally. ~~

  25. ~~ It's kick ass to meet another Ali G fiend.Me like...it's sexy time!! ~~

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