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Status Updates posted by TheBaronOfFratton

  1. Either way is fine by me! ;)

  2. I know some people like it - but it's not for me! It's very 'children's television' don't you think? All popping eyes and big forced smiles... At least you were spared the garbled shouting!

  3. Al Bundy's eyes aren't doing it for me though!!! I'll stick with what I've got!

  4. as always - right back at you!

  5. If he IS my son then I'm disowning him (U.K.)!!! He just wants to bring me down - typically Oedipal!

  6. Will do then... My own trip to Japan is currently on hold (obviously), but as I recall that wasn't part of your plans? Happy travels anyway!

  7. Just noticed you've gone all CAPS on your name - what's the change for?

  8. Not much mate, just coasting! I see you've been busy here today... Building up to the big 10,000?

  9. You were SOOO close!!! Yes, I'm fine - been out for St. Patrick's, and happy on beer... More importantly, I hope YOU'RE well?

  10. Is it an "Ivy League" type of thing then? I always got the impression in the UK that only 'posh' private schools played it! And it's non-existent in Bs.As.

  11. I've only really seen it on US TV shows, it's not a game I've ever played here - and in the UK it's (principally) a girl's game. But, actually, it looks pretty tough and dangerous...

  12. Well hello! I'm OK, I've been boxing this weekend for the first time in about a year - sweating like a pig!!! I see you have lacrosse in your list there, do you play that too?

  13. Can you imagine how many duels I'd get into on here of that was still the done thing?!! I'd be feared, or a hundred times dead, by now...

  14. There - that's better! Feliz Cumplea

  15. I ment 'link' between the three men (what links them?) - not a link to a page or post. Go ninja yourself!!!

  16. No, clicking yields nothing... Hmph! Are you leaving this a mystery for now then?

  17. Official Top 3 what? I can't spot the link!!!

  18. It was too perfect not to!!!

  19. As they say: "better late than never"! And it is appreciated...

  20. Actually it was my birthday Fri, so Sat sees me feeling a little sorry for myself! Nevertheless I'm off out again tonight...

  21. Bless you! One day I hope a Korean lovely will whisper that to me too!!!

  22. Just a long weekend to 'wine country' back home now... But buses take time, you know?!!

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