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Bar Refaeli


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She's been in the spot light enough in the past to know what's appropriate and what's not, the fact that she doesn't care enough to even attempt to spare another person's feelings speaks volumes for what kind of person she is.

+1 she's 100% lost me :/

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Wow, I thought that commercial was in really poor taste and am really surprised that Bar or her agents, after understanding what that commercial was about, decided to go through with it. It's almost like Danica, who is a much more known person and Go Daddy spokesperson, decided that she wouldn't stoop to kissing the guy, but let's just get this model(Bar) to do it instead. It certainly didn't make Bar a spokesperson for Go Daddy, so she was the hired actor, no different than the guy. Is this really what Bar wants on her resume? When most of us see two people kissing that way in public we just want to tell them to get a room.

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I dont really understand what some of you are wining about. .

She is being honest and herself. She knows she is pretty. The story that she had a dream of walking into a club kissing the most ugly guy and make him happy for a moment. Thats a nice thing to do as far as I'm concerned. She said it nicely.. Not saying an ugly guy but a person I would least look at or pay attention to.

Its not degrading for him. He knows he is not very attractive so its nothing new to him. He gets payed for it and the whole video is about ugly nerd + bikini model.

Whats the big deal? Personally I like the honesty

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Long time lurker, first time poster.

I just want to say that some of you REALLY took Bar's words out of context. When she said, "I always wanted to go to a club and pick out the most unlikely guy I would ever make out with, etc." what she meant was the most unlikely guy by society's standards, not by her own standards. Picking someone who OTHER people would look at as "that guy should never spend a second with a beautiful super model," not herself. English is not Bar's first language, so of course some things are not going to come across as she attends them to. I really think you all should give her a break.

And let's be honest, Bar is someone who has been linked to Shaun White. Listen, nothing against the guy, but he's no Leonardo DiCaprio himself. Obviously looks aren't everything to Bar. She had the most handsome and desirable man on the planet for what, 5 years? Pretty much anyone she meets after Leo is going to seem like a downgrade in the looks department, so I sincerely doubt she's setting the BAR too high these days when it comes to attractivenesss, and that a man's charm and personality means just as much to Bar as his looks, if not more so.

Anyways, love this forum and this thread in particular. Hope you guys keep up the great work.

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So some of you ladies care about the feelings of hideous, short, dull, and overweight men or am I missing something and there's something else on the agenda...? ;)

Yeah actually some of us do. As woman we SHOULD care as it's what the vast majority of us are going to be stuck with if you don't husband jump every few years (yes mom looking at you, younger and better looking men doesn't mean happiness always)

See when you're young and "gifted" with #swag and what you construe as your good looks everything is peachy keen. However here's the reality people. Very few men are blessed enough to keep that swag/looks and so as they get older SOME (most) men put on weight, forget how to dress decently and don't take as great care of themselves as they did when they were younger.

Many men who aren't metro sexual will stop bleaching the teeth, getting the tan and working out as much . . . oh!! and many will have lost the will to impress the ladies due to long relationship with the wife, being overly tired due to their job(s), and let us not forget the kids . . . ah yes (FU) those sniveling little brats and disrespective teens that parents are forced to deal with and worry about until they move out of the house and can fuck up their own lives.

Now some (most) of these men will not age well (you're no George Clooney), so go do yourself a favor and look at your dad or your mother's dad and prepare your anus for what's to come . . . Welcome to you in 20-40 years lol That aging process sucks doesn't it?



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