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Everything posted by AmDrag

  1. Long time lurker, first time poster. I just want to say that some of you REALLY took Bar's words out of context. When she said, "I always wanted to go to a club and pick out the most unlikely guy I would ever make out with, etc." what she meant was the most unlikely guy by society's standards, not by her own standards. Picking someone who OTHER people would look at as "that guy should never spend a second with a beautiful super model," not herself. English is not Bar's first language, so of course some things are not going to come across as she attends them to. I really think you all should give her a break. And let's be honest, Bar is someone who has been linked to Shaun White. Listen, nothing against the guy, but he's no Leonardo DiCaprio himself. Obviously looks aren't everything to Bar. She had the most handsome and desirable man on the planet for what, 5 years? Pretty much anyone she meets after Leo is going to seem like a downgrade in the looks department, so I sincerely doubt she's setting the BAR too high these days when it comes to attractivenesss, and that a man's charm and personality means just as much to Bar as his looks, if not more so. Anyways, love this forum and this thread in particular. Hope you guys keep up the great work.
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