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Bar Refaeli


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I'm a little bit worried about articles that I read in France. It explain that leo is flirting with blake lively during a birthay party and that bar was not with them....... I hope that this story is false and that leo doesn't make a mistake like in june 2009. Have you read articles about this in us press ?

Relax! Absolutely ridiculous and FALSE!

There was no sign of DiCaprio's model girlfriend, Bar Refaeli, who was believed to be working. But a pal told us he and Lively "are just friends and Leo left with Kevin Connolly."

Blake's shitty PR people has been working overtime (pathetic rumours about flirting with Ryan Gosling, Leo (Bar's boyfriend) or Ben Affleck (married with two little children), PR are trying to make it bigger in order to keep her on press.

**I love her simple juvenile jewelry style:

-Jennifer Meyer Gold Leaf Necklace :heart:


-Jennifer Meyer Jewelry Heart Necklace :heart:


-In the new pics in Hawaii and shopping in Berverly Hills, I think Bar is wearing a new necklace:


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Yeah she absolutely gorgeous, and beautiful and she has got an amezing body. In Europe the best mensurations is 90 - 60- 90 and bar mensurations are 89-60-90.......she has a perfect body, her hair are so beautiful. Her eyes are so stunning , she and original she's got blue eyes with black circle around It's not somethig commun and it's really elegant and sexy.

She has a soft skin, with a few freckles (I don't understand why people said that she has skin problems) she s' a real beauty....For me Bar is just wonderful and gorgeous ....... I'm sure that she will be the most beautiful on the Session premiere. :wave:

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Yeah she absolutely gorgeous, and beautiful and she has got an amezing body. In Europe the best mensurations is 90 - 60- 90 and bar mensurations are 89-60-90.......she has a perfect body, her hair are so beautiful. Her eyes are so stunning , she and original she's got blue eyes with black circle around It's not somethig commun and it's really elegant and sexy.

She has a soft skin, with a few freckles (I don't understand why people said that she has skin problems) she s' a real beauty....For me Bar is just wonderful and gorgeous ....... I'm sure that she will be the most beautiful on the Session premiere. :wave:

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Yeah she absolutely gorgeous, and beautiful and she has got an amezing body. In Europe the best mensurations is 90 - 60- 90 and bar mensurations are 89-60-90.......she has a perfect body, her hair are so beautiful. Her eyes are so stunning , she and original she's got blue eyes with black circle around It's not somethig commun and it's really elegant and sexy.

She has a soft skin, with a few freckles (I don't understand why people said that she has skin problems) she s' a real beauty....For me Bar is just wonderful and gorgeous ....... I'm sure that she will be the most beautiful on the Session premiere. :wave:

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Hi Kerri Lynn, yes Bar is probably in Israel by now. :wave:

Hi fashiondream, I forgot to say hi back to you a few days ago! :wave:

Palmina, I've been meaning to respond to your post about Bar's jewelry. I love Jennifer Meyer's simple jewelry. Thanks for posting those photos. :) I think the new necklace Bar was seen wearing in the recent shopping and Hawaii photos is an evil eye pendant similar to this one http://www.saksfifthavenue.com/main/Produc...u=0441601653958 . In the paddle surfing pics (particularly photo #4 of 25 on Bar Refaeli Online) it looks like she is wearing a matching evil eye bracelet.

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Leo DiCaprio & Bar Refaeli Have Table Manners

Leonardo DiCaprio brought along girlfriend Bar Refaeli for a fun evening at MyStudio’s Animal Tuesdays in Los Angeles on Tuesday (January 10).

The 36-year-old actor and 25-year-old model celebrated the official launch of Table Manners Management presented by owners Chris Masterson, Mike Barzman, and Mike McGuiness.

Other celebs at the party included Kevin Connolly, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Ryan Cabrera, Chris Evans, and Bryan Greenberg!

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