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Bar Refaeli


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I wouldn't call it great...

The text says:

Pickel alarm -when stars go on the street without make-up:

A natural beauty like Bar Refaeli also suffers from bad skin and pickels. The girlfriend of Leonardo Dicaprio tries to hide her unclean skin with sunglases and hand on her face - unfortunately without success.

You have to consider this is a gossip site, they only get klicks with bad news. And ok, its true Bar has not very clean skin - she has pickels. So what? Don't we all?

Its not that big deal... <_<

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I wouldn't call it great...

The text says:

Pickel alarm -when stars go on the street without make-up:

A natural beauty like Bar Refaeli also suffers from bad skin and pickels. The girlfriend of Leonardo Dicaprio tries to hide her unclean skin with sunglases and hand on her face - unfortunately without success.

You have to consider this is a gossip site, they only get klicks with bad news. And ok, its true Bar has not very clean skin - she has pickels. So what? Don't we all?

Its not that big deal... <_<

I agree

skin is the greatest problem of every woman :(

Bar is also a woman and it's not surprise she has problem with her skin.I think it's not necessary to have the make up on for every go out.

no one is ideal!

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Well, I needed tell you this: I think I changed my mind.

Now I'm beliving in Leo & Bar relationship. They made strides, as I said before, now everyone can see that they are closer than ever.

I think all these things likes marriage or babies are very close of their future.

Sorry for being stupid before ;)

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Well, I needed tell you this: I think I changed my mind.

Now I'm believing in Leo & Bar relationship. They made strides, as I said before, now everyone can see that they are closer than ever.

I think all these things likes marriage or babies are very close of their future.

Sorry for being stupid before ;)

Nice that you sharing that with us Valentina!!! most of the people wont admit it.... they think that maybe if they'll keep deny that maybe its the "real thing" then maybe they will just split. but seems like they wont. I just want them to keep being happy together and makes good to each other. but its would be more then awesome if they'll decide to get married or have a family. its naturally the next level. :wub:

but I am just curious.... what maked you change your mind suddenly??

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Thank you Proletinchen for the translation. The fact that Bar seems to not wear make up when she is just out and about is what makes me like her even more. She just seems like a confident woman who does not care what opinions others will have on her. She just does what she feels comfortable with and not to please others. That's just the vibe i get from her. :p

Hi Valentina P. I sent you an email :wave:

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Well, I needed tell you this: I think I changed my mind.

Now I'm beliving in Leo & Bar relationship. They made strides, as I said before, now everyone can see that they are closer than ever.

I think all these things likes marriage or babies are very close of their future.

Sorry for being stupid before ;)

I agree with you. Despite a little important exceptions, really Hollywood couples dont last (the most recent example... Ryan Reynolds and Scarjo are filing for divorce, only 2 years together! :blink: )

I had my doubts but they look better than ever. Definitely seeing her latest photos Bar is not pregnant, but I think she might want to start a family in the near future.

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Well, I needed tell you this: I think I changed my mind.

Now I'm believing in Leo & Bar relationship. They made strides, as I said before, now everyone can see that they are closer than ever.

I think all these things likes marriage or babies are very close of their future.

Sorry for being stupid before ;)

Nice that you sharing that with us Valentina!!! most of the people wont admit it.... they think that maybe if they'll keep deny that maybe its the "real thing" then maybe they will just split. but seems like they wont. I just want them to keep being happy together and makes good to each other. but its would be more then awesome if they'll decide to get married or have a family. its naturally the next level. :wub:

but I am just curious.... what maked you change your mind suddenly??

They are together for 5 years, right?

For me, this is many time, so, the only reason is love.

I didn't believe in their realtionship before because I thougt that it was taking too much time for they go to the next level.

I'm feeling shy to tell you this, but I believed that their relationship was based only in sex.

Now I understand for my own personal reasons that there some people that take more time do decide things in life, or just want to wait to know each other better.

Their relationship is really serious, Leo went to Israel and took her mom together, Bar is always in L.A., I feel that things are faster and stronger since they last broke up.

They can last how much they want.

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Well, I needed tell you this: I think I changed my mind.

Now I'm believing in Leo & Bar relationship. They made strides, as I said before, now everyone can see that they are closer than ever.

I think all these things likes marriage or babies are very close of their future.

Sorry for being stupid before ;)

Nice that you sharing that with us Valentina!!! most of the people wont admit it.... they think that maybe if they'll keep deny that maybe its the "real thing" then maybe they will just split. but seems like they wont. I just want them to keep being happy together and makes good to each other. but its would be more then awesome if they'll decide to get married or have a family. its naturally the next level. :wub:

but I am just curious.... what maked you change your mind suddenly??

They are together for 5 years, right?

For me, this is many time, so, the only reason is love.

I didn't believe in their realtionship before because I thougt that it was taking too much time for they go to the next level.

I'm feeling shy to tell you this, but I believed that their relationship was based only in sex.

Now I understand for my own personal reasons that there some people that take more time do decide things in life, or just want to wait to know each other better.

Their relationship is really serious, Leo went to Israel and took her mom together, Bar is always in L.A., I feel that things are faster and stronger since they last broke up.

They can last how much they want.

You just said it right! if it was only about the sex it was for sure ended by now. if you are Leonardo Dicaprio or Bar Refaeli you can easily found a new sex partner, and also, after you had a sex partner for some time and you have no other feelings for him/her, then after some time you just get bored from him, tired of him or just can't stand him anymore (and its just a fact!!!)... and 5 years its waaaaaaaay to much for this. and not even mention that fact that we are talking here about f*cking Leonardo Dicaprio one of the biggest stars of Hollywood who probably have a line of girls in all ages who are just waiting to get some piece of him. but he stayed only with Bar. So Bar must to be something special that catch his heart!

and the fact that after 5 year of dating he decided to take his mother to see where his girlfriend grows up (not to mention what he was have to go through that first time he was in Israel- that was too scery! :yuckky: ).... there's nothing that can show your girlfriend more how much you love her! :wub:

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I'm not sure, but I think Bar said in an interview that the 6 months they were apart were hard times for her and she was not emotionally available.

its true, she said that to some Israeli magazine few weeks after they got back together. she said there some very cute, touching things, and seems so honest.

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I really do not care about the skin

as it is not new to me that Bar is not keeping the best skin and health like going to gym

or doing any care about herself as famous fahion model but to be on the front page of RTL.de and VIP.de

which RTL is one of the biggest and famous tv stations in Germany means a lot of cover for Bar

About dating Leo - on and off and not good for her anyway.

Hope they will get merried the next year

also they talked today on Bar and Leo visit today on the guy pinnes tv show as Guy pinees said that there are other options for Leo visit Israel and to cover it and ather famous stars coming to israel with no problems or like what happand in the last visit of Leo.

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I found this Israeli website and it looks like these may be video clips, but I can't figure out how to play them. When I click on them nothing happens. Anyway, there is one called "Bar Refaeli and Leonardo DiCaprio on a bus in Haifa" along with a little photo.



If this is a video clip and someone knows the secret to viewing it, please post, ok? :D

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Does anyone know where Bar will be for the holidays? Do you think she'll spend it with Leo? Any idea where they might be right now...and for te holidays

I have the feeling she'll be with her man.... as she was for the past 5 years for the holidays. For now, she seems to do some shopping but I have the feeling they'll fly to some warm places like they used to. With friends, with family...? I guess so.

Thanks Roxee for the link, unfortunately, I tried to click on every possible link, but nothing is working. I would love to view the video, for sure.

I really don't understand the stupid comments regarding her skin. Bar has wonderful skin and the reason she had her hand in front of her face was simply to hide from the bunch of razzis who were in front of her.

Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis have been together for the last 12 or 13 years. They never married and never felt the need for it. He's 47 and she's like 36 or 37. They have two very beautiful children (11 and 8) and they keep their private life ferociously private.They divide their time among houses in Hollywood, South of France, Paris, New York and the Bahamas. He always has had and still has a very busy career and she works as a model and actress mostly in France. These two are the proof that a busy "Holllywood couple" with a family can work.

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Does anyone know where Bar will be for the holidays? Do you think she'll spend it with Leo? Any idea where they might be right now...and for te holidays

I have the feeling she'll be with her man.... as she was for the past 5 years for the holidays. For now, she seems to do some shopping but I have the feeling they'll fly to some warm places like they used to. With friends, with family...? I guess so.

Thanks Roxee for the link, unfortunately, I tried to click on every possible link, but nothing is working. I would love to view the video, for sure.

I really don't understand the stupid comments regarding her skin. Bar has wonderful skin and the reason she had her hand in front of her face was simply to hide from the bunch of razzis who were in front of her.

Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis have been together for the last 12 or 13 years. They never married and never felt the need for it. He's 47 and she's like 36 or 37. They have two very beautiful children (11 and 8) and they keep their private life ferociously private.They divide their time among houses in Hollywood, South of France, Paris, New York and the Bahamas. He always has had and still has a very busy career and she works as a model and actress mostly in France. These two are the proof that a busy "Holllywood couple" with a family can work.

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