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:wub: I have been wondering who these female models were for some time and could never find anything on them, so any attempt to ID them will be appreciated.  Thank you very much in advance! :smile: I've tried to give any info I could find or remember about the sources and will try to add more as I remember or find them.

Sorry I've put so many, most of these were screenshots from the commercials and I didn't know which shots of these models would help identify them (also, I guess I just wanted to post a bunch of the shots anyway):


1. ???

    Clairol Natural Instincts Directed by Brad Tucker:

255286_257701454336184_1531639334_n.jpg552563_257701501002846_909721368_n.jpgClairol Natural Instincts from clout9r2 snap 1.jpgClairol - -Healthy Hair Color- - The Kaplan Thaler Group, Ltd. - AdForum.com snap 1.jpgClairol Natural Instincts from clout9r2 snap 2.jpgClairol - -Healthy Hair Color- - The Kaplan Thaler Group, Ltd. - AdForum.com snap 2.jpgClairol - -Healthy Hair Color- - The Kaplan Thaler Group, Ltd. - AdForum.com snap 3.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Natural Look.mp4_000002360.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Natural Look.mp4_000002520.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Natural Look.mp4_000011720.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Natural Look.mp4_000008.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Natural Look.mp4_000008-1.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Natural Look.mp4_0000025.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Natural Look.mp4_000026960.jpg

Clairol Natural Instincts by Brad Tuck & Alan Bibby snapshot.jpgClairol Natural Instincts by Brad Tuck & Alan Bibby snapshot2.jpgClairol Natural Instincts by Brad Tuck & Alan Bibby snapshot3.jpg

   I believe she was in a Macy's commercial once:

macys-wear-red-sale-large-2.jpgmacys-wear-red-sale-large-3.jpgmacys-wear-red-sale-large-4.jpgmacys-wear-red-sale-large-5.jpgmacys-wear-red-sale-large-7.jpgmacys-wear-red-sale-large-8.jpgmacys-wear-red-sale-large-9.jpg7d6e_360 snap.jpg7d6e_360 snap-.jpg7d6e_360 snap--.jpg7d6e_360 snap---.jpgMacysWearRed700-wide.png


2. Amanda Salvato

   Clairol Natural Instincts by Brad Tucker(I think this model was in a St. Ives commercial "Head, Shoulders, Knees, & Toes" as well):

283735_257701264336203_67882294_n.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Natural Look.mp4_000009800.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Natural Look.mp4_000010000.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Natural Look.mp4_000010200.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Natural Look.mp4_000010320.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Natural Look.mp4_000010480.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Natural Look.mp4_000010640.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Natural Look.mp4_000016920.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Natural Look.mp4_000021040.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Natural Look.mp4_000021200.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Natural Look.mp4_000021360.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Natural Look.mp4_000021520.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Natural Look.mp4_000022000.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Natural Look.mp4_000022040.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Natural Look.mp4_000022040.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Natural Look.mp4_000024240.jpg


3. Ivana Stompfova

    Clairol Natural Instincts by Pierluca De Carlo:

1280x720-VPN.jpgClairol - pierluca 2 model.jpgClairol - pierluca 2 model (1).jpgClairol Natural Instincts - It's all good model.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Clinically Proven model.jpg06ClairolNaturalInstincts.jpg252452_191304910922148_191299750922664_548145_3078152_n-2.JPG

  L'Oreal Excellence Creme:



4. ???

    Clairol Natural Instincts by Pierluca De Carlo:

clairol softer side set.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Clinically Proven model 2.jpgClairol Natural Instincts Clinically Proven model 2 (1).jpgClairol - pierluca 2 model 2.jpgClairol - pierluca 2 model 2(2).jpgClairol - pierluca 2 model 2(1).jpgClairol Natural Instincts - It's all good model 2.jpg


5. Estel Rovira



Pantene Inner Goddess-SD snap.jpgPantene Inner Goddess-SD snap 2.jpgPantene Inner Goddess-SD snap 3.jpgPantene Inner Goddess-SD snap 4.jpg

   Clairol Nice 'N Easy:



6. Petra Kvapilova

   Herbal Esscence:

Herbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-2.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-3.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-4.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-4.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-5.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-6.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-7.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-8.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-9.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-10.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-11.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-12.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-13.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-14.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-15.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-16.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-17.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-18.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-19.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-20.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-21.jpghqdefaultc.jpgHerbal Essences Color Me Vibrant.mp4_000006700.jpgHerbal Essences Color Me Vibrant.mp4_000006933.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-22.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-23.jpgHerbal Essences Fireman directed by James Sonzero-SD-snap-24.jpgHerbal Essences Color Me Vibrant.mp4_000013033.jpg

I think this model here is the same as the redhead Herbal Essences model above (if not, I'd like to still ID both):

Herbal Essences Restroom directed by James Sonzero-SD -Snap-.jpgHerbal Essences Restroom directed by James Sonzero-SD -Snap-2.jpgHerbal Essences Restroom directed by James Sonzero-SD -Snap-3.jpgHerbal Essences Restroom directed by James Sonzero-SD -Snap-4.jpgHerbal Essences Restroom directed by James Sonzero-SD -Snap-5.jpgHerbal Essences Restroom directed by James Sonzero-SD -Snap-6.jpgHerbal Essences Restroom directed by James Sonzero-SD -Snap-7.jpgHerbal Essences Restroom directed by James Sonzero-SD -Snap-8.jpgHerbal Essences Restroom directed by James Sonzero-SD -Snap-9.jpgHerbal Essences Restroom directed by James Sonzero-SD -Snap-10.jpgHerbal Essences Restroom directed by James Sonzero-SD -Snap-11.jpgHerbal Essences Restroom directed by James Sonzero-SD -Snap-12.jpg

   Perfect 10 Box 5R


7. Amanda Wellsh aka Amanda Brandao

   Schwarzkopf Color Palette:

Schwarzkopf -shake up the world_HD 10000kbps - snap.jpgSchwarzkopf -shake up the world_HD 10000kbps - snap 8.jpgSchwarzkopf -shake up the world_HD 10000kbps - snap 9.jpgSchwarzkopf -shake up the world_HD 10000kbps - snap 10.jpgpalette_mousse_color131.jpg

   Syoss Dry Shampoo:



8. Marija Piskac

    Schwarzkopf Color Palette:

Schwarzkopf -shake up the world_HD 10000kbps - snap 2.jpgSchwarzkopf -shake up the world_HD 10000kbps - snap 3.jpgSchwarzkopf -shake up the world_HD 10000kbps - snap 4.jpg


9. Chloe Pridham

    Schwarzkopf Color Palette:

Schwarzkopf -shake up the world_HD 10000kbps - snap 5.jpgSchwarzkopf -shake up the world_HD 10000kbps - snap 6.jpgSchwarzkopf -shake up the world_HD 10000kbps - snap 7.jpg964699_558662394186396_756499793_o.jpgSchwarzkopf -Shake Up Your World-snap.jpgSchwarzkopf -Shake Up Your World-snap-.jpg


10. Michelle Gontier

      Clairol Nice 'N Easy (2006):

clairol-teri-SD 2006 snap-3.jpgclairol-teri-SD 2006 snap-4.jpgclairol-teri-SD 2006 snap-5.jpgclairol-teri-SD 2006 snap-6.jpgclairol-teri-SD 2006 snap-7.jpgclairol-teri-SD 2006 snap-8.jpgclairol-teri-SD 2006 snap-10.jpgclairol-teri-SD 2006 snap-11.jpgclairol-teri-SD 2006 snap-12.jpg

     Clairol photo by Don Flood (2007); she seems to look the same:



11. Beri Smither

      Clairol Nice 'N Easy (2006):

clairol-teri-SD 2006 snap-1.jpgclairol-teri-SD 2006 snap-2.jpgclairol-teri-SD 2006 snap-9.jpgclairol-teri-SD 2006 snap-13.jpgclairol-teri-SD 2006 snap-14.jpg


12. Larissa Bondarenko?

      Clairol Nice 'N Easy by Don Flood:



13. Manon Von Gerkan

     Clairol Perfect 10 by Don Flood:

MF print02.jpg


14. Olga ???

      Clairol Natural Instincts by Don Flood:



15. Fernanda Prada

       Clairol Perfect 10 by Don Flood:



Once again, I'm sorry if I've uploaded a lot of files/photos for this.

Thank you.


2/1/2015 Update:

Just crossing off numbers for confirmed IDs and adding names to them.  Also putting "?" next speculated IDs, the rest that are completely unknown at the moment will just have a "???".

Posted (edited)

3. Might be Ivan Stompfova--no guarantees.

I believe you are correct, it really looks like Ivana.


Courtesy of Ivana's Instagram


But any other confirmation would still help. Still, thanks! This really helps! :D



#2 looks like Amanda Salvato

I think it is.  But, that's just me.  Probably will have to look into more for a confirmation as well.

Thanks! :D



#8 looks like Marija Piskac

I believe you are right.  Thank you!



Thank you all so much! :ddr:

I also added two more models to the original post.

I would have probably added even more, but I think that might be enough for at least this topic possibly.  I don't know. :/


Either way, thanks so much! I REALLY appreciate this! smily%20new%20one.gif

Edited by hairmodelfan

I'm starting to think that #2 is Amanda Salvato but not the same model in the St. Ives commercial.

But for some reason I feel that they have similar eyes or something.
:laugh: I'm so confused right now.


Well, I can already confirm #5 is Estel Rovira without a doubt. Same with #9 as Chloe Pridham and #7 as Amanda Wellsh aka Amanda Brandao.


Just need to find #1, who I believe was once in a commercial for Macy's (I'll try to find a link to it at some point), #4, #6, #10, and #11.
The rest I think have been identified but I still would like more opinions and input in order to confirm them.


Once again, thanks for all the help so far. :)

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