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VS vs. SI Ultimate Showdown

Joe > Average

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I've been gone a couple days, but I'm back :hug: ! Although, I still don't have a new round for now because when I get the time I have to redo the pairs to make this more competitive :mellow: (and I haven't gotten feedback so far). As I don't know most of these women (ironically not a general VS/SI connoisseur). So far the two competitive (Frankie vs. Behati and Gisele vs. Elle) were inspired by someone else and all my efforts have failed. Candice vs. Petra failed, this round perplexes me beyond all reason, but I don't know them so won't touch that, Cintia vs. Inguna failed, all have failed! *electricutes his goons/imps with his magic staff*. I might as well have put Bar Rafaeli against a Bar Stool instead of my choices. So again, any suggestions other than Adriana vs. Alessandra, or the main BZ favs ect. would be appreciated. But anyways, good to be back :) ...

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Joe can you send me a list of the woman you have for SI and VS? I'll go ahead and try and pair some of the woman for you.

BTW I was wondering why you'd pair Irina and Emily together. Sure Emily has a number of fans, however because she's so young, new to the scene, and hasn't been put into the bikini/sexpot roll very much... or at least enough at this point to give us all a good mental picture of what she's like flaunting her shit, it was kinda a given Irina would walk away with body and sexiness... and seeing as Emily is a natural beauty, HELLO she's the face for a huge cosmetics company... kinda a given she would walk with face... Irina was going to win 2 out of 3 easily. Might as well just said "Irina Wins Body/Sexiness, and Emily Face" and saved us all the trouble of voting on an outcome we all could see coming.

Simple put... Horrible pairing hunny! lol

Irina would of been better paired against someone like Tori, or Ana B. All three have about equal bodies, all are about as popular as one another on this forum, all have a certain sexy vibe.

Emily would of been better against Esti. Both are young, stunning, have a decent body, but neither outshine one another. Emily might take face, Esti might take Body, and sexiness would be the tie breaker.

As for putting anyone up against Petra.... o.O over the years, Petra has walked on damn near anyone she's gone up against. I dunno why, it's just like that. Actually that's a lie, I know why Petra wins. It's kinda obvious. /shhhh

Also another thing to note is current popularity. Don't put an obscure model against a popular model..... obscure will lose unless they have the background and pedigree to back their shit >.< Putting a no name like Pania Rose up against Izabel.... Izabel will walk, doesn't matter how lovely Pania is, or how great her body is..... the better known 9 times out of 10 will walk.

Joe I have your next pairing. Esti vs Gisele lolol Mmm I wonder who'll win! lol :kiss:

Welcome back old man. We missed you

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Oh, Pretty :hug: ! I love your big posts :hug: !

Emily vs. Irina

As to 'why' I did it the answer's probably just a further indicator that I need outside input I guess. The reasons being...

1. In the "Fashion Model's Championship League" not too long ago, Emily beat Irina with roughly the same voters. So I figured with her popularity only rising since then it would be a good duel. Though unstructured criteria in that comp I guess...

2. As to bodies, I figured was up for grabs since I don't really know or see what the voters are looking for. Rosie Wheatly beat Chandra North and then by contrast, Angie Everhart blew out Lindsay Ellingson and Jessica Van Der Steen (also the shortest) beat Miranda. So overall, not seeing the pattern :idk: .

3. Irina is more sensual, but many here find her to be 'trying too hard' and thus annoying so I figured that would balance that out.

So all in all...yeah...guess its time to turn the reigns over :ninja: . I'll send some names when I get home and find my USB, though I'll reserve some to avoid cheating you of the thrill of surprise :morning: .

Also another thing to note is current popularity. Don't put an obscure model against a popular model..... obscure will lose unless they have the background and pedigree to back their shit >.< Putting a no name like Pania Rose up against Izabel.... Izabel will walk, doesn't matter how lovely Pania is, or how great her body is..... the better known 9 times out of 10 will walk.

Oh... :pinch: okay :ninja: .

Joe I have your next pairing. Esti vs Gisele lolol Mmm I wonder who'll win! lol :kiss:

:rofl: Its funny you're joking when I put Esti vs. Bianca :ninja: .

As for putting anyone up against Petra.... o.O over the years, Petra has walked on damn near anyone she's gone up against. I dunno why, it's just like that. Actually that's a lie, I know why Petra wins. It's kinda obvious. /shhhh

Well yeah...The only time I've ever seen her lose was against Adriana (another BZ Titan...) in the Fashion Model's League. When she blew out Maria Sharapova and Stacy Keibler in 'best legs' I knew something was up :ninja: . I guess if you were to clone Petra, animate the clone, bring it to life, give the clone a different name and then make the clone 300% better the regular Petra would still win here :ninja: .

Welcome back old man. We missed you

:blush: :blush: :blush::hug: !!!

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Beauty: Ana :wub: . I hate the makeup and blonde hair die, but once I got past that :blush: ...Warm eyes, great proflie, lovely lips and sweet, sweet smile :blush: ...

Body: Isabeli. Just got a little more going on than Ana. And I know you may be thinking Ana's above average only by virtue of being tall and that's true I guess, but boy is she tall...and...her legs are most lovely :blush: .

Sexiness: Izabeli Ana most often (at least 70% of her pics probably) has an expression of timidity or nervousness, which can be an endearing quality when contrasted to some of the divas in the biz (though I think it subtracts from her work to a degree at times actually :/ ) but a confident woman with swagger is still innatemy more sexy, IMO.

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