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VS vs. SI Ultimate Showdown

Joe > Average

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Face : Natasha (Love her face. Really. The cheekbones, the eyes, the bone structure...gorgeous.)

Body : Nikki (Ok, I liked Natasha´s body some time ago, when she used to be toned and fuller, but the she seem to have lost weight and started to rattle her bones - and that scares me :ninja: The same thing happened to Ale :cry: )

Sexiness : Nikki

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I liked Natasha´s body some time ago, when she used to be toned and fuller...

I cannot knock that sentiment, however this comp is about the happier times (whatever they may be for said person) :) . Now I'm not a fan either way, but I'm a fan of her :whistle: . Which suddenly reminds me that I want to say something since the word skinny always comes up in relation to Natasha in comps.


First off, I'm not saying anyone has to like her body. But I would like to take up her case on this skinny issue that seems to always come up in these things.

I guess my judgement could be somewhat clouded because I'm a super fan. But as such, taking her case is my only means for atoning the betrayal of my votes :ninja: and selling out to the wider grin and fuller lips :blush: and bosom :ninja: . But Natasha is special to me because her personality, style and modeling won me over long ago and I just can't let her go :blush: .

Admittedly as a southern ghetto boy, to me 98+% of models are 'skinny', so granted that word I guess means different things to different people. But that being said I don't think she was sickingly skinny. Not just because of the gusto and balance with which she slided down that confetied runway in those tall white boots, but it just wasn't that far. Granted too skinny for the liking of some is not debatable, so on to my real point.

That point is I feel that because of peak "skinniness" Natasha has been unjustly branded with the a scarlet letter....


so even when she gets up to regular model 'skinny' it is often not acknowledged or discarded as a result. Even when she is the same size of many models never called 'skinny'. I as the merciful dictator of this thread asked for peak or prime form to be judged only because its the

most fair to all.

Is a 76 year old actress judged by her 70s or 20s, 30s...?

Are the models with babies judged by their pregnancy months?

Then why should Natasha forever be judged by peak skinniness?

She's about as thick as the average model in those pics, so I say

let her have that. To make a long story short...

Free Natasha :bellazon: !!!!

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Oh, Joe, you almost made me cry. But I won´t change my opinion - because Nikki HAS better body, even compared to Natasha "in her best" :)

Ok? :) and don´t make me post Natasha´s skinny pictures, please...I like that woman, really I do. Don´t make me change my opinion. I was scared, not only once, but I have forgotten and am a happy person who likes Natasha.

Do-NOT-make-me-see-those-pictures-again :ninja:


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:hug: Well, I've never been a fan of Natasha's body, regardless of size. And I honestly don't think she's 'beautiful' actually (I think she's 'cute' though) I love her for more so non-physical qualities and I think the other body is definitely better (and I voted Nikki for all 3), so I'm not asking you to change votes :hug: .
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You guys :hug: .


other scores coming (though Petra and Susan did win)



Natasha Poly - 16.5

Nikki Taylor - 10.5


Nikki Taylor 18.5

Natasha Poly 7.5


Nikki Taylor 16.5

Natasha Poly 10.5

Winner: Nikki Taylor

Nikki Taylor 45.5

Natasha Poly 34.5

Good to see a non-blow out :flower: .

Thanks to Prettyphile for blocking and to Chocolate for blocking the previous :) .

(Team VS, Behati Prinsloo, Nominated by TheBaronofFratton)






(Team SI, Frankie Rayder, Nominated by Prettyphile)






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Beauty - Behati, life of the party :) .

Body - .5

Sexiness - Frankie. I'm admittedly not attracted to her technically, but that makes her sexiness stant out even more. She's like the woman that will show you how to live and hunt in the wild. I already know how to live and hunt in the wild, but I'd still let her teach me :blush: .

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