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The Official Victoria's Secret Thread


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I like Erin a lot better too, mostly because she doesn't look like an idiot & she seems to be a better spokesperson...

Have you seen any of her recent interviews? A total hot mess. She seriously needs to consider booze up and popping a few Xanax before being going on any talk shows. Watching how nervous and how easily flusters she gets is painful to watch. I don't even like her and I feel bad for her! :(

No, i quit being her fan after i saw too much of her ribs in some two years & then she started dating Satan so i wanted to STFA from her, but she was pretty decent in the show at least she didn't sound retarded & i didn't feel like throwing a shoe to my monitor :idk:

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And you sound like you are BFFs with Miranda. Why does it bother you if I hate her? Like I said, go out more. Because my feelings towards Miranda scaring you has to be the lamest thing I've ever read on BZ. Things like this could only scare people who don't live their houses.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Really?I must feel ashamed,but I am not :D

How dare I not take your hatred to some model who has never done anything bad to you not for granted :persuazn:

When you are sharing with people on forum your opinion,be ready that they will dislike it,especially when your posts are full of negative things or hatred and bring agression

As I said before,Miranda doesn`t parade in your house showing her new dress with Orlando and her son to paps

Nobody has ever forced you to look at her pics,it is your own choice

It is you the one who should leave your own house more and not to search gossips sites

Because it seems that you enjoy put your long nose into the others peple`s life in order to judge on them and bash them

And about being scared I was exagerrating

Because your posts sound rather annoying not scaring at all

We all got you hate Miranda

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And you sound like you are BFFs with Miranda. Why does it bother you if I hate her? Like I said, go out more. Because my feelings towards Miranda scaring you has to be the lamest thing I've ever read on BZ. Things like this could only scare people who don't live their houses.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Really?I must feel ashamed,but I am not :D

How dare I not take your hatred to some model who has never done anything bad to you not for granted :persuazn:

When you are sharing with people on forum your opinion,be ready that they will dislike it,especially when your posts are full of negative things or hatred and bring agression

As I said before,Miranda doesn`t parade in your house showing her new dress with Orlando and her son to paps

Nobody has ever forced you to look at her pics,it is your own choice

It is you the one who should leave your own house more and not to search gossips sites

Because it seems that you enjoy put your long nose into the others peple`s life in order to judge on them and bash them

And about being scared I was exagerrating

Because your posts sound rather annoying not scaring at all

We all got you hate Miranda

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I can't speak for others, but for me it's just becoming repetitive. It's kind of like beating a dead horse. What's the point? Whether it's Miranda or Adriana or Karlie or Kate Upton or Candice or Erin or whoever, it doesn't matter. There are certain models that get bashed constantly and it's like...okay. I get it. Why do we need to keep talking about it? The point has been made, let's move on! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but there's a time and place for stating it and there's a time and place to just bite your tongue because it brings about discussions like this that go in a circle for pages upon pages. Then people start insulting each other because they've run out of things to say about the models and celebrities they so despise :idk:

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I have a soft spot for Erin, not sure why, though.

All of this Erin = Candice talk makes me roll my eyes.

Yeah they are both blonde, and sadly, Erin has since forgotten to model and now poses like her... but I see no resemblance. Like at all. But whatever.


This is totally random but doesn't this remind you guys of when Gisele, Adriana and Karolina did a press event in white dresses and wings? I know VS re-uses a lot of things but sometimes it's just so obvious there trying to re-create moments! xD


Nostalgia...... :cry2:

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I think they've been failing at a lot of things they've been trying to re-do. This years "Tell me you love me" commercial in no way compares to the originals! Tyra, Heidi, Gisele, Adriana, Alessandra, Oluchi, Izabel, Selita and Angela....That was one of the best sets of VS commercials i'v seen! I do like how Candice looks when she's power walking through the house in the Holiday commercial but it puts me in mind of Gisele too much!

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