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The "What Are You Thinking About Right Now?" PIP


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19 hours ago, CandleVixen said:

It was 25 years ago we said yes. 

It hasn’t always been an easy road, but we traveled it together. Through thick and thin, good health and bad, forever and always. 

Hubs, here’s to another 50 together! 



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So brave and stunning.................. to do something mostly no one in the media or corporate America will disagree with or criticize. I wonder if it'll help their TV ratings. :rofl:


If ESPN didn't put that on social media no one would know. :nicole:


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13 hours ago, Stromboli1 said:

So brave and stunning.................. to do something mostly no one in the media or corporate America will disagree with or criticize. I wonder if it'll help their TV ratings. :rofl:


If ESPN didn't put that on social media no one would know. :nicole:



What's the link between "Social Injustice" and the anthem? None, but logic has never been these people's forte. :rolleyes: 


Social justice is the worst oxymoron of the century. Justice is individual, not social. When justice is social, it's called injustice. It's one of the bases of democracy, people would know that if the education system wasn't so f*** up in North America.


There is something called "solidarity", and it's important in democracies too, but it's not justice. Also, self-destructing your country: what a great way to dent solidarity... Not very "progressive" :smoker:



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4 minutes ago, Enrico_sw said:

What's the link between "Social Injustice" and the anthem? None, but logic has never been these people's forte. :rolleyes: 


Social justice is the worst oxymoron of the century. Justice is individual, not social. When justice is social, it's called injustice. It's one of the bases of democracy, people would know that if the education system wasn't so f*** up in North America.


There is something called "solidarity", and it's important in democracies too, but it's not justice. Also, self-destructing your country: what a great way to dent solidarity... Not very "progressive" :smoker:


Rich college educated suburban white people are offended though.


The goal of the educational system here is to keep people dumb and indoctrinate them with garbage, no free or critical thinking is allowed.


These people don't care if the country burns as long as they have power and God help us if that ever happens.

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11 minutes ago, Stromboli1 said:

The goal of the educational system here is to keep people dumb and indoctrinate them with garbage, no free or critical thinking is allowed.


Critical thinking should be one of the main outputs of any educational systems.


13 minutes ago, Stromboli1 said:

These people don't care if the country burns as long as they have power and God help us if that ever happens.


If the woke radicals get in power in November, then they'll ideologically own the Mainstream Media, Big Tech, House of Reps, big cities and the Presidency. They'll become one big mob and the USA could evolve as a true Orwellian country. :smoker:


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51 minutes ago, Enrico_sw said:

Critical thinking should be one of the main outputs of any educational systems.


Well it's not here in public schools.


I'm just waiting for states to adopt the 1619 project into their curriculum.


53 minutes ago, Enrico_sw said:

If the woke radicals get in power in November, then they'll ideologically own the Mainstream Media, Big Tech, House of Reps, big cities and the Presidency. They'll become one big mob and the USA could evolve as a true Orwellian country. :smoker:


Needs to be a clean sweep in November for the Presidency, Senate, and Congress for the country to have a chance.

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On 7/23/2020 at 1:02 AM, CandleVixen said:

It was 25 years ago we said yes. 

It hasn’t always been an easy road, but we traveled it together. Through thick and thin, good health and bad, forever and always. 

Hubs, here’s to another 50 together! 

Congratz!  Oct 25th will be mine and Hubby's 19th.

It's funny, it barely feels like we've been married that long but we have, and I'm thankful. It's a rarity these days for people to make it past 2-3 years so I consider us both very lucky.... actually no, it's not luck... it's a lot of hard work.



What am I thinking? - Can summer be over now, k thanks.

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@Prettyphile @Enrico_sw @Matt! @CandleVixen @jkjk


This is a very good read and will get you angry too.





Two months since the riots, and still no “National Conversation”

I’m not a rocket scientist, and it doesn’t take some kind of profound journalistic acuity to walk around riot-affected areas, talk to citizens, record their stories and impressions, take some photos and record some video, and compose some tweets. And yet, I heard from hundreds of people across the United States and world who were shocked that they’d have never been aware of what happened in Minneapolis/St. Paul if not for my dinky little Twitter thread. When I visited a month after the peak of the riots, much of this major American metropolis still lied in ruins. Not that normal life hadn’t mostly resumed; it had. But it’s resumed in the way that war-torn areas configure some ad hoc routine that enables the resumption of semi-normal activity amidst the rubble and despair. In speaking with locals, many of whom have lost their livelihoods and/or had to plead for their children not to be burned alive, it often seems like the extent of the ruination they’ve experienced was barely ever appreciated in the first place. There are several potential explanations for why:

  1. The media, in its characteristic insularity and myopia, has instead chosen to pathologically fixate on a constant stream of Culture War inanities that stem loosely from this ongoing “movement” — such as the propriety of various statues and monuments, whether various food brands and sports teams are racist, and whether various micro-celebrities need to be “canceled” for some imagined transgression. They are also beset by the various hyper-moralizing staff revolts within their own elite institutions, leading them to adopt an inordinately “inward” editorial disposition on account of their own neurotic personnel issues. Under these narcissistic conditions, real-world human suffering becomes less of a pressing concern
  2. Journalists, editors, and pundits believe — either consciously or subconsciously, probably some half-scandalous combination of the two — that highlighting the harmful after-effects of these historic nationwide riots would somehow redound to the political benefit of Trump, which to them would be the most disastrous outcome of all. This probably isn’t even correct — Trump is currently seizing every opportunity to shoot himself in the foot all on his own — but the media class is nonetheless mortified to even contemplate the possibility that anything they might do could conceivably “help” him
  3. These same media class members are themselves deeply invested in what they regard as “the movement,” however diffuse and ill-defined this “movement” may be, and they are extremely reluctant to produce any coverage which might reflect poorly on said “movement” and potentially undermine its moral and political legitimacy


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On 7/23/2020 at 10:02 AM, CandleVixen said:

It was 25 years ago we said yes. 

It hasn’t always been an easy road, but we traveled it together. Through thick and thin, good health and bad, forever and always. 

Hubs, here’s to another 50 together! 

Belated wishes for the splendid couple!:wub: :flower::thumbs_up:

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4 hours ago, Stromboli1 said:


Very interesting and heartbreaking. All these people who lost their livelihoods because of extremist irresponsible kids... :/


2020 is a stupid year. Some people lost their brains, some lost their spines and some lost their tongues. When moderates find excuses and cover up for the extemists (and let them take over), bad things always happen. I wonder when (and if) people (from all sides) will wake up.:idk:

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