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Cindy Crawford


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you're entitled to your opinion but Cindy was never considered fat.
^ (this is the interview i was talking about, i'm not making things up....not my words, but Donatella Versace's, but it's in italian, i can read it, but if you can't, i can't help with that...) ;)


" come ho domato le top model "

Donatella Versace festeggia dieci anni di lavoro con Cindy, Carla e le altre. " poche fortunate in amore, nessuna ingenua, tutte riconoscenti " . 400 invitati al Ritz di Parigi, con le musiche di Prince

------------------------- PUBBLICATO ------------------------------ TITOLO: "Come ho domato le top model" "Poche fortunate in amore, nessuna ingenua, tutte riconoscenti" Quattrocento invitati al Ritz di Parigi, con le musiche di Prince LA PAGELLA DELLE BELLISSIME Donatella Versace festeggia dieci anni di lavoro con Cindy, Carla e le altre - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DAL NOSTRO INVIATO PARIGI . "Cindy, Naomi, Carla, Christy, Linda, Claudia, Brandi... Sono le mie vere amiche. Amori, passioni, confidenze, pianti, divertimenti. Dividono tutto con me. Andiamo insieme in discoteca ma la mattina dopo sul set fotografico sono grandi professioniste". Donatella Versace, sorella di Gianni e Santo, stilista e anche responsabile dell' immagine, apre le cortine del suo meraviglioso serraglio di top model, stasera tutte insieme a festeggiare alla discoteca del Ritz dieci anni di appassionante lavoro. Musica di Prince, lo scapolo d' oro del rock oggi fidanzato con Nona Gaye, che si esibira' per loro e per altri 400 invitati, da Sylvester Stallone, arrivato a sorpresa con Janice Dickinson (Savannah e' dunque figlia di Sly?) a Roman Polansky, da David Coppierfeld, il mago della Schiffer a Vincent Perez e Kyle Mc Laughan, rispettivamente fidanzati di Carla Bruni e Linda Evangelista Nessuna di queste desiderate e invidiate ragazze ha mai fatto delle storie con Donatella. Anzi. "Le capisco e le so prendere . dice .. Conosco pregi e difetti. Poche sono fortunate in amore, nessuna e' ingenua, sono tutte riconoscenti. Non le ho mai trattate da modelle. Ho sempre chiesto di essere delle persone". L' idea di festeggiare i dieci anni di amicizia lavoro e' venuta a Donatella parlando con Cindy Crawford, la prima conosciuta ancora quindicenne durante un servizio con Richard Avedon. "Era timida, grassottella. S' infilava con furia un vestito di maglia metallizzata. Stava quasi per rovinarlo . ricorda la stilista .. Oggi Cindy e' rimasta una ragazza semplice, attaccatissima alla famiglia. Non si e' esaltata nemmeno sposando un divo come Richard Gere. Problemi con lui? Beh, le cose non vanno meravigliosamente". Ma Cindy avra' pure qualche difetto? "E ossessionata dalla linea. Fa i capricci se non trova sul set frutta e verdura al vapore. Non mangia carne". E che dice di Carla Bruni, l' unica italiana fra le grandi? "E colta, simpatica. Non fa discorsi da modella e ha uno dei piu' bei corpi mai visti. E riuscita nel lavoro perche' ha un' intelligenza aperta. Un suo difetto? Ha paura di sbagliare. Ma poi sceglie sempre per il meglio". E la supertop Schiffer? "Mi ha subito colpito per la straordinaria bellezza . dice .. Eppure era terribilmente insicura e cammminava proprio male. Anche oggi ha l' ossessione delle scarpe, rifiuta quelle a sabot. Attribuisce a quel che calza la sua incerta andatura". E proprio vero che Claudia e' pudica? "Solo Avedon e' riuscito a fotografarla come Eva. In sfilata si preoccupa sempre di non mostrare il seno. Non vuole hot pants, trasparenze". Ci sara' pure una top model rompiscatole? "A detta di tutti e' Linda Evangelista. Ma con me non fa tanti capricci. Certo, interviene su tutto. Dice la sua sul vestito, sulla luce del fotografo... E una vera manager, un camaleonte e anche la piu' snob e la piu' pigra. Tutte fanno ginnastica con il trainer personale. Lei no". Un' altra che passa per ribelle e antipatica e' Naomi Campbell. Come la giudica? "Non ha una bella reputazione, ma io l' adoro. E vero, e' capricciosa ma con me e' buona e possessiva. Quando cammina sulla passerella e' una pantera, si mangia il mondo. Ha una pelle tenera e delicata. E l' unica modella di colore arrivata sulla copertina di "Vogue", "Harper' s Baazar", perfino di "Time". Mangia parecchio e disordinatamente. E caotici sono anche i suoi amori, da De Niro a Clapton". Un' altra ragazza di colore, Brandi e' stata proprio scoperta da Donatella a Miami. Si e' montata la testa? "No. E come una Cenerentola. Tenera, gentile. Non pensa che tutto le sia dovuto. Anzi. Ma ha solo sedici anni...". La palma d' oro va a Christy Turlington. "Donna elegante e generosa . sostiene Donatella .. E stata lei a presentarmi Naomi, anni fa a New York, Proprio un cuore d' oro".

i was just reporting what i read, and those are not my words, so stop being so sensitive and get a hobby.... jeez!!!

your words were that she was fat compared with nadege and Yasmeen, and what I wrote is that she was never fat, period, get over it. :wave:

i get over stuff when "I" decide i want to, not when you tell me to, my dear...don't twist people's words, cause i said she looked just "a little bulkier compared to the other two" in THOSE pics (which doesn't mean "fat", you said that word), and she does look a little bulkier than the others there, fix your damn eyes already...and that's the reason i thought Donatella Versace was referring to that period in the interview, cause SHE and not me was the one to call her "fatty" (that's what "grassottella" means) so go ahead and get mad at her if you want to...and last but not least, if you don't like the broadcast change the station dear, you don't have to read what i type, let alone answer to it, so might i suggest you to get some other business to be in, thank you very much

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you're entitled to your opinion but Cindy was never considered fat.
^ (this is the interview i was talking about, i'm not making things up....not my words, but Donatella Versace's, but it's in italian, i can read it, but if you can't, i can't help with that...) ;)


" come ho domato le top model "

Donatella Versace festeggia dieci anni di lavoro con Cindy, Carla e le altre. " poche fortunate in amore, nessuna ingenua, ta proprio scoperta da Donatella a Miami. Si e' montata la testa? "No. E come una Cenerentola. Tenera, gentile. Non pensa che tutto le sia dovuto. Anzi. Ma ha solo sedici anni...". La palma d' oro va a Christy Turlington. "Donna elegante e generosa . sostiene Donatella .. E stata lei a presentarmi Naomi, anni fa a New York, Proprio un cuore d' oro".

i was just reporting what i read, and those are not my words, so stop being so sensitive and get a hobby.... jeez!!!

your words were that she was fat compared with nadege and Yasmeen, and what I wrote is that she was never fat, period, get over it. :wave:

i get over stuff when "I" decide i want to, not when you tell me to, my dear...don't twist people's words, cause i said she looked just "a little bulkier compared to the other two" in THOSE pics (which doesn't mean "fat", you said that word), and she does look a little bulkier than the others there, fix your damn eyes already...and that's the reason i thought Donatella Versace was referring to that period in the interview, cause SHE and not me was the one to call her "fatty" (that's what "grassottella" means) so go ahead and get mad at her if you want to...and last but not least, if you don't like the broadcast change the station dear, you don't have to read what i type, let alone answer to it, so might i suggest you to get some other business to be in, thank you very much

your replies are very bitchy gay :laugh: I'm not your dear thanks god! :p

Cindy Crawford has always had a voluptuous womanly body, only a freak weirdo would consider her bulkier than the rest, if the others were anorexic that was not her problem, the others were thinner than her.

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you're entitled to your opinion but Cindy was never considered fat.
^ (this is the interview i was talking about, i'm not making things up....not my words, but Donatella Versace's, but it's in italian, i can read it, but if you can't, i can't help with that...) ;)


" come ho domato le top model "

Donatella Versace festeggia dieci anni di lavoro con Cindy, Carla e le altre. " poche fortunate in amore, nessuna ingenua, ta proprio scoperta da Donatella a Miami. Si e' montata la testa? "No. E come una Cenerentola. Tenera, gentile. Non pensa che tutto le sia dovuto. Anzi. Ma ha solo sedici anni...". La palma d' oro va a Christy Turlington. "Donna elegante e generosa . sostiene Donatella .. E stata lei a presentarmi Naomi, anni fa a New York, Proprio un cuore d' oro".

i was just reporting what i read, and those are not my words, so stop being so sensitive and get a hobby.... jeez!!!

your words were that she was fat compared with nadege and Yasmeen, and what I wrote is that she was never fat, period, get over it. :wave:

i get over stuff when "I" decide i want to, not when you tell me to, my dear...don't twist people's words, cause i said she looked just "a little bulkier compared to the other two" in THOSE pics (which doesn't mean "fat", you said that word), and she does look a little bulkier than the others there, fix your damn eyes already...and that's the reason i thought Donatella Versace was referring to that period in the interview, cause SHE and not me was the one to call her "fatty" (that's what "grassottella" means) so go ahead and get mad at her if you want to...and last but not least, if you don't like the broadcast change the station dear, you don't have to read what i type, let alone answer to it, so might i suggest you to get some other business to be in, thank you very much

your replies are very bitchy gay :laugh: I'm not your dear thanks god! :p

Cindy Crawford has always had a voluptuous womanly body, only a freak weirdo would consider her bulkier than the rest, if the others were anorexic that was not her problem, the others were thinner than her.

my replies are what they are, boo boo...you contraddict yourself in one single sentence (first "only a freak weirdo would consider her bulkier than the rest", then "the others were thinner than her"...lol, i'm wasting my time)...your trouble-starter ass did it again, since you only complained about that part but masterfully skipped the following one where i was doing Cindy a great compliment, and besides, i only look for and share pics of models i love, just sayin'....but anyway, you go ahead and keep your reading comprehention issues...bye bye :wave:

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Cindy Crawford has always had a voluptuous womanly body, only a freak weirdo would consider her bulkier than the rest, if the others were anorexic that was not her problem, the others were thinner than her.

Just to be in complete fairness on this, that guy Radu that she did her workout video with did say that if she didn't work out enough, she could get big thighs. The thing is, I actually like her that way too! Check out this pic; she's just luscious in it! And I love the mask


A couple more where her thighs are kind of big:


It's all good, baby.

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It's "big" for today standards when models are either too skinny or too toned, but back in the 80's standards she was fit and naturally curvy. When a woman was looking at Cindy's or Claudia's body at that time she was thinking "hey i can have that body if I want. She looks slim but curvy like a real woman" Today if u want to look like a model u have to starve to death or kill yourself at the gym or both!

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yeah, exactly my thought justwastingtime & frenchkiki...i never said she had a bad body whatsoever, she's one of my alltime favorites, wouldn't spend the time of my day looking for her pics if it was otherwise, but even before reading what justwastingtime said about the trainer Cindy worked with, i already had the feeling she actually had a body that tends to gain waight easily, some people do, other don't, it's natural, and there's nothing wrong with that...i'm one of those people who gains weight easily too, and i almost have to starve myself to stay the way i actually like to be, even if i work out, so i know where she's coming from...i had that feeling about Cindy before 'cause in that very interview Donatella Versace also said Cindy was obsessed with her body...i actually once read somewhere that she got mad if she didn't find stoved vegetables on the set when she was posing for pics, and also in that interview she did with Naomi, Christy, Linda, Beverly Johnson & Lauren Hutton for MTV, she was joking with Naomi at how she had to always watch what she was eating and "literally work my butt off as it is" (her words)...on another occasion she also said how she felt when being backstage at the runway shows where she was surrounded by about 15 of the most beautiful women in the world and she saw all of her imperfections and none of theirs....all of these hints about her weight obsession brought me to the conclusion that she might be someone who gains weight easily, and she was never fat and obviously almost always kept that under control til to this day (take that, Tyra), but maybe the period those bikini pics were taken was one of those rare periods Versace was talking about when she didn't have it as much under control, since she does indeed look a little bigger than the others next to her, but i never said she looks bad or fat...i was only connecting the dots, starting from what Donatella said in that interview

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