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Kate Upton


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An apple shape where you tend gain weight mostly in your upper body is widely regarded the least desirable body type for a woman. Bigger breasts in exchange for a bigger waistline is not a trade off most women (let alone a model) would be willing to make.

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you know what, all this discussion wont mean much if she dont have any intention of staying in the modelling business. honestly she'd have to be more excited about acting jobs at this point. Correct me if i'm wrong, but she wasnt even set to appear in next year SI last i heard.

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Most people don't stay the same size as their teenage selves, not because they're fat or lazy, but because the body isn't finished developing. Britney Spears in Hit Me Baby One More Time (ie about 16) is very thin and lithe, but even just a few years later, she got "thicker." Even when she was ripped and had almost zero body fat % (I'm A Slave 4 U), she was still bigger than she was in the past. Because that's what humans do, their bodies develop and continue to become adult even once the world has decided their body should stay a certain way.


I have no doubt Kate looks after her body in a healthy way, probably just as healthy as most other sex symbol celebs (probably much healthier, actually... Cara Delivinge isn't going to pilates and counting macros). She has never had womanly hips or much of a waist, she has always had very thin legs and arms and a flat butt. I've said this since the first time I saw her. And she still has the same exact body type, just thicker now. I haven't minced words about the fact that this is my least favourite body shape, and how crucial I find hips/waists/butts to a model's appeal, but you're crazy if you think her bigger shape now hasn't helped to skyrocket her fame.  I also agree her face has gotten WAY better and so has her style, which goes a long way for how a girl looks. 


Also, people can definitely become vicious and insensitive about these topics which isn't good, but I'm sorry...if you decide to go into modelling and your body IS your career, people are going to talk about your body. That's how it is. Don't like it? Pick a career that isn't dependent on the way you look. It's like a musician complaining about people critically dissecting their performance. Must suck for your career to depend on something so unstable and superficial, but they're the ones who picked this path.  

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I guess everyone has their opinion on Kate, so here's mine;


With all due respect to Prettyphile and others, I see Kate much like a professional athlete.  Some days she is on her game, some days not.  Since she has made a career marketing one product or another to us, our opinions matter, and just like the fan in the tavern talking about Tom Brady's poor performance (for those of you who don't know, he is an American football player) one night, her fans will be cheering her stellar performance the next.  This is the nature of fandom.  A dissenting comment doesn't mean that we stop cheering for her, rather, we want to see her do well.  And it should be noted that she has done very well. She is really one of the few contemporary models who has not been pidgeonholed into only one aspect of modeling.  She does it all successfully, much like Stephanie Seymour, Kathy Ireland, Daniela Pestova et al. 


I remember fairly recently when Karolina Kurkova struggled to maintain her weight.  Turns out she revealed she had a thyroid dysfunction. She took some time away to get it under control and clearly has now regained her form.  That's what committed professionals do. Maybe there is an organic reason for Kate's weight gain too. I don't know.  What I do know is that she is a professional.  We are all hoping she is committed to doing what it takes too. It may be that she is pursuing acting because cinema is more tolerant of various body types. 


When one measures Kate against the few models that are making a living at their craft, and how many more models that are likely to be hungry for her success as well as those successful models doing what it takes to remain on top of their field, one thing is for sure; there will be no end to the opinions of her fans.

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First of all I like to excuse myself. Its 5 am in Germany so it’s a bit hard to right in proper English.

But seriously what’s wrong with some of you. Yes Kate doesn’t look like the skinny girls in the industry, but so what? Her Face is amazing and from a male point of view her body is very nice to look at.

She’s a Sports illustrated girl and is in a bunch of movies, no catwalk queen. So why would she get dangerously skinny.


I could write this in almost any threat hear on Bellazon, but right now I think this one hear needs it the most. Iam sick and tired of people who think they need to tell beautiful young girls that they are fat. Look at girls like Karolina Kurkova or Miley Cyrus. They were called fat too, and now look at them. KK looks so skinny and unhealthy that it’s disturbing to me.

Don’t get me wrong. I have no problem with skinny models and I know that it’s part of the job. But I think people should stop talking about a models weight. Most of them are anorexic so if they hear stuff like this the might stick their fingers in der mouth ore get muscular body’s like crazy


I love Kate’s body, and I think, as long as she likes the image in her mirror you should all accept it and enjoy her beautiful smile and the pictures she makes. 

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The old kate is a better bikini model. <3  Thanks for posting.


It's not 'genetics'.  That's just an excuse of all weight gain of persons young and old.  She needs to consume considerably less calories.  She only needs to lose twenty to twenty-five, do a lot of cardio, and she'll look like that again.  As people lose many pounds, most of this weight loss accrues to fatty tissue before a certain 'native' threshold.


But it doesn't matter though...Kate made it regardless. 


I remember fairly recently when Karolina Kurkova struggled to maintain her weight.  Turns out she revealed she had a thyroid dysfunction.


I have heard of this and I think it's probably bogus, another excuse to cover up weight gain.

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