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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Instagram post from Conor Sweeney who played one of Leo/Prof Mindy's sons



2021-12-10 (13).png









Today is the day. Don’t Look Up is now in select theaters. Wowee.

This whole experience has been more than I could have ever asked. I am so excited to share this movie with you all. I am honored, overwhelmed, overjoyed. My dreams have come true and I am pinching myself every day. I am so grateful.

Shooting this movie in the height of the second wave in early 2021 was a whirlwind. I isolated on Cape Cod for a month by myself to be extra safe, then a week in a hotel room, and then finally made it to set. And what a set it was.

Melanie Lynskey was the best scene partner an actor could ask for, so giving and caring and strong. Her performance is truly stunning, as she is. I am so lucky to know you. Leonardo DiCaprio was the best dad, leading us all into the ending with dad jokes and trivia. A true star. Jennifer Lawrence led with grace and power all while keeping it light and fun. She is truly a blast to work with and just as delightful as you would hope. Timothée Chalamet was the kindest, most generous actor and person whilst simultaneously making us all cry laughing from his improv. A truly special one. Rob Morgan taught me how much strength there is in stillness and how lucky we all are. He is a Force. And the best on screen brother, Robert Radochia, I’m so glad we got to go through this whirlwind together. You rock and I’m so pumped for the world to see. Adam McKay leads with humor, humility, and the desire to collaborate. He is a leader in all the greatest senses and I am so lucky he wanted to have me there and trusted me to play around with some of the greats. Wow.

I could keep going on and on, I am so stinkin excited. I love this movie so much and hope you do too. It’s hilarious, gut punching, filled with rage and with love. After living in my brain every day every hour for the past year, it is finally here, for you. I hope you enjoy ❤️ And remember, Just Look Up 🌏☄️👆


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^Yes it was also difficult for me to find a theater that shows DLU in Germany. There were only really late screenings (once a day) and not every day which is strange. Also no tv spots or other marketing here. I guess that's because of the fact that it plays on netflix soon.


But it was great to see Leo on the big screen again. It's just a totally different experience than watching at home.

I hope Leo will start shooting another movie soon. It would be great to have two leo movies a year again🙂

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^Same here. The cinema I was yesterday hadn't even a poster of the movie. At the entrace the guy who checked me and my friends tickets was like "what is this movie I never heard of it" and he worked at the frickin cinema :rofl:


But yeah Leo on big screen is always a blessing :PinkCouture2:


To the movie itself: Crazy, fun, weird, unbelievable, sad and sometimes a bit slow. I didn't like every single joke (or maybe it got lost in translation) but Leo was joyfully awesome as always and just a blast for my movie loving heart.💖


Overall I had lots of laughs and even more wtf-is-going-on-here // are-you-guys-fucking-kidding-me // hell nooooooooooo // that-just-didn't-really-happen moments LOL


I had basically 2 main reactions while watching DLU:




I almost didn't recognize him 👆 btw lol





Well maybe ...





I'm actually surprised we are still here very much alive after watching those entertaining and at the same time terrifying 2 hours and 25 minutes 🤣

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You have to make it through the whole movie because there isn't only one but two credit scenes ;)


Not gonna lie I loved everything about JLaws look in the movie 🤩



I think her Dr. Kate Dibiasky was probably my favorite character :heart:


Every time she and Leo touched each other I was like:



Great chemistry of those two what made me wish even more Cate Blanchetts character would just disappear even though that one kiss was pretty hot lol👅

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