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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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OH wow that wasn't even Leo haha. I can see the confusion though because they were dressed similarily :p Thanks Jade



Leo isn't the first in Hollywood nor the last to date women younger than him. :) Actually there's TONS of male celebrities dating younger women. Jared Leto who is slightly older than Leo is dating a model barely out of her teens. Superman aka Henry Cavill is dating a 19 year old. So Leo has company. 


There was worry in the past that Leo's lifestyle could get in the way of him getting an Oscar. But he's got an Oscar now without having to change anything :p And we can see from the whole Oscar hoopla how respected and loved he is :heart: 

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1 hour ago, FashionDream said:


There was worry in the past that Leo's lifestyle could get in the way of him getting an Oscar. But he's got an Oscar now without having to change anything :p And we can see from the whole Oscar hoopla how respected and loved he is :heart: 



@marinebing that's too bad about the interview. :( Anything worth mentioning? 

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A film Leo was rumored to star in a couple years ago finally has a script going, "Blood On Snow". Would be really interesting in seeing Leo in this project. It's kind of a want to happen/possibility though :p I really like the plot though and hope to see this movie getting off the ground with Leo staring :thumbsup: 





Hollywood legend Leonardo DiCaprio has finally managed to get his hand on that ever elusive Oscar, which has led to many people to question where his next Oscar worthy performance will come from. With that said, Leo is linked to a huge amount of new movie projects and we cannot wait to see which one of them he is going to star in next and just how successful it will be.


One interesting project that Leonardo DiCaprio is linked to starring in, which we would love to see him working on next, is the big screen adaptation of the hit novel Blood on Snow. There has been talk of this movie being made for the past couple of years now and, last we heard, the project was still in the script writing stages.


We are sure that there are plenty of you out there who have managed to read the book, so already know what to expect from the movie, but for those of you wanting to know more, Blood on Snow has been described as, "A hit man falls for his client's wife, who happens to be the target of the assassin's latest assignment."

As well as having Leonardo DiCaprio on board to star in the movie, the Blood on Snow cast is also expected to star the beautiful and talented actress Pepi Monia. Meanwhile, director Daniel Espinosa is on board to helm the project, from the script that has been developed by Chris Sparling. We would love to see this movie move into production in the near future and will keep you posted with its progress.




I think the directing/casting info is a bit out of date though.

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3 hours ago, FashionDream said:



There was worry in the past that Leo's lifestyle could get in the way of him getting an Oscar. But he's got an Oscar now without having to change anything :p And we can see from the whole Oscar hoopla how respected and loved he is :heart: 



Thanks dear Leo fans for the updates:flower:

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From Deadline Hollywood Revenant /China box office update , as well as,  Leo on Wednesday next week will be attending Japanese premiere of film ; so happy that we have even more pix/ vids , and those great Japan interviews to coming soon :clap:  :clap:







The official Chinese premiere of The Revenant doesn’t actually take place until Sunday, but the film has already snared big box office since bowing in local theaters on Friday. The first day’s gross came in at about $11M, and with another $13M or so on Saturday, it’s set up for what’s expected to be a $30M+ weekend. The start for the Alejandro G Inarritu-helmed frontier revenge tale is a rare feat for an R-rated Hollywood pic — not many secure China releases or open quite so hot. Oscar-winning star Leonardo DiCaprio, affectionately adored by locals as “Little Lee,” will attend the Beijing premiere tomorrow.


The actor’s popularity in the Middle Kingdom can’t be underestimated. He’s been a huge star there since Titanic and his pro-environmental leanings are also understood to be widely appreciated. Local social media exploded upon his Oscar win last month.

The film’s local release is a win for backer New Regency. President/CEO Brad Weston tells me The Revenant’s slot in China was part of a “really important initiative… Birdman, 12 Years A Slave, Gone Girl and Noah weren’t released there, so this was a big deal for us.” The Revenant went out via Fox in the rest of the world, but New Regency held back China, and as part of a three-picture deal with local company Guangdong Alpha Animation and Culture, sold it the Middle Kingdom distribution rights in exchange for a piece of equity. Alpha then partnered with Bona Film and Huaxia to distribute.


Conversations to release the film in the PROC began in December, Weston says. That was well before the Oscars which resulted in three wins including for DiCaprio and Inarritu, and a hat-trick Best Cinematographer prize for Emmanuel Lubezki.

A date-range of late February through early April was discussed, “and when the date came together, it came together very quickly. It was a coordinated effort between Alpha, Bona, Huaxia and IMAX.” I hear The Revenant has all the IMAX screens in China this weekend; we’ll have full figures tomorrow.

It’s been reported that the movie had to go through some cuts to please the censors, but Weston says it was “in total, maybe 90 seconds, maybe less.”

The post-release premiere for The Revenant in China is not unique. The Mexican red carpet also came a few days after the bow, with DiCaprio and Inarritu in attendance. That helped push mid-weeks and the following frame. The Revenant will similarly get a bump from “Little Lee”’s appearances tomorrow; although Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice looms on the horizon so it will be interesting to watch how Revenant holds next week.



As of last frame’s actuals, The Revenant was at $263.9M internationally and the global total at roughtly $443M. Offshore holds have been solid — last frame drops were all less than 50%, including in some places where the film was in its 10th session. China could quickly become the biggest overseas play for the film, unseating the UK.


And, there’s more to come with Japan, the last territory, still due to bow in April. DiCaprio is headed there this week for the film’s Wednesday premiere






Also amazing that if the numbers hold The Revenant will finish again in domestic Top Ten for the weekend :clap::clap:


So many films have been released AFTER The Revenant (Jan 8th) and have long been out of the weekend top ten , Leo power at work :p



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Tks  for another Leo/Lacma pix :)





Like othersI I can't see the Truth or Dare interview ,  so , tks , for some information about what was discussed :)





Tks for another magazine cover , as well as, more Leo/Nobu pix :)






Agree with your statement regarding Leo /younger woman :)






Tks for new regarding possible next film project , I'm hoping once Leo is finished with Revenant premieres that there will be some definite announcement of when he might start a new project :)


Also , tks, for pix with Don Plum costar


As to Calvin Candie = truly devilishly sexy :p



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