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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Then, suddenly, he gives a really decent performance that makes people get all teary eyed because "he´s turned his career around."

What I just said... Geez there is no doubt that at some point can give a good performance but at least let them prove it that they can really be good a couple of films more. :/ There are other actors (not just Leo.. hello Gary Oldman) that are consistent, always giving great performance and what they get? Be overlooked.. NOT FAIR AT ALL!!!

Very true, I would love to see Joaquin Phoenix win an Oscar too, he is amazing but just too crazy to win an award like that.

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Though to be fair to Matthew, I haven't seen Magic Mike so for all I know he could have given a performance worthy of his nod. Just because its a stripper movie doesn't mean the acting is not worthy of awards. So ill trust you guys who have seen the film. Also remember none of us has seen Django yet. :) oh and no I'm not a Matthew fan, nor do I find him all that hot :)

I'm in the minority, but when it comes to awarding performances I do think they should just consider that performance and not what the actors have done in the past :)

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Exactly same thoughts on the subject as you :yes:

Also agree that Oldman /Phoenix, O'Toole are others who have given previous Oscar winning performances that have not been recognized/awarded at award season .

To me one of the Oscar bloggers , who has long followed movies /award seasons says it best

Remember, Oscars are far from a barometer of quality, it's about buzz, money, begging, campaigning and quality comes in somewhere much later down the line. Look at the Oscars as fun and always remember to talk about your favorite films when given the chance... you'll find you are far less likely to get agitated that way


As to Matt , for sure, others may truly feel he gave an award worthy performance in Magic Mike : I only know I didn't :p

And, like you, I do think the nomination should represent excellence in that one performance that is listed.

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Sick thanks for the Jay Leno interview :flower: Any luck finding the 1995 Jay Leno interview? (not Letterman) It was posted on youtube a couple years ago but I can't find it anymore, so many things are dissapearing :/

welcome :p ah going to post but Girl beat me :laugh: I wish we could watch that 1994 interview in a better quality, barely remember have seen it in a better quality but don't know I mess it up with other interview or not :idk:

thanks for updates,girls! :wave:

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Funny comment about today's BFCA results. Funny but so on point

What DiCaprio has to do, is to go away and make shitty films for the next ten years. Rom-coms with Kate Hudson and slapstick flicks with Ben Stiller. Then, suddenly, he gives a really decent performance that makes people get all teary eyed because "he´s turned his career around."

Turning in one Oscar-worhy performance after the other for ten years, that just pisses people off.


Yes, be they BFCA nods or Oscars none of these awards can give DiCaprio something he doesn't already have :

He already:

1. Considered one of the best of his generation

2. Is so world famous that one need ony say "Leo" and all know who you are talking about

3. Already commands top salary /back end points/ plus upfront deals such as with Inception

4. Already has his pick of top scripts ,as well as, being allowed a great deal of "input" to the script when he does sign on to a film project

5. Already works with and is sort by the top directors in the world : Scorsese, Spielberg, Nolan, Allen, Tarantino,etc

Also, I agree Leo keeps his focus on the 'performance' not the 'award' ; the peformance lives on long after everyone has forgotten who was nodded/won in a given year .

very well said, ox! I remember I was reading somewhere,only the actor whose career can be changed for better can get an Oscar, I mean when the actor wins Oscar,it should change his career somehow,that's how they choose the winners,and if Leo wins,how his career should change, cuz he already has amazing and dreamy career,that many many actors wish to have

Remember, Oscars are far from a barometer of quality, it's about buzz, money, begging, campaigning and quality comes in somewhere much later down the line. Look at the Oscars as fun and always remember to talk about your favorite films when given the chance... you'll find you are far less likely to get agitated that way

wow loved this one!!! make%20it%20clap.gif :PinkCouture2:

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Tarantino discussing how Leo came to be involved and how together they formed a new take on his character's behavior /etc

I had to laugh as I wondered if Quentin remembered that Leo had once played Louis XIV :p

He let me know he was interested in it," Tarantino says of DiCaprio. "I tried not to be that specific with the character in the script, and I tried not to describe him too much, so it could be open for interpretation. But I was thinking, possibly, of an older actor. And then Leo read the script and liked it and we got together and started talking."

DiCaprio made an impact, and Tarantino’s concept of the character shifted. "I just started imagining how much easier it would be to reconfigure the guy as a Caligula; a boy emperor," Tarantino says. "His daddy's daddy's daddy started a cotton business and his daddy's daddy continued it and made it profitable, and his daddy made it even more profitable. Now, he’s the fourth Candie in line to take over the cotton business and he’s bored with it. He doesn’t care about cotton: that’s why he’s into the Mandingo fighters. But he’s the petulant boy prince. He’s Louis XIV in Versailles. So I wanted to really play with that idea, of King Louis XIV, but in the South. Candyland is a completely enclosed community, about 65 miles long. That’s a fiefdom. He has the power of a king; he can execute people, or do whatever he wants."

"One of the most vile aspects of his character is that he’s just got this charm, and yet he doesn’t really think he’s doing anything wrong," Remar says of Candie’s rationale. "He’s this guy that’s got too much money, too much power, too much time on his hands, and he can run people’s lives. He’s a Caligula. He’s quite mad, but he justifies all of it. People aren’t gonna like him. But they’ll respect his work. I mean I’m watching it and I’m very drawn in. He is very precise. He pays a great deal of attention to detail."

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I just found it in another thread about Leo and...holy crap...this is too akward! First of all,I'm not saying these things written here are true ok girls? hehe :nicole:

He was dating Bar at this time... :huh:

Originally Posted by incogneato:

I was introduced to Leo years ago by my good friend Kamal (Q-Tip). Coincidentally I was met him again a couple years later through Leo's mother who was my neighbor whom I became friends with. And yes I'm black but I can't say that he prefers Afrikan women. He loves all kinds of women as he told me in many conversations and from what I have seen of him throughout the years he loves BLOND white girls more than anything else. I think it has little to do with conforming to Hollywood standards. His mother was actually trying to push us on to each other right after he and Gisele broke up. She was devastated that Gisele left her son, we messed around a few times and I left for Europe shortly after and met my fiance. I still keep in touch with his mother once in a while via email. His family are not "hicks" as one person said, they are actually extremely interesting and intellectual people. I accompanied Leo to his fathers art exhibit and he comes from a great family. I even met his grandmother on several occasions at the moms house.

No one likes this new girl that he's with, she is to put it lightly a "fucking bitch," and a racist Israeli (has extreme views on Arabs and Palestinians in general). His mother is not fond of her whatsoever and neither was Leo's German grandmother who passed away a couple of years ago.

Leo Di Caprio is beyond talented and an incredible human being, he was so generous with me in every sense of the word and I have a great deal of respect for him.... BUT he is very insecure in a lot of ways, he still has that high school mentality of having a hot girl on his arm as eye candy. There is absolutely no love or chemistry between him and this new girl, as a matter of fact she cheapens him to the utmost degree. She is completely using him as he is using her back for companionship. Leo will not date someone who is his equal and that's where his insecurities come out. I noticed this the second time we went out, he even told me once that he couldn't keep up with my intellect which really took me back given the amount of intellect he has. He's like a Kobe Bryant, keep a dumb, trophy looking girl who only looks good but has nothing to really contribute.

That's why Gisele left him, it wasn't only because she wanted to settle down, its because she has too much going for her and that's what he liked and hated about her. I have nothing bad to say about the man, he is brilliant and sexy as hell but his attitude towards women is very juvenile.

I don't know where these rumors are coming from that Leo only prefers black women and I don't mean to burst anyone's bubble but imo and from what I have seen of him first hand throughout the years this is not the case. He loves all kinds of women but prefers white girls, he's not the type to say his reputation will go down if he's got a sister on his arm. The man is more powerful in the industry than you can imagine, there is nothing that Leo cannot touch.


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So...Mattew Mcconaughey got a nod for Magic Mike? Hummmmm....I've watched the movie and don't think his performance was worth winning,but that's my opinion of course...I just remember seeing his ass a few times in that movie. Ok...I know I may see Leo's ass in "Wolf" as well...but come on...it's Leo's ass! :nicole: Just kidding girls! :flower:

Oxford ... it was really interesting what you said! When we mention the name Leonardo or Leo we automatically relate it to Leo DiCaprio...and amazingly...we dont even remember Leonardo Da Vinci!! That's why Leo is great for me!! :clap:

Princess...I really want to watch this new interview...sooo badly!! :woot:

Tks girls for the articles and tweets and everything!! :flower:

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OMG I have read that thread and I think there's another right there and I'm not sure if is the same 'incogneato' but has or had a style Q&A situation LOL where ppl asked him/her personal things about Leo and this one answer because supposedly had 'inside info'. Don't think it's true but definitely was fun to read. :rofl:

btw Pami you let me down... where is the gif for choosing Matthew over Leo . At least make us laugh of this situation... :nicole:

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I remember that we talked about it with Amandine the first time we talked to each other. We were both agree on the fact that we don't want to see him play in a stupid/cheesy comedy just for the hell of it or even for an Oscar.

What I found great about Leo is that he is very serious about the roles he decides to play. Like he said in an interview (when he was promoting Shutter Island ) : "I need to see the reasons why I should tell the story."

The consequences of these meticulous choices are that when I go to see one of his movies I'm sure of one thing : this is going to be great and worthy to watch.

I totally trust him when it comes to his career choices. I have the feeling that WOWS is going to be a sort of a comedy and even if I like watching a comedy from time to time, I don't really fancy them. Comedies are just fine to me. But hey, now that I know Leo is going to be in it, I'm sure this movie will be fantastic to watch. Simply because he is really, really fussy and he would never have accepted to do it if the script wasn't great.

So yeah, I'd rather see him never having an Oscar than see him playing in a "Magic Mike" kind of movie and win one.

That's it. Woah. Sorry for the long post aha :Angel:

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I'm on the search for more pics! I"m lovin what I see so far..The hair swoop :heart::blush:

Anywho interesting read :)

Can 'Django Unchained' reap record-tying three Supporting Actor Oscar bids?

There have been three instances when three actors have been nominated at the Oscars in Supporting Actor for the same film: Lee J. Cobb, Karl Malden, and Rob Steiger for “On the Waterfront” (1954); James Caan, Robert Duvall, and Al Pacino for “The Godfather” (1972); and Robert De Niro, Michael V. Gazzo, and Lee Strasberg for “The Godfather, Part II” (1974). The Waterfront" trio lost to Edmond O'Brien ("The Barefoot Contessa") while the "Godfather" fellows were bested by Joel Grey ("Cabaret"). DeNiro did pull off a win for his performance as the young Vito Corelone.

The chances of all three "Django" dudes getting nominated aren’t good, especially with competition from the likes of Tommy Lee Jones (“Lincoln”), Philip Seymour Hoffman (“The Master”), Robert De Niro (“Silver Linings Playbook”), and Alan Arkin (“Argo”). There is, however, the possibility of two getting nominated, which would likely split the vote.

So who gets in? All three are deserving, so it won’t be based on merit. And if two get in, could either become the front-runner?

For months, the buzz has been all about DiCaprio’s performance as Calvin Candie, the villainous plantation owner. Despite being nominated three times -- in Supporting for “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape” (1993) and in Lead for “The Aviator” (2004) and “Blood Diamond” (2006) -- DiCaprio has yet to win an Oscar, and his role in “Django Unchained” seemed like the kind of juicy supporting role voters love to reward.

Then came word that Waltz was being campaigned in lead for his role as Dr. King Schultz, the bounty hunter who recruits Django (Jamie Foxx) to be his partner and helps him find his wife (Kerry Washington). Waltz, a previous Supporting Actor winner for Tarantino’s “Inglourious Basterds” (2009), wasn’t on anyone’s radar at the time. The move looked like a strategic way of keeping DiCaprio from competing with his costars, as well as giving Waltz a chance to compete for a win of his own.

At the same, buzz was beginning to build for Jackson’s performance as Stephen, Candie’s loyal house slave. Jackson, one of Hollywood’s most popular actors, hasn’t been nominated since Tarantino’s “Pulp Fiction” (1994), and in early marketing materials, Jackson’s character wasn’t prominently featured


Now the film has been seen and precursors are being handed out. DiCaprio won at National Board of Review, solidifying him as a contender. It seems likely he’ll be nominated by the Golden Globes, who love a big star in a nasty role.

But not so fast! So far, Waltz has won runner up at the New York Film Critics Circle, the LA Film Critics, and the Boston Society of Film Critics … in Supporting Actor. His lead campaign has switched back to Supporting, giving Dicaprio competition from within his own film. And, as Waltz’s name has popped up more times than any other Supporting Actor contender, it stands to reason that if he gets nominated, he could win his second Oscar.

Then there’s Jackson, whose performance elicits the most ecstatic response from audience members in screenings. Although he’s yet to win a precursor award, we still have the BFCA, Golden Globe, and SAG nominations to come. All Jackson needs is a nomination from one of those groups to become a legitimate contender. Jackson is way overdue for an Oscar, and this could be the perfect opportunity for voters to finally reward the veteran actor.

A similar situation happened in 2006, when “The Departed” had three strong Supporting Actor contenders. Jack Nicholson dominated the precursor awards, receiving nominations and wins from the Golden Globes, BAFTA, BFCA, and various critics groups. He competed against costar Mark Wahlberg at the Golden Globes, where DiCaprio was nominated in Lead for the film. Then, when SAG nominations were announced, DiCaprio was contending in Supporting for “The Departed” and Lead for “Blood Diamond.” And, on Oscar nominations day, it was Wahlberg who got nominated for the film.

There have been fourteen instances when two Supporting Actor contenders have been in the same film: Harry Carey and Claude Rains for “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” (1939); Leo Glenn and Peter Ustinov for “Quo Vadis” (1951); Brandon de Wilde and Jack Palance for “Shane” (1953); Arthur Kennedy and Russ Tamblyn for “Peyton Place” (1957); Arthur O’Connell and George C. Scott for “Anatomy of a Murder” (1959); Jackie Gleason and George C. Scott for “The Hustler” (1961); Gene Hackman and Michael J. Pollard for “Bonnie and Clyde” (1967); Jeff Bridges and Ben Johnson for “The Last Picture Show” (1971); Burgess Meredith and Burt Young for “Rocky” (1976); Jason Robards and Maximilian Schell for “Julia” (1977); Judd Hirsch and Timothy Hutton for “Ordinary People” (1980); John Lithgow and Jack Nicholson for “Terms of Endearment” (1983); Tom Berenger and Willem Dafoe for “Platoon” (1986); and Harvey Keitel and Ben Kingsley for “Bugsy” (1991). Johnson, Robards, Hutton and Nicholson won.


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