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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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I know Leo doesn't campaign and while it would be great to see him win awards, I really don't want to see him in one of those try-hard campaigns that most of the time leave them as fools in a situation of "swim so much just to die on the shore". (As we said here :hehe: ) So, those constant appearances in every red carpet, talking excessively about their personal life and mention in every interview the sacrifices they made for role, we should leave it to others that really look desperate to take something home.

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From today's NY Post

Cameron digs Leo, the Lion]

The party continues for single Leonardo DiCaprio. The “Django Unchained” star and Cameron Diaz hooked up, as pals, at the opening of hot new club Rosewood on Friday. “Miranda Kerr and a group of girlfriends were the first to show,” said a spy at the cocktail lounge, adding that models Jessica Gomes and Jessica Hart were close behind. Later, “the crowds parted when Leo entered” and he sat with Kerr and company. “He was texting until Cameron arrived,” a source said, “and it was obvious they are great friends . . . he was very excited when she came to meet him, and he got up from his table to guide her to where he was sitting.” The models then did what models do: danced on banquettes, in this case to the tunes of DJ Regg Ruck, and drank Champagne and Belvedere. At 3 a.m., DiCaprio made sure to “tip the waitresses and say thank you” before he and his posse headed out. Leo was spotted the next day at a raucous Day & Night brunch (where one loaded reveler stuffed $2,000 in singles into a fog machine). Diaz was seen dining at The Lion with a pal.

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Leonardo DiCaprio and Miranda Kerr have struck up a cozy relationship that’s had them spotted all over the Big Apple, murmuring in each other’s ears and partying until the wee hours together.

Tongues started wagging about DiCaprio when he broke up with his latest Victoria’s Secret model, Erin Heatherton, and became very single again.

Kerr, married to Orlando Bloom, was among a celeb-packed group, including Cameron Diaz, Beyoncé, Jay-Z and Robert De Niro that partied for DiCaprio’s 38th birthday bash at the Darby Downstairs. The Victoria’s Secret beauty stayed until late in the evening at the Nov. 10 party.

On Nov. 21, Kerr and DiCaprio, who is buddies with Bloom, were again spotted chatting each other up at ABC Kitchen, where they dined with a small group of friends, but sat next to each other throughout the meal.

“They were very flirty with each other,” one eyewitness tells Confidenti@l’s Marianne Garvey, adding that the duo were deep in conversation for most of the meal.

Last Friday, Kerr, looking gorgeous in leather pants and a white silk tank top, attended the opening of Rosewood on E. 19th St., where she partied and danced with a gaggle of fellow models. She soon summoned DiCaprio to the lounge’s invite-only night and he showed up, along with longtime pal and “Gangs of New York” co-star Diaz.

“Miranda was sitting with him most of the night. She had her legs draped over him,” said an eyewitness. “They were talking to each other a lot.”

But a source close to the Aussie model assures us all is well with her hubby, Bloom, and that he is in South Africa filming “Zulu” and the duo will reunite for Christmas.

“Orlando and Leo are friends; Miranda and Leo are just friends,” an insider tells Confidenti@l.

Kerr is photographed nearly every day toting her adorable son, Flynn, nearly 2 years old. She and Bloom married in July 2010.

“There is absolutely nothing going on with Leo. They have been very good friends for a very long time,” said a close pal of Kerr’s. “There is nothing to it.”

Kerr’s modeling agency did not get back to Confidenti@l by deadline.

Should Leo want to see Kerr in lingerie, he can tune in to “The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show,” which airs Tuesday on CBS. (Dec. 4)

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/confidential/dicaprio-kerr-stir-flirt-alert-article-1.1212739#ixzz2E4pja8F9

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hehe a One direction concert? :blink: ahh well..I hope he had fun :rofl:

Thanks Ox for the NY post sighting and for the tweets!

Also FYI Jamie Foxx was on ET last night.....he talked about leo. He said that he told leo "we can't be friends, right now were supposted hate eachother" and dicaprio agreed. Then the next morning Jamie tryed to say "hey leo" and leo just looked at him and walked by in character ;)

EDIT: and thanks Lilla for the miranda leo article. Its funny how the article claims they flirt...then denies it right in the same article :p

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JayZ and Gatsby

Jay-Z is set to make his mark in Hollywood.

The rap star is taking on the role of musical supervisor on The Great Gatsby, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, according to The Sun.

Australian director Baz Luhrmann wants to set the film, also starring Isla Fisher and Carey Mulligan and due out next year, to contemporary music.

The movie is based on the 1925 F Scott Fitzgerald novel and set in 1920s New York.

Jay-Z and Beyonce were among the celebs who recently helped DiCaprio celebrate his 38th birthday in New York.

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Heidi Klum's annual Halloween Party ; apparently Leo did attend

Even a hurricane can’t keep Heidi Klum from celebrating her absolute favorite holiday – Halloween! Despite the fact that her annual bash was originally canceled due to Sandy’s wrath, the model simply postponed her big party and rebranded it as a Haunted Holiday party. Per her request, fashion insiders and celebrities including Amare Stoudemire and a (well masked Leonardo DiCaprio) donned their best costumes, and partied like it was the end of October, even though in reality, clocks said the first of December.

With Santa as her date for the evening, Klum took over a new club on the Bower called Finale, complete with glow in the dark dancers, and transformed from the Queen of Halloween to the Queen of the Nile. Her Cleopatra costume consisted of a floor length gold gown that took designer Martin Izquierda almost six months to complete, accented with a set of huge wings and an impressively large headdress. To top it all off, Klum appeared at her party with a face full of rhinestones that required almost three hours in the make up chair!

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Oh, Lord! I don't know what is funnier... Leo in an One Direction concert with Martin, Jonah and Chris Rock :rofl: or this last gossip of Leo and Miranda looking "flirty" according to an eyewitness, an insider :gocho:.

Love these days when we have many things to read, some stuff are so funny :D.

Thanks girls for all the news :wave:.

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Hello sweeties!! :flower:

So...we have a new woman on the block? :nicole: Kidding...it's amazing that every time a woman appears with Leo, people already deduce things. Sometimes I feel like they cant see Leo living a single life for a while and this press really annoys me sometimes.

Tks for the articles and tweets and pics you post here everyday!! :flower:

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More reactions from tonight's Django screening

Will Oliver@weallwantsome1

Waltz, Foxx, and Leo are Oscar levels of good. I think Leo may snag a best supporting actor for this if I had to guess. #djangounchained

Neil Siegel@neilsiegel

Saw advanced screening of Django Unchained. As good as you expect it to be.

Harrison Jeffs@HarrisonatorJ

Django unchained was awesome

S.L. Jones@SJ_2nyce

Just finished seeing Django Unchained #MustSee


Django unchained!!!!!!! Amazing movie!!!!!!!!

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