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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Hi Crazylady :hug: thanks :)

I remember that vid, it's from last year when he was filming Gatsby on Australia.

lol and I remember we had a long discussion about the receipt and the hat on the chair next to leo. Those were good times :laugh:

Haha, true. :nicole: And until today we also don't know who is that girl... :p

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lol and I remember we had a long discussion about the receipt and the hat on the chair next to leo. Those were good times :laugh:

You said it girl! ... :blueeyedbaby: I Mean, who could forget last years Classics Off topics as "Who is the girl in the balcony" , "Why Leo is wearing that green bracelet," and of course "We hate George Clooney and Brad Pitt Club" :rofl:

Miss the old times...

Thanks for the tweets Oxford and Fash.

I just saw the pics of the restaurant and looks like a cool place to visit :hehe:


OMG ppl always taking fan excitement farther... :nicole:

Ariel Jewel Comeau@ArielJewel

Yes Leo DiCaprio did sit there while joining us in the ultimate winter wonderland. #ilovechristmas with mon http://instagr.am/p/SPQb0uBC1x/

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ox and fash, thanks for the tweets. But come on, this people can't take some pics for us??? :hehe:

Also thanks for the article, ox.

crazylady: I remember that vid, it's from last year when he was filming Gatsby on Australia.

I missed that one :nicole:

Thanks for the tweets, think I need to move to NY ;) Flower%20for%20you.gif I would love to visit at Christmas x

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From NY Post some more information about who was at Marty's birthday party ; glad to see Leo had a chance to reconnect with Emily & Patricia :)

Director Martin Scorsese celebrated his 70th birthday with just about everyone he’s ever worked with at the Spotted Pig on Saturday night. A four-course dinner, highlighted with videos displayed on flat-screens throughout the trendy West Village restaurant, ended with a champagne toast and chocolate cake. Well-wishers included “The Wolf of Wall Street” stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill, “Gangs of New York” star Daniel Day-Lewis, “Taxi Driver” star Harvey Keitel, “Boardwalk Empire” stars Steve Buscemi and Michael Pitt, as well as Steven Spielberg, Patricia Clarkson, Fran Lebowitz, Elvis Costello, Emily Mortimer and Michael J. Fox.

Today's Wolf filming locale

The Wolf Of Wall Street is filming in Brooklyn near Prospect Park West


Tks for another tweet from one of the girls who saw Leo at Rolf's : )

But really couldn't she have posed her family pix , so that we saw Leo's table in the background ??? :p


Yes, also, remember that Sydney vid ; as you can see that person understood that you pretend your friend is taking a pix of YOU while they are really taking a pix of Leo ! :yes:

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lol and I remember we had a long discussion about the receipt and the hat on the chair next to leo. Those were good times :laugh:

You said it girl! ... :blueeyedbaby: I Mean, who could forget last years Classics Off topics as "Who is the girl in the balcony" , "Why Leo is wearing that green bracelet," and of course "We hate George Clooney and Brad Pitt Club" :rofl:

Miss the old times...

ahahaaa :rofl: was really a fan time! :laugh: I miss too :hehe:

thanks for updates,girls! :wave:

as to Parenthood,I guess you're in better situation,fash, than me,cuz I've not seen it on youtube,remember you linked us it here,but I decided to watch later and then it was removed :trout: Ive been searching it everywhere but can't find yet! as soon as I find,I'll share :blush: fingers crossed! :hehe:

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Ah, in a footnote... last week I watched one episode of Chelsea Lately and they talked about Leo and Erin breakup... hilarious, some dirty jokes of course :p... Chelsea met him once at a party, she thought he was a old friend of her and sat on his lap by mistake... my kind of mistake :laugh:.

:rofl: I don't think Leo would feel uncomfortable cuz of it :rofl:you're our crazy girl, Nanda! :laugh:

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Thanks ALL! Really loved reading all the comments on this thread overnight.. :thumbsup: Like Yours Nanda. loll Leo does have the cooloest, most random group of friends ever :p Also thanks for the Chelsea lately info :)

Thanks Ox and Princess for the tweets! Would love to see if leo was at this christmas land with his mother as well :heart:

lol and I remember we had a long discussion about the receipt and the hat on the chair next to leo. Those were good times :laugh:

LOL man, Gatsby brought quite the boring times for us here on leos thread :rofl:

THANKS ALL who contributed videos, articles, etc.! :grouphug:

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Could our mystery diners be Leo's good pal Ethan and his wife Brandy ?

I noticed that Bandy tweeted about being at restaurant last night, about same time as the girls' Rolf tweets

Plus she mentions hanging out with e ciggi people :p

Brandy Lewis @sojustthinking

Hanging out with enthusiastic electronic cigarette users feels like we're making a world of methadone patients.

Brandy Lewis @sojustthinking

My waitress is brilliantly conserving ALL of her friendliness! I bet her pals are going to have a real gas with her later! #NY

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