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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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LOL So I'm watching WildBoyz on MTV right now, and the whole Jackass crew,Johnney Knoxville, and Steve O were tazing eachother and asking eachother trivia about Spain. Steve O asks this guy chris, "Whos the president of Argentina?" And Chris answers "Leonardo Dicaprio" all proadly! LOL I laughed :p :rofl:

And my take on the whole hong kong thing is were gonna have to see! She could be going to Hong Kong for another reason, but its only a 3 hour flight from Hong Kong to Australia, or she may not even be going to hong kong at all! :idk: I could only hope so!

What do you think aOMG? Everyone?

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Thanks halo for the Us magazine scan! :flower: I tend to believe the comic coloring book gift because it's so... Leo. :D But it could have been for one of the grandkids, unless Blake's dad is a comics fan too. ;)

If we go by this tweet then it looks like he's still in Australia... Royal Randwick is a race course in Sydney :)

@royalrandwick SPOTTED: Leonardo Dicaprio at Royal Randwick. Will he be here for Carnival? Time will tell...

3 minutes ago


Edit Hi Laurenp825 we posted at the exact same minute hehe :wave: So that's exactly what happened the next day we got Gatsby set pics.. just happy this solved all our questionings about Leo's whereabouts :laugh:


Thanks fash, and welcome Lauren! :flower: All the misc. tweets from far flung or random locations remind me of the interview he did where he said when he was little he couldn't bear the thought that there would be places in the world that he would never see in his lifetime. I figure between his own travels, his movies, and the Twitterverse he will probably have every corner of the universe covered eventually :laugh:

25 more great pix of Leo and Tobey in vintage car from Pop Sugar


The car's the star but Leo will be a great Gatsby

Shooting on the hugely anticipated film - also starring British actress Carey Mulligan and Aussies Isla Fisher and Joel Edgerton - is scheduled to begin on September 5.


Thanks oxford! :flower: Not much longer to go... hope he is having fun before filming begins. :)

Leo and Tobey on Set (8.25.11)

find more pics in http://dicapriophotos.com/thumbnails.php?album=1955


post-43201-0-1446088744-84218_thumb.jpg post-43201-0-1446088744-87399_thumb.jpg post-43201-0-1446088744-93697_thumb.jpg

Thanks princess! :flower:DiCaprio Photos has more pix of Leo and Tobey with the rice baby! :rofl: Leo's security guy Jay is taking pix of them... too cute!

Here are some more pics of Leo with Tobey! In this set, they also have pics of Isla fisher, (looking roughly makeup covered, I'm sure it will look better when their actually filming) and now I want to see pics of Carey!


Thanks kat! :flower:

Luhrmann's epic should bring $88 million in production expenditure to the state and create 1300 jobs. And Deputy Premier and Trade and Investment Minister Andrew Stoner said: "There's no doubt that having Leo in Sydney is a boost for our city's profile around the world."

Filming for Gatsby is due to start next week.

In the meantime the stars have been immersing themselves in 1920s culture, scrutinising footage from the era to ensure they can walk the walk and talk the talk.

With a four-month shoot looming, they appear determined to settle in and enjoy Sydney's delights - particularly DiCaprio.

The 36-year-old is believed unhappy with his current digs, a penthouse in the Gazebo building in Elizabeth Bay with 360-degree city views.

DiCaprio and his US agent were seen checking out the Royal Suite of the Shangri-La in The Rocks on Thursday.

"He came in (to the Shangri-La) to check out the penthouse, apparently he wasn't happy with his current accommodation," a hotel source said.

"He said he's looking for something more secure (in the long term) but will stay in hotels for a while."


Thanks oxford! :flower: It sounds like he might be having a hard time finding a house convenient to the studios with the security or privacy he needs. :p

Looks like all the great gatsby cast is taking time to spend it with eachother before the film.

The whole group went out to dinner!


And Tobey and Carey went and saw an Opera Show in Sydney! :) pics here! Carey looks so cute as usual ;)


Thanks kat! :flower: Good to see the cast bonding. Tobey and Leo's longtime should inspire. :D

Tweet from the young Australian actor Callan McAuliffe who plays the younger Jay Gatsby
Callan McAuliffe

Met and had a solid chat with Leonardo Dicaprio and Toby Maguire today :D Such nice people.

Thanks oxford! :flower: I was about to say I'm not sure I see the resemblance to Leo, but then I scrolled down and saw the school pic viola posted and I can see it (good timing! :D ).

Thanks viola for the pic! :flower: I don't know what I would have done if I had a boy like this in any of my classes... not studying, that's for sure! :laugh:

Whew I think I'm caught up! You all move fast! By the end of Gatsby I'm predicting 800 pages! :laugh:

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Whew I think I'm caught up! You all move fast! By the end of Gatsby I'm predicting 800 pages! :laugh:

Haha good prediction Jou :laugh: I know what you mean it takes awhile to catch up even when gone for just a day!

Yeah I also believe the comic book bit too beacause like you said it's Leo we are talking about :laugh:

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Hello everyone. I'm new here. I am a big fan of Blake for many years. I started reading these posts to learn about the man who makes my girl so happy. I've never seen Blake so happy and smiling. I started researching about Leo and I started to like him more. This summer saw all his movies. I loved the Departed. Someone explain to me why he did not receive an Oscar for this movie or Blood diamants. He is magnificent.

Sorry for my bad English ...

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Hello everyone. I'm new here. I am a big fan of Blake for many years. I started reading these posts to learn about the man who makes my girl so happy. I've never seen Blake so happy and smiling. I started researching about Leo and I started to like him more. This summer saw all his movies. I loved the Departed. Someone explain to me why he did not receive an Oscar for this movie or Blood diamants. He is magnificent.

Sorry for my bad English ...

Hi... welcome, Anilgouveia :wave: . Don't worry about the English... mine isn't so good :blush: .

Glad you watched the movies of Leo and researched about him... he's our passion here, you may realize :laugh: .

This question about the Oscar I always do for myself... it's difficult to answer because he has made excellent films, but unfortunately didn't win the prize, YET. But this is a matter of time... here (and film critics) we're betting in a indication this year by J. Edgar Hoover (his new movie) and maybe this time he wins... I hope.

Continue posting here... new fans are always very welcome :hug: .

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Hello everyone. I'm new here. I am a big fan of Blake for many years. I started reading these posts to learn about the man who makes my girl so happy. I've never seen Blake so happy and smiling. I started researching about Leo and I started to like him more. This summer saw all his movies. I loved the Departed. Someone explain to me why he did not receive an Oscar for this movie or Blood diamants. He is magnificent.

Sorry for my bad English ...

Welcome Anilgouvie (can I call you Anil for short?) :hug: Nice to see another fan and another convert as well <_< !! I was in your shoes 3 months ago. Be sure to stop by and contribute to Blake's thread on here as well, we are very welcoming too!


I agree, we need a Hoover trailer or teaser or something.

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Thank you. You guys are very nice. :laugh: I like the way you love Leo and defend without offending anyone that is rare on the net. You are teaching me to like Leo. I have read much about it on the net I think it is very badly treated by some people. I think Leo besides being gorgeous and talented is a bit shy, funny, true to his principles, very generous and passionate.

I like this photo :drool:


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Welcome :wave:


I think Leo besides being gorgeous and talented is a bit shy, funny, true to his principles, very generous and passionate


Thanks for Leo photo ; very cute :)


Thanks for news about Blake seen boarding flight to Hong Kong :)

Hope this means that she and Leo will have a chance after all to celebrate her birthday.

The tweet from Richard Roeper is hilarious.


Thanks for Lainey excerpt about Blake heading to Hong Kong and possibly Leo :)

Also,thanks, for news of Carey & Tobey's night out.


I love your avatar :)

With that smile no wonder Verlaine couldn't resist him . :p


Thanks for bringing up something I meant to ask about yesterday, isn't that the same rice baby we saw Blake photographed carrying

when she first returned to GG set ?

If so are we to think then that they were taking a photo of the guys , million dollar car, and rice baby to send to Blake ??

Also regarding his rental house, I wonder when after he no sooner arrived and Bellasuga girl tweeted she saw him at her block pool area, he thought already too

many people now know where I'm staying.

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You guys probably don't care and think why the hell is she posting this :laugh: But I thought it was cute to see Lukas and Kevin hanging about all casual like! Again just love how close all Leo's friends are! Doubt they would be just standing around if Leo was there though :p . The paps seem to know that Leo is an off limit topic! Anyways wonder if they miss him already hehe.

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Summer Love: Blake Lively & Leonardo DiCaprio Are Our Favorite New Couple

It's hard to explain why, but summer is the best time to fall in love. Something about the heat, the long sun-filled days and the energy in the air make falling for someone even more exhilarating. Having an excuse to travel around the world doesn't hurt either. Maybe that's why Blake Lively and Leonardo DiCaprio look so happy together.

This week Leonardo DiCaprio flew half-way around the world to spend a few days with his new love Blake Lively. And it sounds like the couple has gotten serious fast, because Leo made sure he could celebrate Blake's dad's birthday too (Leo gave him a coloring book). When rumors first spread that the stars had coupled up, many people were skeptical; they just didn't seem a likely pair. DiCaprio is one of the most universally adored people in the world, with a charm and talent that appeals to men and women alike. Blake on the other hand has a much smaller fan base, and only recently started to leave Gossip Girl behind and break into the mainstream with roles in big productions like Green Lantern and The Town. Most celebrity couples scowl whenever the paparazzi near, but Blake and Leo can't help but smile when they're around each other. You can tell they're in love just by looking at them. That's why we are officially naming them our favorite new couple. And yes, we realize that even though their relationship is new, it isn't exactly news. Whatever, we like to end the week on a positive note


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Welcome :wave:


I think Leo besides being gorgeous and talented is a bit shy, funny, true to his principles, very generous and passionate


Thanks for Leo photo ; very cute :)


Thanks for news about Blake seen boarding flight to Hong Kong :)

Hope this means that she and Leo will have a chance after all to celebrate her birthday.

The tweet from Richard Roeper is hilarious.


Thanks for Lainey excerpt about Blake heading to Hong Kong and possibly Leo :)

Also,thanks, for news of Carey & Tobey's night out.


I love your avatar :)

With that smile no wonder Verlaine couldn't resist him . :p


Thanks for bringing up something I meant to ask about yesterday, isn't that the same rice baby we saw Blake photographed carrying

when she first returned to GG set ?

If so are we to think then that they will taking a photo of the guys , million dollar car, and rice baby to send to Blake ??

Also regarding his rental house, I wonder when after he no sooner arrived and Bellasuga girl tweeted she saw him at her block pool area, he thought already too

many people now know where I'm staying.

I think he will send the photo to Blake . :blush: Blake seems really like the rice baby :laugh:


the Baby is very cute in this pic :ninja: haha

WELCOME Anilgouveia . I am a big fan of Blake ,too :p

and thanks everyone for info :heart: I want Hoover tooooo

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Now I finally know what you guys are talking about when you mention Blamo/ rice baby. :laugh:AOMG first brought it to my attention hehe.

Yeah it really looks like Blake is what made Leo get that Rice baby. Is it actually hers or his?

:laugh: we will never know. :whistle: But I think maybe it's Blake's , because of this pic :wave:


She is Blake 's sister .And she visited Blake on set that day.

SORRY if I am off- topic :)

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