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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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hey, in that pic oxford posted is the guy standing with gray hair his spokesman - forgot his name tho

You mean Ken Sunshine his PR man? Yeah that's him. I was wondering if he was in the WB lot because of Blake and GG filming there as well and this is the second day in a row he has been spotted there, but let's forget Leo is a WB star. He's like their biggest star so he could be visiting the studios for something else.

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Haha,I just saw the video girls! Tks!

It's sooooo funny when he says...."Marky Boyyy" LOL :laugh:

Girls,I need to say this....Leo looks sooo sexy and mature and hot and yummy! :laugh: So many adjectives for this man... :drool:

Taylor Lautner better looking than Leo? Come on Mark!!! Not in my worst nightmare I could entertain this idea! hehe

Solange I just loved your gif!!!

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I just saw a segment on Access Hollywood and they showed the part where Leo and Mark are on stage but they also showed a side shot of Leo sitting at the table and in that shot, his hair looked a lot blonder than the pics - omgosh, he looked so good.

yeah, thanks Ken sunshine , was who I was thinking of. Yeah. it's prob. cuz Leo is a big warner bros. star (wasnt his last couple flicks with this studio?) that he was there, hopefully working on something to do with J Edgar.

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In reply to your question below :

We recently read that Eastwood was still in process of editing J Edgar, so I would like to think Leo was there seeing the final cut of the film, as well as, viewing our hopefully soon to be Edgar trailer :)

DOes anyone know why Leo would be visiting the WB studio?

I love the gifs you posted !


Thanks for another HFP clip :)

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I also think it has to do with J Edgar stuff:

Over the years, whenever I've stopped by the Warners lot to interview Clint Eastwood, I've always been struck by how much his Spanish-style studio bungalow felt like a home away from home, down to the little parking space right by the front door. The whole domestic image is especially appropriate, since Eastwood has been making movies regularly at Warners since he directed "The Outlaw Josey Wales" there in 1976, when Gerald Ford was president, Harvey Weinstein was promoting rock concerts in Buffalo and some of Warners' top young executives were still in diapers.

Eastwood is just one of a host of filmmakers that have what you might call special relationships at the studio, which under the aegis of Warner Bros. Picture Group President Jeff Robinov has been especially aggressive in courting a new generation of gifted filmmakers.

Clint has a studio home on the WB lot.

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Yeah its probably some J.Edgar stuff. Speaking of that......TRAILER TRAILER TRAILER!! :p :ninja:

+ 100000


Johnny Depp,Keanu Reeves & Leonardo DiCaprio were in The Swan,Walton, last night... They gonna try the Crouch Oak tonight...

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Thanks for information about Eastwoo's bungalow at Warners :)


Thanks for tweet :)

But I noticed the person who tweeted is from UK.

And to my knowledge there are no clubs in L.A. or NY by those names, so I wonder if it is legit sighting ??

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Thanks for information about Eastwoo's bungalow at Warners :)


Thanks for tweet :)

But I noticed the person who tweeted is from UK.

And to my knowledge there are no clubs in L.A. or NY by those names, so I wonder if it is legit sighting ??

Yeah, I was thinking of the same thing,

but I figured that we'll never know for sure when it comes to a tweet, so I just posted it ;)

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Thanks for all the pix and tweets! :flower:


Johnny Depp,Keanu Reeves & Leonardo DiCaprio were in The Swan,Walton, last night... They gonna try the Crouch Oak tonight...

I would tend to believe the Warner's sightings because he was seen there earlier this week, but Johnny Depp is filming Dark Shadows in England, and there have been Keanu sightings in London recently...

Here are more tweets from England. They may be repeating the same rumor, but can you imagine seeing Leo AND Johnny in the same room? :drool:


apparently Johnny Depp and Leo Di Caprio were at my local kebab last night.... as if you needed any more reasons for eating kebabs

9 hours ago


@SophieEggleton .... Which kebab van is that???

8 hours ago


@LizMcC77 Rose apparently x start the stalking

7 hours ago


@SophieEggleton as in waitrose?! Ha that's amazing. That tops footballers as the celebs going there. Might go get one later...!!! x

7 hours ago


@LizMcC77 depp and keanu were at the swan too

7 hours ago


@SophieEggleton ps who's the source of all this gossip?

7 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone

[No answer]


@twiglet108 twitter goss that johnny depp, keanu reeves & Leo dicaprio were in Walton/weybridge last night eating kebabs & drinking pints!

7 hours ago


Johnny Depp,Keanu Reeves & Leonardo DiCaprio were in The Swan,Walton, last night... They gonna try the Crouch Oak tonight...

4 hours ago


kelseyannemuske Kelsey Muske

Sitting next to Leo DiCaprio and Blake Lively at il trem. Her dog is adorable. I <3 LA.

11 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply


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Thanks for more tweets, but , yes, they appear to be just reacting based on what they read on the same tweet Wijn and I saw earlier.

As with time zone difference , when he was spotted on Warner's set at 2:30 yesterday, it would have already been 8:24 in London.

So, I guess, we'll just have to see where future tweets take us.

Though , I agree, it would be great to see Leo and Johnny hanging out :)

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