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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Helen Mirren: What I've Learned

The best compliment? Right after winning the Oscar, when everyone was going home, they let these little gold Oscary shapes flutter down from the ceiling. Leonardo DiCaprio came over, bowed down, and kissed my hand. It was the most fabulous moment and such a lovely gesture. He didn't say anything.


How sweet of him :wub:

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Helen Mirren's comments about 2005 Oscars and Leo

I'm sure all of you probably were already aware of this, but, I saw it just now posted several times on Twitter , and it is a nice comment about Leo.

From Esquire interview

The best compliment? Right after winning the Oscar, when everyone was going home, they let these little gold Oscary shapes flutter down from the ceiling. Leonardo DiCaprio came over, bowed down, and kissed my hand. It was the most fabulous moment — such a lovely gesture. He didn't say anything.

Read more: http://www.esquire.com/features/what-ive-l...1#ixzz1RQchansT

, and it a nice compliment and worth repeating :)


Thanks for another Capri tweet :)

Like all of you, I do hope we get to see some pix.


Thanks for clip :)

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Helen Mirren: What I've Learned

The best compliment? Right after winning the Oscar, when everyone was going home, they let these little gold Oscary shapes flutter down from the ceiling. Leonardo DiCaprio came over, bowed down, and kissed my hand. It was the most fabulous moment and such a lovely gesture. He didn't say anything.


How sweet of him :wub:

aww that is really soo sweet! he's such a gentleman! :wub:

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oh man,I've been searching for Marvin's Room's premiere pics for days,but can't find anywhere :idk:

wonder if they even took pics on this movie's premiere :idk::laugh:

I don't think there are any cause he didn't attend cause he was in Mexico shooting Romeo and Juliet. :wave:

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oh man,I've been searching for Marvin's Room's premiere pics for days,but can't find anywhere :idk:

wonder if they even took pics on this movie's premiere :idk::laugh:

I don't think there are any cause he didn't attend cause he was in Mexico shooting Romeo and Juliet. :wave:

you wanna tell me he missed it ??? :o aw I couldn't imagine that,we know he doesn't attend the awards if he's not nominated, but he always attends his movie premieres :idk:

you sure ??? :o I could only found Diane Keaton's 2 or 3 pics and no one else :no:

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I think Solange's right Sick! Unfortunately! :(

Btw,Hey Solange,how do you put these gifs below? :)

Pami, go to your My Controls and go to your Signature and put in whatever avi url between the symbols [ ] just like you would with pics - hope it works!

I think it must be the case with Marvin's room premiere cause he does otherwise go to his premieres - I dont see any pics for Total Eclipse either so I think he was also busy at that time and also probably did not have too many premieres for both movies since they weren't "big" movies. He even went to the quick and dead premiere so he goes if he is able.

If anyone is interested, pretty accurate (to me) reading of Leo's horoscope:

sted Mar 15th 2010 at 12:05PM by Jeff Jawer, Tarot.com


Leonardo DiCaprio is a mysterious Scorpio with a depth of personality to match his considerable talents as an actor. Fame and fortune do not appear to have diluted his passionate spirit and are unlikely to deter him from his desire to be more than a mere entertainer.

Leonardo DiCaprio has combined box office and critical success to become one of Hollywood's brightest stars. The former child actor has worked with top-shelf directors Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, Baz Luhrmann, Woody Allen and James Cameron in developing the most impressive film resume of his generation.

Born November 11, 1974 at 2:47 am in Los Angeles, Leo combines the intensity of his Scorpio Sun with the balance of a Libra Moon and Ascendant that makes for a highly complex personality. His flaxen hair and roundish face top off a lanky body that almost makes him look like a stick figure. Boyish and profound, demanding of himself and distant with the press, Leo's a bit of mystery, which is usually the way Scorpio likes it.

The dance between accessibility and privacy is one Leonardo knows all too well. Venus, the planet of attraction, was conjunct his Scorpio Sun when he was born. This tends to make someone seductive, although he is not obvious about playing with his powers of magnetism. He probably just feels it and knows that he can reel people in without coming on strong. With passionate Mars also in Scorpio it might be surprising that he hasn't developed a Colin Farrell-type rep for bed jumping. But Saturn, the planet of restraint and commitment, forms a supportive 120-degree trine to Leo's Sun-Venus conjunction that favors longevity over variety when it comes to love.

Leo's intelligence comes through on screen and in his concern for environmental issues, and this is clearly supported in his birth chart as well. Mercury, the planet of intellect, is right next to Uranus, the symbol of brilliance and originality. He's inventive and unconventional in his thinking, someone who definitely will not follow the pack, but who restlessly seeks new ideas and projects to satisfy his boundless curiosity. A Mercury-Uranus conjunction, though, can make it hard for him to compromise conceptually and virtually impossible for him to follow traditional lines of thinking.

Likable Libra Rising in a chart adds charm and often good looks. Leonardo's Moon in Libra brings yet another note of grace. However, brooding Pluto sits powerfully between these two points, dampening the lightness associated with this sign. Libra loves to please, and Leo's certainly capable of doing that, but Pluto prefers to hold the reins of personality tightly and hates to appear superficial. Privacy is a must for the actor who needs to spend more of his time looking into the depths of his soul than chatting with the press about his latest picture. Yes, Leo does take himself seriously, as well he should. Serious Saturn forms a tough right-angle square with his Libra Moon, adding a distinctly somber tone to this otherwise bright and shiny sign. The man wants impact more than he wants to be loved. He needs to feel as if his work can save the world, rather than divert attention from real problems. Leonardo DiCaprio will not play the violin while the Titanic sinks. He will, like the lost hero Jack, struggle mightily and give his life, if necessary, to make a difference

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Leonardo DiCaprio will not play the violin while the Titanic sinks. He will, like the lost hero Jack, struggle mightily and give his life, if necessary, to make a difference

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Re: Wolf of Wall Street

I really haven't read any additional information about the film beyond what was announced at Cannes Film Festival.

I still haven't read of any definite director attached to project. At one time it was going to be Scorsese & Leo, and then Paramount

wouldn't release Marty to do the film for Warners, and that is when the duo instead elected to do "Shutter Island" for Paramount.

But the recent Cannes news didn't mention who might be directing it.

So, personally, I see it as a 'not sure' :)


Re: Marvin's Room premiere pix.

Along with searching for Capri pix, I shall have to add Marvin Room pix to my search :)


I like the astrological Leo chart you posted. It seems 'spot on' to me .Thanks for posting :)

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Re: Wolf of Wall Street

I really haven't read any additional information about the film beyond what was announced at Cannes Film Festival.

I still haven't read of any definite director attached to project. At one time it was going to be Scorsese & Leo, and then Paramount

wouldn't release Marty to do the film for Warners, and that is when the duo instead elected to do "Shutter Island" for Paramount.

But the recent Cannes news didn't mention who might be directing it.

So, personally, I see it as a 'not sure' :)

Thank you Oxford! :)

I saw a video on youtube and Leo was talking about this project,but i haven't heard anything about it either.

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