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Leonardo DiCaprio and Friends Urge Calif. Senators to Save Sharks

This June, world-famous actor/activist Leonardo DiCaprio penned a letter to members of the California State Senate in support of Assembly Bill 376, which would prohibit the sale of shark fins in California. (Read Leonardo's letter»)

The bill, backed by The HSUS, WildAid, and the Natural Resources Defense Council and authored by California Assembly Members Paul Fong and Jared Huffman, is an effort to save sharks and the oceans by banning the possession, sale, trade and distribution of shark fins in California. In addition to DiCaprio, AB 376 is supported by a host of prominent celebrities. Among them are Edward Norton, Scarlett Johansson, Ke$ha, Kristen Bell, Paul Rudd and Chinese basketball great Yao Ming.

California is considered the largest source of demand for shark fin outside Asia, and this bill would represent a major step toward reducing pressure on shark populations. Every year fins from up to 73 million sharks are used for shark fin soup, which is contributing to the decimation of shark populations worldwide so that now one-third of open ocean (pelagic) shark species are threatened with extinction. As sharks play a vital role in the oceans, their depletion could cause irreparable damage to marine ecosystems.

DiCaprio teams with the NGOs to bring attention to dwindling shark populations worldwide. "Despite fisheries attempts at regulation, the inhumane practice of finning continues unabated too, as does the illegal capture of sharks from marine reserves and sovereign waters," writes DiCaprio.

Other celebrities in support of AB 376 include: Nigel Barker, Steve Berra, Rachel Bilson, Colbie Caillat, Philippe Cousteau, Robert Davi, Emily Deschanel, Flea, Megan Fox, Elizabeth Gore, Ariana Grande, Lucas Haas, Kelly Hu, Anthony Keidis, Wendie Malick, Alyssa Milano, Dominic Monaghan, Mike Muller, Sally Pressman, Lindsay Pulsipher, Amanda Righetti, Alexander Skarsg�rd, Ian Somerhalder, Hal Sparks, Steve-O, Ben Stiller, Ethan Suplee, Sam Trammell, and Michael Vartan.


Very nice :blush: . This is our Leo :yes: .

I agree Nanda! :heart:

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Hey girls,

I just found this on facebook, I follow Leo's page and there's a woman who wrote this about her son,he's 7 years old and he's a big fan of him!

That's so cute in my opinion,different generations and the same love! :wub:

"My son Trevor who is 7 has got to be one of your biggest fans we have pictures of you from titantic all over our house. He wants to buy all your movies and he is always online researching you. Oh, you are all over the magazines at this time and he keeps asking me to buy them for him. Just thought I would share that with you. Kim"

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Thanks for reply to my questions :)

Speaking of actors or actresses we would like to see him work again with I would have to list for sure , like, you, DeNiro & Depp.

I would ,also, like to see him work again with Kate W, Michelle W, Marion C, Charlize Theron, Vera F, Cate B., and Meryl Streep Leo has worked with so many talented actresses.

Also, thanks, for assorted videos , repost of Sinatra articles, and recent shark related Leo tweet .


Thanks for great "Five Reasons Why I Love Leonardo DiCaprio" article :)


Thanks for Leo Oscar video and Facebook entry :)

I agree with your comment below. After all, why wouldn't they ,also, name in the suit the restaurant owners, drugstore owners, grocery owners where he spent money during that time. As he could well have been paying those bills as well with their money .

t's kinda funny this case,they had no idea he was using their money (investors' money) to play his poker hands. They don't sit at the door and ask you where you got the money,how could they know this? That's ridiculous in my opinion.


Thanks for "Inception" news ,Newsweek article, more poker articles, and shark article :)

Tho the Newsweek writer seems to be clueless . Has he not seen the amount of women at his premieres ? Is he clueless to the number of woman who have followed him for the past 15 years ?

Does the writer not realize that the same woman could appreciate his "Titanic" good looks they appreciate his titanic acting talent ?

he has alienated the female fans who made him a star.


Great comment, thanks for sharing :}


Thanks for reply to my question :)

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New Details About What Happened At That Beverly Hills Hedge Fund Manager's Celebrity Poker Games

New details have emerged about the celebrity poker games attended by Beverly Hills hedge fund manager Brad Ruderman.

Background: Ruderman (who is now in jail) has been accused of paying poker debts to celebrities like Tobey Maguire using investors' money from his hedge fund. Ruderman allegedly attended celebrity poker games, lost money, and paid debts using investors money. Maguire is now dealing with a lawsuit dealt by Ruderman's former clients, who are trying to recoup the losses they incurred by being invested in Ruderman's hedge fund.

Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck, and Matt Damon are also referenced as celebs who attended the games, but there's no allegation of their getting paid in money from Ruderman's investors.

The basic plot line goes like this: Ruderman was a hedge fund manager, he got an invite to celebrity poker games, he lost money, and now his investors are suing because they allege that more than $300,000 that Ruderman lost to Tobey Maguire should be paid back to them.

When the first details of the lawsuit were published earlier this week, it was interesting, but of course everyone was left wondering about what transpired in the poker games. Well now, thanks to gossip sites like RadarOnline and Perez Hilton, we have some information about what happened during the games.

Radar says the celebs played no-limit Texas Hold

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I don't think all those famous actors would be so stupid with the cociane.

I'm sad this happened, they were just some guys playing poker, what's the big deal? It happens everywhere...

I would love Leo to play Sinatra :heart:

Especially with Scorsese, I love the whole Howard Hughes style and area.. :wub:

I don't think we should be worried about Kevin.

It seems to me that Leo's still hanging with his old friends but they are usually low key and not in clubs or something (playing poker :p )

The race car driving with Tobey, and Kevin C. was in Israel with Bar and Leo's mom, so I think they are still very close, otherwise he wouldn't join... :)

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Blah blah blah, Leo loves Blake more than anyting in the world.. blab bla

Blah blah, Blake is perfect bla bla his '' friends ''' are so happy for him...

I feel TERRIBLY sorry for the person who spends 12 hours a day making this sh*t up..

Blake Lively Moves In with Leonardo DiCaprio

Things are getting serious with Hollywood’s latest “it” couple, Blake Lively and Leonardo DiCaprio. After going public (of sorts) with their romance at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, the two actors have now moved in together, a new report suggests.

Despite reports that their romance may actually be older than a few weeks and that they only made sure they kept it a secret until Cannes, the glossies still say that they’re in the puppy love stage – and moving fast towards the next one.

Blake and Leo are now living together, Us Weekly writes (story via here). Believe it or not, she has found the way to the actor’s heart and, as the saying goes, it’s through his stomach.

“Recipe for romance! Blake Lively has only been dating Leo DiCpario for a few weeks, but she’s already comfortable in his kitchen,” the mag writes.

She’s just as comfortable in his house, where she’s become a fixture as of late.

“She stayed with him in LA recently and spent the whole time baking. Leo’s never dated a girl who can cook. And he’s just smitten!” a source well familiar with the situation reveals.

So head over heels is the A-list star with Blake that he’s even introduced her to his closest friends, something he’s never done with any of the girl he’s dated.

“‘They’re shocked by how quickly he’s moving,’ continues the source, who adds that DiCaprio, 36, has also been bunking at Lively’s downtown apartment when he’s in NYC,” Us writes.

Shocked as they may be, Leo’s friends are also happy seeing how happy he is with his new girl.

“They are really into each other and doing great!” the spy says of the lovebirds.

As we also noted on several past occasions, ever since they were photographed together in Cannes, Leo and Blake have been practically inseparable – which means that the above report, though unconfirmed, is not really that far-fetched.

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Well, US weekly seems to have a great source, not? Is just not possible have all that informations, and who would be able to be so close of Leo and Blake to know all that? I don't think it's impossible that Blake passed some days in Leo's house since they both were not seen anywhere this days, but move in with him with just 1 month of relationship is too much... :p We know that possibly all this is made up but still is funny to read.

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wanna some pics or movie news :cain: but there's nothing :(

aw J.Edgar teaser....... com'n Clint, show us those little parts from your movie :(

I think we'll get new pics soon,and we need to think that Leo will star great movies very soon! Great movies and great roles....I smell Oscar! :drool:

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OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH LALAL I'm bored and annoying all about this article and "sources" what a pity to see that leo making the cover of tabloids or be on the magazine just for his private life. I don't know if these story is true but if it is like I say from the begining with this story with blake things go too fast : vacations, introduce to friends, this rumour with irmelin and now moving with him ? What's this ?

I could understand that blake thinks that leo is the one ( I thinkthat all the women of the world think that leo is the one) but bar wait 4 years before to move with him. I think that all this things are too fast and that this "hapiness" will not last it's just a crush.

I'm disppointed about leo behiavour I mean this year a lot of actor, actress... split but some of them are still single maybe because they are not ready to restart a relation so they enjoy but for leo the things go too fast. But I'm curious to see if he has introduce her to irmelin and if she go with him around the worl during Hoover promotion. :yuckky:

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Calista: why you are so worried? this is just a made up rumor started by a magazine, the source don't exist... I have sure Leo don't care for this because he don't need this type of publicity, but seems that you STILL don't understand that all this is happening because both Leo and Blake are very very famous and this type of gossips happen to everyone that is big in Hollywood. Now, about Leo introduce Blake to his mother, if they're romance last eventually this will happen and go together on premieres, I don't have idea.

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Calista: why you are so worried? this is just a made up rumor started by a magazine, the source don't exist... I have sure Leo don't care for this because he don't need this type of publicity, but seems that you STILL don't understand that all this is happening because both Leo and Blake are very very famous and this type of gossips happen to everyone that is big in Hollywood. Now, about Leo introduce Blake to his mother, if they're romance last eventually this will happen and go together on premieres, I don't have idea.

I agree barbie! ;)

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so its been a while since i posted in this topic ohmy.gif sorry!!

but i read that blake and leo arent a couple anymore? blink.gif

Gossips Cocobeach,they are always makin' up new stories! Actually we are not sure about anything yet! hehe

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so its been a while since i posted in this topic ohmy.gif sorry!!

but i read that blake and leo arent a couple anymore? blink.gif

Gossips Cocobeach,they are always makin' up new stories! Actually we are not sure about anything yet! hehe

okay :)

so its all gossip about leo and blake being a couple?? :o they look cute together though :) but maybe they are just good friends ?

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